
CRank: 5Score: 6550

just pity. and hating you would imply that i actually care! if your ps3 isn't satisfying you, pehaps you should ask for a rampant rabbit for xmas...that mite do the trick!! look back at any of the 1000 lbp threads to see what people are talking about.

blitzed: good find. cant argue with that. but, i aint no fanboy, and i dont sit here day after day defending microsoft and attacking sony. feel free to go throuh the rest of my posts.

5756d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment
5756d ago

their talking about raising the prices of their electrical goods because of market forces, yet, people are expecting them to lower the price of the most cost in-efficient product? blu-ray is a great feature in a console. but it has hurt sony in the pocket at a very bad time indeed.

5758d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you are the new nasim. a shamless virgin sony fanboy. and it never ceases to amaze me how all the worst sony fanboys have loads of bubbles....says alot about this site me thinks

just do everyone a favour, find the highest building in your town, and throw yourself from it's roof. your pathetic. sony doesn't love you, it doesn't pay you, yet you are here defending them like they are a family member. very sad indeed.

5758d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

aint you normally sniffing morganfells 8rse?? he wasn't around so you latched on to the other fanboy loser HD!

another week, another rehashed article about live....i also noticed the old faithful rrod thread, and a good ol sony fanboy pat-on-the-back we dont need the ps4 yet. laughable really. and it never ceases to amaze me how many times you see the same sony fanboys spewing the same sad rubbish.

no life losers perhaps??

i've had live for four years and ...

5832d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

especially when they paint the ps3 in an amazing light.

HD: you have a wife and kids? i'm quite surprised. after reading what you write on here most days, i was under the impression that you was still a teenager. does your wife know about your secret love affair with a GAMES CONSOLE???

anyway, the ps3 is ahead of the pack when it comes to HD movie playback, and it does have alot of 1st party exclusives, but that's it. and having loads of 1st party games doesn't guar...

5842d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

then compare it to the prettiest bumper car game in existense. you will see the difference. especially when you try to old gt race winning trick...speed up to a corner, and just use the other cars as cushions to go into first place. works everytime on every gt game.

i can see how that is called simulation. that's what i always do when i'm late for work and behind traffic. just ride them round corners in my indestructible car.

5855d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as usual, the sony body guards come rushing to the defense only to make themselves look like the stupid know nothings they are!!!

how many of you virgins have even heared of simbin?? or played any of their games??? that's rite, none! do your research before posting fud.

coz you have all just made yourselfs look very stupid.

i'm talking about the ones above and below....i dont need to talk about the bottom feeders in the open zone.

5855d ago 18 agree20 disagreeView comment

i dont really understand your point? because it's it's easy to code for, that doesn't prove that it's incapable of running a hardware pressing game engine does it?????????? far-cry2 is something that springs to mind instantly.

drekken: please post some links from INDEPENDENT DEVELOPERS and not some two-bit gaming site claiming that the 360's maxed beacause gears is still one of the best looking games on it! i go back to my original point, game engines make the games what they are....

5863d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment
5863d ago

do everyone a favour. find the tallest tower block in your town, go to the top floor, and throw yourself from a window. that will be better, and you wont be missed. also, it will save you the pain of being a 40 yearold virgin aswell.

5863d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

you've been taking smoking to much crack me thinks. sony selling more since 2007??? the wii has been tearing sony a new arse since launch! the more comments i read on this site from the twisted sony fanboys, the more it i think that they are just hating the fact that their beloved sony is struggling.

and after a decade of domination, and an incredible brand, sony are barely beating the 360 worlwide on monthly sales. i know the sony fanboys hate to face the truth, but sony have fall...

5863d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

are you reffering to the lame articles that are wrote by idiots that are posted on this sony fanboy run and infested site?! NO console has been maxed in two years ever.. for an example, pop in a launch ps2 title, then compare it to a recent release. unless ofcourse on sony consoles have the potential to improve with time whilst every other console is defunct within two years. especially when the the ps3 and 360 are pretty evenly matched i.e: same ram, slightly better gpu in the 360 and better...

5863d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

it's a real shock to see that sony can only shift 300k more in NA than microsoft this year so far...but the real shock is it only sold 400k more than the ps2. that console just wont die!

and both sony and microsoft must be hating nintendo. sony has gone from king of the world, to second place in one region in one generation. japan and asia lost to nintendo, NA lost to nintendo and microsoft, and only europe buying ps3's in a significant margin over microsoft....but still hopele...

5874d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

of your calibre tin-tin. perhaps he's somehow missed one of your posts where you mention you're a dev...i cant see how though. and he probably didn't realise you was browsing, and expecting reverance!

what AAA games have you made by the way? i'd be interested to know.

anyway, on topic. i liked the demo, and will be picking it up this week. i rarely buy games because of reviews.

5874d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

but i dont need a reviewer to tell me i enjoyed the demo very much will be getting this on day one. i've been looking forward to this since the demo hit.

just had a peek in the open zone..lol or should it be re-named the virgin zone???? saddest place on the internet.

5881d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

them 20k more a month in the us will surely help sony catch up the 5mil they are behind sometime in the next millenium.....

what i also find strange is how everybody was waiting for the new 80gig ps3 explaining the low sales. but choose to ignore that the new 60gig 360 was coming aswell? why is that? perhaps a collective amnesia has gripped the fanboys.

sales figures mean nothing, just rubbish for fanboys to squabble over.

pog: why would sony fanboys be worrie...

5882d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

they may continue to make games for it when the ps4 launches(sometime in 2012), but there's no way they will be able to sit there and do nothing when nintendo and microsoft have new hardware on the market....which me thinks will be out for xmas 2010.

going by what has happened this gen. something which nobody fault would happen. i.e nintendo stomping everyone, and microsoft holding sony at bay in NA. they cant afford to sit idly by whilst those two corner the market.

5886d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

but in my defense, i never comment in the ps3 threads or go in there because i dont own a ps3. the only ones i veiw are threads about r2 and killzone2....the games that interest me the most. then i rarely comment.

xbox fanboys in xbox threads can ramble all they like, same with sony fanboys. but when they're all over the threads i read(95% 360 threads because thats what i have), it's just stupid....and getting worse by the day on here. as i said, the schools are out for summer. <...

5886d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment
5887d ago