
CRank: 5Score: 6550

i thought you was gonna shoot me down in flames. i already said in my first post that sony would overtake microsoft sometime next year, and may even snatch a win from nintendo.

yep i agree that mgs will sell a fair few consoles....i just dont expect it to sell millions. i'm not sure about home either. when that finally hits, i will have a ps3 also. but home is not a reason for my purchase. and i dont expect that to sell that many consoles either.

5963d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

but 10mil is a bit much.

slim daddy: your posts always amuse me, and you prove time after time that them rose coloured spectacles have a playstation logo emblazoned on them. where is this momentum that you are talking about? coz it's only europe where sony are doing well. in japan they are being stomped by nintendo, and in america they are barely neck and neck with microsoft in sales.

there was a little commented on thread last week(i say little commented on beca...

5963d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

in NA and their home turf of japan???

nintendo is giving sony a serious hiding in japan, and in NA sony have been double penetrated by microsoft and nintendo. it's only in europe does sony have something to smile about.

compared to the ps1 and ps2, the ps3 is barely breathing. sony will sometime next year overtake microsoft, and mite just about overtake nintendo by the time this gen is done. but they wont be selling no 100mil consoles....i dont think they will ever a...

5963d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

you said 200k without counting america or japan? laughable! where's your proof? the jap figures on here last week were what i wrote down. and the npd figures for north america have them neck and neck in monthly sales.

the ps3 is catching the 360. just not at the rate at which the fanboys dream it will....

5963d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as long as you are condeming the 360 numbers, then everything is ok....lol you just cant beat n4g.com

5963d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

have any proof?

sony is probably barely beating the 360 by 20k a month in japan. there was some jap figures on here the other day which had 8k ps3's sold, and 1.5k 360s for the week. in NA it's neck and neck every month. i'd like to see where the extra 80k has come from.

5963d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

sony managed to beat(if this is true by the way) microsoft by a whopping 27k. that's an amazing number. so in europe sony are trouncing microsoft by an absolutely incredible 100k. man that's alot! sony must be pleased with how europe has kept the ship afloat. and even more pleased that the 360 has already died in japan.

coz nintendo have pounded them in japan, and sony have been double penetrated in NA. they desperately need the 100k more a month that europe is generating......it's...

5963d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

coming in 09. a.p.b and huxley...these two alone will compete with sonys 09 line-up. plus whatever else makes it. 09 will be great again for both platforms heyheyhey

5964d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i see that you're a regular on mvcuk aswell....man sad fanboys trolls like you are easy to spot..

when are you gonna start calling yourself "larry" on here aswell?? little saddo.

montrealien. that made me chuckle.

5964d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

sony will be creating a console with a resolution of 7680 x 4320, 240fps, 5D graphics, quadruple hdmi outputs, and a flux capacitor to enable owners to go back in time to play ps1,2,and 3 games.

5964d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

can you simplfy your post because i cant seem to get the point? i dont own a ps3 correct. but i will do soon once we complete our move. and anyway, when do you see me attacking the ps3's games or console? feel free to look at my previous comments. i attack the senseless rabid fanboys that dwell on n4g.com. the home of plenty.

as to the camera issue? obviously team ninja cant seem to get that rite....i've never owned a ninja gaiden game so i cant comment because i dont play games li...

5964d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

it gives 360 gamers a taste of the problems beset a plethora of ps3 titles..

just looking through the first 20 comments. only one honest ps3 owner replys(idontcare is his name), and the rest is just the usual fanboy line-up loving the chance to dish some dirt.....on a game less than 20% of the inital posters will even play. the rest dont even own the system!!

NG is not a game i will be buying anyway.

5965d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

just read your rant there...i believe you lol. i could almost feel the anger flowing through the monitor lol. you say all that but then pretend that you were "going to get one" lol

5965d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

are you another one of sammy_mantra/alexM/sahdow hearts/len hearts ,amy alter egos?????? i just saw you post the exact same thing in another ng2 thread!

copy and pasting the same thing over and over is exactly what nasim, the man of many accounts likes to do!

5965d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

as if you would get a 360 anyway...lol. after reading some of the comments you make on here about it?!

i wont be gettig NG2. i don't like devil may cry(over hyped trash!), run/jump/hack/slash repeat over and over, and NG2 is exactly the same...except they have made it hard to frustration levels, and i dont want to destroy one of my controllers because they've made the game too hard to compenste for the lack of everything else.

mikeslemonade: surely you're not und...

5965d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

but i dont think they will because they fear it will be used to help cheaters...or teams of them! if that is the problem, they should have 4-way chat in the dashboard, and off-line games or parts of the game only.

5965d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont want to pick on you, but you totally contradicted yourself in that post. i did see the fact that you wrote that first pic was a bull-shot...but the rest of your post...hmmm. let's just leave it at that. i'm out of bubbles, and am just about to go out anyway.

anyway, it doesn't really matter what scorn people without 360's pour on this game, or how much they try to down-play the 5-vs-5 multi-player. gears will be a great game, and will sell multiple millions! expect this ...

5965d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

alrite saddo. man you are the most pathetic excuse of a human being ever. and if you really are a game tester, then like someone else said. you are a pityful excuse of an adult.

although sony europe is just asking for trouble, he get's something rite whe he says your a stupid c"*t. and no-one hyped the games your talking about.."gaylo 3 at 540p" sorry, but thats not an adult talking.

5965d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

obviously you dont own a 360! so you haven't checked out the "gameplay" footage on the marketplace have you????????????

the scans are taken from the exact same footage!!!! and you haven't played the first gears either, have you? check the pic where where they are duelling with their chainsaws. see the little icon at the bottom in the middle...telling you to press the B button???

now please stay in the ps3 threads. thanks

5965d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

no worries bud. when you get it, pm me and i'll send you my gamertag.

5965d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment