
CRank: 5Score: 6550

and microsoft do what the sony fanboys pray they do and pull out of the console market, then i think ea mite feel confident enough to go ahead and release a console.

and with no other sports game competition because aquiring take two would eliminate that. they would have gta also. probably the highest grossing franchise available at the mo. i think getting take two would be a key to ea's console ambitions.

they have


5949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you're an idiot. that's all i need to say really.

5949d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment
5949d ago
5949d ago

feel free to link my posts which paint me as a hypocrite, or comments where i expose myself as an idiot!?

the bottom line is, i attack moronic fanboys..of which there is plenty on here. if your claim that i am something, then atleast have something of mine to put under scrutiny.

but, the underlying reason for your to dig me out is because i said that killzone and gt are just running on superior game engines nothing else. and would most probably be able to run on ...

5949d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

for your stupid know nothing fanboyism...

5950d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

it's only sony consoles that improve with age. only sony consoles improve as devs learn new ways to make them sing...every other console, especially the 360, is maxed within the first 18 months. whilst sony consoles can get better and better with age. just like a chateau neuf....didn't you know??????????????????

things will get better for both consoles. but, it is upto the developer or in-house studio to creat the amazing game engines needed. at the moment, the pretties and probabl...

5950d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

feel free to link my previous comments, and add links that prove me wrong.

i'll check back to see what you can come up with.


5950d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

san andreas was the third gta game with the game engine. gta3 like gta 4 had not much else apart from the missions and side stuff. the next gta will have more things to do, and the third like san andreas will have even more stuff.

rockstar will figure out how to squeeze more and more with each game, and implement more and more stuff...well done for making yourself look stupid though. 10 points for that.

5950d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

why bother posting in the 360 threads?? and everything you say is negative anyway. your japanese comparison just shows how stupid and niave you are. and, it shows just how much sony have fallen in japan. only 2mil, when the wii is on nearly 7mil in japan. microsoft is gonna finbd it difficult correct...even with all the jrpgs. but sony which dominated two generations is outperformed by nintendo in every region, barely keeps up with microsoft in NA and only sells roughly 150k a month more WORL...

5950d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

which are not always right.

wii fad= no way, it's slaughtering everything in every region. it's sales show no sign of slowing down either. if this "fad" can last til 2010/11 when the next gen of consoles start coming out, then they will have dethroned sony this gen.

ps3 most loyal fanbase= true, just look at how many more sony fans there are on here compared to any other! sometime late next year the ps3 will overtake the 360 because of stronger sales in...

5950d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

in development for 10 years..lol are you stupid? do you think too human is gonna run on a game engine that was made for the ps1 lol???

the idea has been on paper for that long, they started the work a couple of yeard ago.

what did i say about thinking before posting?

5950d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

thats because those two run on umatched game engines! no games on the 360 have been in development for as long as those two, and none have had game engines crafted as good as those two.

the only thing your post and those two games you write about prove is that they are unmatched with investment aqnd man hours.

it doesn't prove that the 360 couldn't handle or run those game engines. just that nothing has yet been created to equal their engines.

fanboys ...

5950d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

2 player co-op though...which is great for an rpg. especially as there isn't that many co-op rpgs available at the mo.

5950d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is a day one purchase for me. especially with co-op confrimed. i like the style and art direction also...shaping up to be an epic game. i'm looking forward to august.

5950d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

is that with all these rpg threads going on. and everyone loving rpgs, the only microsoft thread to make the top of the page is the thread that obviously bashes the console.

positive 360 news and n4g dont really go together....i'll be more than surprised if any one of the posistive 360 articles circulating today make the top of the page.

unless it can be bashed by the n4g dwellers, they disappear quicker than haze threads.

5950d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but the ps3 is not exactly alive and kicking at home either. 9k a week in japan is abysmal for sony. and square enix know they can sell games to westerners...they've been doing it for years on other consoles.

anyway, credit to microsoft for tenaciously pursuing jrpgs

5950d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

ofcourse the 360 has rrod, i know people that have had the problem. i dont try to blindly defend a corp like microsoft. thats why i find it hard to fathom the valiant defense put up by sony and microsoft fans alike.

i dont want to attack you, but could you please point to where i said the was no reliability issues??

bottom line, i was digging out HD, a blatant fanboy, with nothing good to say about a console or games that he will ever own.

5951d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

resistance, metal gear and killzone imo. although alot of people would love gt and ff, they are both not my cup of tea...hence imo.

5951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

like someone else said, with all the great games for the 360, and a 3 year warranty, it's no risk at-all. but everyone knows your a bad sony fan boy, and your comments should be taken with a pinch of salt.

do people like you HOPE that someone without a console will see these sort of threads and not a buy a 360?? i have to ask, because there is so many on here nowadays.

although bloodmask is just posting anything that will generate flame wars and hits.....he wants to ...

5951d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment