
CRank: 5Score: 6550

i think you've heard wrong. i thought everyone knew that the rrod problem was the solder coming lose.

playing geow??? lol. only last week i had a ten hour session on that beauty without a single lock up.

5950d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

sony is doing very good in japan...really, after the ps1 and ps2 how can 9k a week in japan be considered doing very good?? when they are used to selling wii type figures for the last decade?

i notice alot of people on here are very vocal in singing europes praises on here now, and seemingly trying to discount NA because that is the only region where sony is triumphant over microsoft...it's just a shame that sony themselves dont feel the same way and continue to favour NA over the ...

5951d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

the hard-drives and the wi-fi adaptor are expensive. the control pad and other stuff including the wheel are quality items! and are worth the cash....it's a shame that the console has an rrod problem, and is not as robust as the other bits. although, my premium is approaching two and half years old, and has seen more than a few 14hour sessions without hitch. and my elite hust loves them all-day gaming sessions also.

but kev does have a very good point. man i paid a fortune on p...

5951d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

game pre-orders? or console orders?

can you elaborate please.

i wouldn't think that microsoft will regret the 50mil. they will recoup that in download royalties over both episodes....and rockstar/taketwo are always smiling when it comes to rvenue generated by gta....if they get this out before christmas, just watch the spurt in gta game sales aswell.

5951d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

psp is not ps3 is it!!

you are wrong, and your love for sony blinds you.

the wii although not on par with the ps3 or 360, is still considered a this gen console and it's sales slaughter everything....including your beloved ps3

5951d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

but not til the next xbox is on the market around 2010. plus it will be a cheaper technology. microsoft have played things reasonably well. the dvd drive will hold out til the next-gen, and the new format(blu-ray) will be established, and cheaper to implement.

although, if they had put a hd-dvd drive in the 360, and supported the format more vigorously, then things mit have worked out differently.

5951d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

an aerospace engineer? you're a kid! just look at your reply.

another saddo on n4g. it would seem that the sony fanboys bubble each other, because i cant see how you have so many.

5951d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment


make it more than one word aswell! and show me some stuff that says what i wrote is wrong please????

otherwise, go to the ps3 threads with the other fanboys.

5951d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

i was under the impression that they had just revamped the cod2 engine!

can someone verify please?! i seriously thought activision were gonna milk the cod2 engine until the next gen of consoles arrive....besides, although cod4 is superior to cod2, it isn't a poles apart!

anyway, apart from the co-op which cod has been crying out for for a long time. it just sounds like cod3, which was another abysmal failure by treyarch.....cod5, i can see everyone back on cod4 ...

5951d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony and microsoft should just forget all about japan this gen.

nintendo are gonna wrap up this gen with room to spare....i wonder if they are gonna sell 100mil wii's??

japan nintendos. NA microsofts and nintendo's and europe nintendos and sonys....a massive change from the last two generations.

5951d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

that is a pretty sad thing to say. it's a shame that xbox owners aren't getting the opportunity to play this game without having to pay for a ps3.

although, after the other metal gears, i would only buy it for mgo. i only though the original was good....the rest imo were over hyped, and pretty boring.

5951d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i'm glad they've sorted out the servers...i live in france, but was getting put in servers full of americans, and was experiencing some serious lag...

i'll try this in a few hours.

5951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i notice that a.p.b wasn't on there though.

5951d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

they didn't start any work til 05! they just had a story. you make it sound like the game engine was created for the ps1!

cry babies..lol

as i said, started work in 05. it doesn't matter how long they've had the idea! men have wanted to fly for centuries, da-vinci had drawings of flying machines....so does that mean flight has been around since the 1500s?? or did the wright brothers do it first??

anyway, as i can see you're leaning towards a fanboy bia...

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so they toyed with the story. but they didn't actually start work on the game til 05! so what's it to be? did creating the story on "paper" amount to coding it aswell??

answer please!

i cant understand what goes on inside some peoples minds.

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so i your mind devs can get more from the ps3 the longer they have with it, but not the 360??? oh dear.

the podcast on majornelson was about about an xbox-live arcade game..lol you fail miserably!

the ps3 wont be on no crest by 2012. with an already out-of-date(and inferior to the 360s) graphics card, and a measerley 512mb of ram, the ps3 specs are gonna be looking pretty damn poor by then.

the reason why games on the ps3 which launched a year after the 3...

5952d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

i thought gears 3 mite be a launch title for microsofts next xbox...could well be the first title to use said engine, but mite not make the launch.

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it mite not score that great, but if it sells a million plus does that equal a flop?? which i can see it doing easily.

two-player co-op to boot. for an rpg, that will drive sales alone.

the truth is, no-one, not even fanboys on either side can predict the future!

after what i've seen and read, coupled with co-op(which isn't in many rpgs on any system), makes this a day one purchase for me....i'm really looking forward to getting stuck into this trilogy...

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

perhaps they have been reading some of the things that get wrote on here, and have taken a peek in the open zone??

man, fanboyism knows no depth of the barrel on this site!!

5954d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

how much do they pay you monthly for your loyalty??

that was some piece you just wrote there..all so you could say that the xbox business is doomed, and the ps3 FTW!

5954d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment