
CRank: 5Score: 6550

i dont know. some people are saying that they downloaded it with silver accounts...

man that game has it! i dont know about the reviewers claiming there was slow-down and frame rate issues.. because it sure does run smooth, and is ligtening quick. the camera isn't so great though.

5867d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

pro evolution soccer2 on that list????? i dont really like sports games, but that was the best sports title of all time imo. and without a doubt the best footie game i've ever played....and i've played alot of them! my master league teams goal scoring was insatiable! pele and maradonna upfront. beckenbauer, bobby moore, roberto carlos and gullit in defense. schmiechel in goal. socrates, zico, rijkaard and ronaldinho in midfield..lol what a team.

should've been vice city instead...

5867d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but it was nowhere near as bad as the hyped into the stratosphere garbage that was "the getaway". man that game was rubbish! i waited and waited and waited for that game, and when it hit, after all the hype...it was an abortion.

i was disappointed not to see devil may cry on that list either! i know it's multi-platform nowadays, but back in the day when it was sony exclusive, it was just as crap as it is today now it's multi! another senselessly hyped piece of trash. <...

5867d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

your rite, it's hard to imagine how sad it must be being lenhart/nasim/alexM shadow_hearts/sammy_mantra

man that BOY is the saddest loser ever to visit a web-site. but seeing as he is only ever going to have his right hand as company, no girl would ever want a loser of his calibre it's sort of understandable.

lenhart/nasim/alexM shadow_hearts/sammy_mantra: you are officially the saddest/loser/weirdo fanboy ever!!! just fall off a bridge, or throw yourself under a tra...

5868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

go to the link http://www.gamersreports.co... create a japenese account.


if you have a month free pre-paid card from gta or any other game

enter the code

sign out

sign back in

then download....viola!!

hope this helps people.

i copy and pasted this from the other thread were i originally posted ...

5868d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

go to the link in my first post above, create a japenese account.


if you have a month free pre-paid card from gta or any other game

enter the code

sign out

sing back in

then download....viola!!

hope this helps people.

i'm on 10% already!!

5868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

do you have a gold japanese account?? i wanna try this, but my account is only a silver one!

xpro: do you have a gold account aswell? if not, how did you do it?

5868d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

need a gold jap account to download it though

5868d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you attack microsoft for making their console as inexpensive as possible, yet ignore what nintendo have done with the wii! nintendo was on it's knees, they could never have afforded to make a cutting edge console, they made the wii....and the rest is history. i dont really see how microsoft have been sly? they lost alot of money with the original xbox, learnt from that, and are now making a profit on the 360. apart from rrod, the 360 is a great console. and can compete with the ps3 for less m...

5868d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

follow these instructions to make a japanese account http://www.gamersreports.co... very simple, although, it helps if you have the little msn chat keyboard when it comes to finishing it on the dashboard.

chaosatom: go away you fanboy troll. plus you're slightly deluded, what you should of said was that everyone in japan has a wii! your beloved ps3 has been stomped at home by nintendo. the 360 is already dead i...

5868d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i didn't actually get a stop-watch out and time the explosions, but i couldn't really see much difference. could the ps3's last a bit longer because the frame rate did seem to stutter, and it was definately not running as smooth as the 360 version!

i dont know? in all honsety, they look identical graphically! even if the "explosions" are slightly longer, or there was a few more "sheets of paper" in air(we didn't see that bit in the 360 version so how could y...

5868d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

the game engine for far-cry2 is pretty damn good, and if behind killzones, it's only by a whisker....good job ubi, let's hope it plays well on-line though.

that looks great great on both consoles! just reading some of the comments on here...laughable!

perhaps people see things differently?! coz both versions looked identical!

5868d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

because you "lived there"(how long for i ask?), you automatically know what makes US brits tick???? trust me, price has not that much to do with it! as i already stated, earnings are higher in england than the rest of europe. the bit extra for a ps3(which can be purchased new for £299, and an elite for £249) is not a great deal to most people.

lot's of family and friends have got 360s because of the people they know like me had them, and we could play togeth...

5869d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

the amount of people i know with 360s. we all had ps2's aswell. it's not the price, because in the rest of europe where the wages are lower than the uk, the ps3 sells more. it's the fact that so many people have them now, and you can all play on-line together, that more people buy them to play with their family and friends.

even the spurt in ps3 sales next month isn't gonna help sony in places like the uk and NA make up the numbers needed. this gen is totally different from the pre...

5869d ago 5 agree20 disagreeView comment

this is what gears 2 needs imo....just hurry up and confirm it

5869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i thought not, be quiet saddo

5869d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

two games run on dedicated servers on the psn...warhawk and resistance. and do you have any clue why that is?? it's because they games with large player counts! try hosting them peer-2-peer and see how well they run. morons

frontlines had 32 players on the 360, and ran lovely on dedicated servers. you fools make it sound like EVERY game has them, when the reality is totally different. and the games that dont have them....well, we all know how that turns out dont we. live trounc...

5869d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

they dont look to bad. although you've got to expect them to surpass the 360 version in every way...

5869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i was exactly the same. all the gears2 talk. i went out and bought it again last week. a great campaign co-op. completed it on insane co-op...brilliant

5869d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

nintendo have japan sewn up this gen, microsoft should now focus on NA and europe. primarily europe as they are in a good position in NA anyway. cut some money off of the peripherals, drop that silly arcade unit, and start marketing like budwieser and levis did in the 90s. both brands(a couple which spring immediatly to mind) became massive through clever advertising.

in europe, microsoft have to compete with the playstation brand. which is more than established, and revered by...

5869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment