
CRank: 5Score: 6550

the ps3 guts have been set for almost as long as the 360s....the delay was for blu-ray. and you can bet the first party studios have had the dev kits for a long time! killzone2 has been in development since well before the ps3 was released.

when that game hits, it will equate to nearly 3 years dev time, and without doubt will run on an engine that wont be surpassed this gen on the ps3! the only game thats gonna look marginally better is killzone3!

dont think for one minu...

5882d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

and i suppose ps3 games are in the 5th dimension?

a purposely mis-leadingly titled thread for all the people who've not even heard was said to throw their uninformed opinions at...lol

you've just gotta love n4g.com

5883d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

compared to a 360 running sd with just a scart? if you have, then you will know there's a massive difference!

but, i have a wii also, and it's not in the same league as the 360 in the visuals department. just something to for the missus to play, and put on when we have friends round!

5883d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

because they have never stolen an idea i suppose?

and even so, imitation is the greatest form of flattery!

i cant see the 360 having motion control now. it mite be included next-gen, but i cant see some tacked on rubbish like the ps3's got coming now. and i'm still struggling to see how creating vehicles in banjo is the same as lbp? pretty soon, people are gonna be saying that creating games of the same genre is stealing someone elses ideas!

desperate,is r...

5883d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

i cant seem to understand your point. so making thirteen different games under the same franchise name is not milking it then? lol

what are you talking about? your basically saying that it's ok to make new games and sell the under a brand name this guaranteed to sell....milking a recognised name in other words! lol the weakest argument ever on n4g.com.

and gt and rr are eactly the same, just updates with spit and polish..

i've played all the metal ...

5883d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i must be one of not many that thought ZOE games where hyped nothings, and got great scores because they were made by kojima! i can even remember the comment in ops2 mag "cool mech thriller from metal gear creator". seriously, the most fun i had with the first ZOE was the metal gear solid 2 demo which came with the game!

that's just my opinion! and to be honest i've never been big on mech games.

5883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

did sony creat video games in the first place?? coz i swear i was playing an atari vcs2600 back in the early eighties?? and i'm sure my master system was made by sega, and my nes ny nintendo??

the creche is that way------> go and play with other fanboys!

on topic. i don't want a mid life change for the 360, i want new, improved and much more powerful hardware in 2010. five years after the 360 was launched.

sporting: a blu-ray player, a custom built...

5883d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
5891d ago

i'll just sum it up for you little moron(and i have the feeling its alexM/zimbo/shadow hearts/sammy_mantra i'm talking to here!)

that 50mil has paid for r* studio time retard....they KEEP THAT FOR THEIR HARDWORK! and the profit they make from downloads they KEEP ASWELL.

my god you are stupid and retarded

what do you think they will do it for free for sony? that they don't want their wages for the months that they are doing it for sony. or their bank managers d...

5891d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

and have you noticed how that thread got buried!! after all the digs the ps3 fanboys made about the 360 being the fps console... i wonder why that disappeared.

this site is just pure sony-fanboyism. an rrod thread will linger for days, same with a positive ps3 thread. anything positive towards the 360 will disappear, and likewise anything that is not to nice towards the ps3.

but where else do i go for news?? n4g.com. owned by sony fanboys, contributed to and mode...

5891d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

points out some truths, and gets hounded like a leper for it! if dlc comes to the ps3, then it wont be the same as the 360s...and you can gurantee it wont be til a long time after. what people seem to forget, or just simply overlook, is the fact that 50mil has undoutably paid for R* norths studio time! the whole gta game probably didn't cost 50mil, but that money has guranteed that it will be quality, will be big and more importantly, that the studio will be devoted to it's creation.

5891d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

just look at the comments above and below me. at last someone from sony starts admitting that their machine isn't the second coming. and the fanboys on here attack him for it. lol this site gets better and better.

what should he have said i wonder????

5891d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's pretty sad when ps3 fanboys have to come in 360 threads and try and trash things....why aren't you playing your "superior" console??

anyway, i'm not really into tennis games. although wii sports tennis is quite fun.

5891d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

for ages they've been saying that the 360 has nothing but fps's, and that the playstation has everything. now it's not worked out like that, the 360 has all the genres covered, and ps3's genre catalogue is looking like that of the first xbox.

sony says that playstation is the new home of fps, all the fanboys forget the digs they made against the 360's game variety the past few years, and begin rejoicing lol incredible!

pretty soon, i can see the sony fanboys cl...

5891d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

just look at your pathetic reply and links! no console has been maxed in 2 years, ever. you and the 5 who agreed with you have just made yourselfs look like the shameless fanboys that you are. i'll wait for your favourite comeback asking if i'm "10 years old" lol

@clinton: i'll give you a hint because your fanboyism has made you blind. bust out a launch ps2 title, then compare a recent release to see what differences and improvements can be achieved with hardware tha...

5891d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

thanks for that bud, i had no clue what it all meant until you enlightened me.

5891d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

just crawl back under your rock, and never return. man you are the most annoying, and damn rite pathetic creature that i've yet come across on here. just do anything, but remove your fanboy self you little weirdo!!

it's a little strange to see sonarus(who is a ps3 fanboy, just not of zimbos stripe) getting attacked by the other ps3 fanboys...what gives?

anyway, there's no way of knowing anything because VGCHARTZ IS JUST ESTIMATES!!! BUT, LIKE OTHERS AT NOTED BEFORE, THE...

5891d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

man that looks good....does anyone know what the player count on-line is for kz2??

5891d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how many accounts do you have??????? and now you're a contributor?? laughable.

sony have just said 12mil worldwide, and recently it was announced 19mil worldwide for the 360...

----> creche is that way.

infact how you have the front to show your face is beyond me. and like i said, your now having things put up in threads....just shows how bad this site has become

5891d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

because the 360 saw a hardware growth of 125% and the ps3 127%, it was too close to call. so there was nothing to shout about.

man i'm addicted to gta...gotta be game of the year.

you can see who hasn't read the link by their replys. just saw the title and yep, 360= software and ps3 hardware....not knowing that 360 saw 125% gowth lol.. as if the increase of hardware for both platform holders effects people on here anyway.

5891d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment