
CRank: 5Score: 6550

as 1.8 said, it's old school! i like a full screen, not half of one! i did'nt buy my hd so i could share the screen, even though it's big enough!

since going on-line 4 years ago, i would'nt give anything to return or even play split screen! definately not a plus in my book! but, rockstar does have to account for all the children who have ps3! and have to share with siblings and friends!

360 version for me! dlc, all my family and friends have them, and we're gonna be hav...

6004d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

do i really need to answer everything?? 3 years was'nt enough for the original i'll give you that!

yeah microsoft are in this! again, what have said about your arrogance?

obviously i've plenty of experience with the ps1 and ps2...just like all the other consoles i've owned before them! and the ps3 is'nt nowhere near selling like either of those! you know it, awsell as everyone else mate. why try and deny it?

and is the fact that the ps3 "outselling" ...

6004d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

your arrogance is very annoying. and you clearly no very little! HOW THE HELL DID MICROSOFT EXPECT TO BEAT SONY WITH THE FIRST XBOX?????? IT WAS RELEASED OVER A YEAR LATER, AND NOT A HOPE IN HELL OF CATCHING, LET ALONE BEATING IT! the first xbox was to get into the market, the second to get marketshare, and yeah i think ms think they can win next-gen....i dont agree with it personally! 25mil orignal xboxs for their first console was pretty good, considering the time it was released! i remembe...

6004d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

any links to back up all those wild claims there bud???? on what you have none! just wait til they are released before spreading lies and fanboy fud will ya!

6004d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

do you not feel just a little sad, and a little like a complete failure in life when you comment with one account, then sign in with another account and say pretty much the same thing??????? lol

perhaps a girlfriend mite help! or boyfriend?! even sheep perhaps? lol what-ever floats your boat?

6004d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

i was asking for link that was highlighting the 360s gta problems compared to the ps3 version? not a rrod forum post. i think we have our wires crossed mate. thanks for the link anyway bud!

lastdance/lookbehind: why did you edit your second post? after claiming that the 360 was the worst piece of gaming junk in history?

6004d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well done on making yourself look like an idiot fanboy. and i have to ask if your lookbehind on another profile????lol. i think you are personally!

worst piece of gaming junk, how deluded and sad you are! anyway, i've been gaming since i had an atari vcs2600...which was around before you was even born! look it up on google!

as i said, can you post them links lookbehind/lastdance. what name would you prefer to be known by????

bathyj: i'm not touchy,...

6004d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if not, the open zone is that way! i would suggest you post your nonsense there mate!

6004d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

i've read some of your enlightened rubbish in the open zone, you should stay there permanently!

and now vgchartz is reputable?? lol. i was under the impression that it was just estimates?! ofcourse the ps3 was gonna have a good month software wise...gtp was just released!

anyway, if i was wrong then i'm sorry! but one month of decent software sales does'nt really come near the 360s attachment ratio does it?

child lol i wont bother telling you how old i am. bu...

6004d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

silly fanboys. according to people like you, it's a wonder they managed anything more than a city block on a dvd! perhaps it just shows people like yourself that blu-ray is a luxury, not a neccessatie!(check spelling)

i can't see being a new city or map, just a load of missions and tasks i would imagine. anyway, no-one knows yet! and it's good to have the choice to be able expand what will undoutably be an extensive game already! on which system to buy this for me is a no brainer! ...

6004d ago 18 agree8 disagreeView comment

ofcourse it sells more software???????/ when that attachment rate with the 360 is 7-1. pull your head out of the sand!

the 360 is more than popular in the uk, and sony wont catch it up there this year no-way! the rest of europe is sonys already! the fact that sony only outsells microsoft by a small margin in the uk, and the 360 has been out for considerably longer, just shows how popular it's become over here!

6004d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

i have an elite, with ample room on my hard-drive!

hydrolex: i don't want to burst your bubble, but warmer colours will mean less of a pallete! where as the vibrant colours on the 360 will mean a larger pallete! has anyone even seen the ps3 version yet?? it seems that all previews are done with the 360 copy. the cynic in me asks why r* have'nt shown off this alleged "better" version???

more likely that it's not the better version, and that's why they are paradi...

6004d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

but i think webzen are publishing this aswell as huxley. you never know, they could port this! it would definately be a good thing for the ps3 and the psn. only time will tel though.

6005d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

because ps3 owners don't want them, or see the point in them according to what i've read on here! some guy the other day said that ps3 owners were real gamers, and 360 players are just worried about achievements and gamerscore!! lol

but if they do, they should call them accomplishments... because you can't call them entitlements as it sounds ridiculous unless they are gonna give you something for it. and completing some things is an accomplishment! my opinion on the matter folks!

6005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i thought that perhaps microsoft mite have purchased these after crackdown...which was a great game imo! you won't be seeing this on the ps3. and after reading some of the stuff that gets posted on here, i thought that the 360 was already maxed to the hilt, and was dead this year????lol

kids these days ey?!

edit: you are rite sonarus, experience is not a factor! anyway, realtime worlds have been working on this for quite awhile now. that's why this will stay 360...

6005d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

coming to the 360 next year. huxley, this and champions on-line. it's gonna be good, but expensive! i definatly want apb more than the rest though! if they can pull this off, it's gonna be one cracking game for sure! and possibly something really special!

6005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that amount of times i've seen you bound about the fact that mgs is a 50gig game! it's a bit rich is'nt it? now bigger is not better, is that what you are saying??

i'll have a look and see if i have replied to threads where you have been touting it!

6005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so you've played the ps3 version and the 360 version then???????? ofcourse you have'nt! so take your fanboyism to the open zone yeah!

with a game like this, some frame-rate and pop-up has gotta be expected! unless rockstar have made the greatest game engine of all time ofcourse! which clearly they have'nt. it still wont stop me and about 10il others buying this though.

6005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that's why sony are incorperating their own system! i'm not bothered about gamerscore, but i do like to hear the achievment unlocked sound when i get it! plus, it's good when you complete a level or game!

but it's how they are put into the game that counts! becoz pdz had a 1000 sniper kill, it does'nt mean that the system failed, just that rare did'nt really think about it properley! great concept imo

6005d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

have to be created, and people want their wages at the end of the month! they don't come free! and rightly should be paid for! but other stuff? paricularly ea stuff?? well that's upto the individual!

but for me, imo, driving games that require you to complete them in order to un-lock cars to use on-line, should have a buy the lot option!! it would be up to me if i wanted to pay for them, i earn good money, and i can't be bothered to go through say forza to get to level 50. and if ...

6005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment