
CRank: 5Score: 6550

i'll be burning in hell.

i still find it hard to fathom that educated people in this day and age fell the need to believe in gods and divine beings?!

you live, reproduce and die!! the cycle of life!

5957d ago 15 agree17 disagreeView comment

then nintendo are gonna end up unstoppable this gen! they will sonn be hitting 30mil consoles. although vgchartz is just an estimate and should be taken as such.

5957d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

have a bubble for your level headed reply.

5957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are they gonna get itchy feet and drop A.P.B aswell?? after crackdown, i thought microsoft should've bought realtime worlds then! that was a pretty damn good game in it's own rite, and proved that the studio had talent and that a.p.b had potential! they would be an asset for sure.

these are two big games for microsoft in 09, they should be making sure that these hit without hitch. to lose them now would be more than just a little stupid....unless they have some heavyweight game...

5957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's the members with approval rites that are undermining the site! although, over the last few months things have improved slightly(hardly any nonsense from gameplayer.com.au, and blogs attcking the 360 or creating flame-wars have subsided), it's still not what it used to be....even lenharts/sammy_mantra/nasim is contributor! that does not bode well for any supposed unbiased site!

but then again, everyone with half a brain knows this is not an unbiased site.

5957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

he's supported them since the original xbox, and will undoutably be welcomed by them. perhaps they mite fund a new studio in japan with itagaki as head?

5957d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

huxley was confirmed back in 06! anyway, do you even have a 360? from some of your comments that i read on this site, i dont think you do! also, perhaps you missed the thread the other day saying that 360 has a single player portion aswell!

i'll be getting the 360 version that as someone else has said is trailing the pc version by 6 months.

5957d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

do you know of a better site to go to for news and more mature discussion??

5957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is it me, or all blogs that are negative towards the 360 considered worthy of posting?? seems to be the way it is on here nowadays. blogs are ok aslong as they attack microsoft, or generate flame wars.

High definition: as microsoft has kept pretty tight lipped about 09, it's hard to predict what they have in store. perhaps E3 mite shed some light on what they are prepping for next year. but i would think mass effect2, alan wake and halo wars will be confirmed soon... plus whatever ...

5958d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

when you want proof(although the amount of negative 360 news, and the amount of trolling in the 360 threads is a giveaway.) that n4g is nothing but a rabid sony fanboy site? then just look here for irrefutable proof...

and it comes complete with nonsense headline, that doesn't mean what the fanboys want it to mean either....how sad, perhaps lenhart/nasim/alexM/shadow_hea rts/sammy_mantra and the people who agreed to this should pick up a dictionary, and fine out what vindicated...

5958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

again microsoft have invested heavily in the franchise, and are the publishers..you wont see gears3 for another simple reason me thinks.

because it will be a launch title for the next xbox! along with a game from bungie aswell...i've got a feeling that they will be both lined up as the first salvo from microsoft when they kick off the next-gen late in 2010.

5960d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

nothings confirmed, so dont get your hopes up...besides, it will be a lovely EA port if it does. just like the orange box. ouch!

plus, microsoft invested heavily in mass effect, they published the first, and i thought they paid for the trilogy to be xbox exclusive?!

if anyone knows any different, stick up a link please.

5960d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the more i see what you write, the more i dislike you. you are clearly just an opinionated fanboy that isn't too bright!

bioshock is no way the best exclusive. a better than average fps without multi-player isn't where it's at! gears, mass effect, they would be greater losses! heck, even forza motorsport would be a greater loss than bioshock.

i'm not dissing bioshock, and the ps3 has a "confirmed" pretty good game coming soon...it's nothing to sell the ...

5960d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

just reading your post...

it appears that you dont know anything, and just like to repeat the propaganda that sony owned studios like to put out. plus, you've not played ng2, the demo doesn't have the frame rate problems the reviewers have mentioned(only the camera is slightly dodgy).

you prove time and time again, not just in that post, but in all the other garbage posts you write on here that you're a fanboy through and tthrough. killzone2's game engine is top notc...

5960d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

you shouldn't believe every little story you read on the net. especially some of the stuff posted on here.

after playing the demo, i can confirm, that i've not seen it stutter, or the frame-rate dip at-all! the game runs lightening quick, and is silky smooth.

i'm hoping that doesn't rain on anyones parade!

5960d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

rockstar just didn't have the time to do everything they wanted? man you fanboys are fvcking stupid! delayed to learn new ways to compress it..lol you know nothing you idiot just shut-up.

san andreas was the culmination of three games!! they had two before to perfect the things they wanted!

fanboys like you and nasim/lenhart are just a waste of oxygen! you twist anything to fit your demented fanboy logic, and the rest you just make up as you go along....fvcking sad ...

5961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

your one of the worst fanboys on here-----> creche is that way. 8 has never been considered a bad score. why dont you post some links where people have been saying that???? sh!t, gta3 scored an 8 in ops2 mag back in the day.

you ps3 fanboys are everywhere. especially 360 threads! get a life saddos, or go to the numerous mgs threads. ffs, you cant read any news without you idiots spoiling it with your garbage.

and i bet if i peeked in the open zone rite now, l...

5961d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

just look at the two that have flown in to attck your comment..lol sad really. but n4g is full of saddos.

i've been playing the demo. and although i'm not a fan, and wont be getting it because of the frustration difficulty involved, it's still pretty good. and i've not come across any slow-downs or frame rate issues yet.

5961d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

obviously you only have a ps3! do you think sonys mmo in development(the agency) will be free??? if you do, your seriously deluded and niave!

twp confirmed mmo's for the 360 in 09...this and a.p.b. man i'm looking forward to both!

5961d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

this will be phenomenal! i read that there will be 100vs100 battles in huxley.

where do i have to pay for that? let me know....my debit card is ready and waiting.

5961d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment