
CRank: 5Score: 6550

what a load of rubbish. stick on the arnie "classic" "Total Recall", and watch the bit where he uses the guy on the escalator as a meat shield! i'm sure they never wanted to cut that at the censors! lol

people have too much time on their hands.

5971d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony just about beating the 360 in only one major gaming region. even you sony sheep cant claim japan as a victory because nintendo has raped them at home. sony have been double penetrated in NA.

you sony sheep that are concerned with numbers dont really have much to smile about nowadays. slaugthered by nintendo in every region, and the biggest market, i.e: NA is held by microsoft and nintendo....with sony in a pathetic third, and will be for a LONG TIME. only europe has stayed...

5971d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

not only are treyarch developing this, it looks like activision are doing with the franchise what ubi did with splinter-cell: 1 year IW build an installment, and it's followed within a year by another installment built by another studio. and they are using the same game engine... i can see them milking the game engine til the next-gen of consoles roles around.

cod2 IW excellent game
cod3 treyarch crap game
cod4 IW good campaign(where's the co-op though?) and superb on...

5971d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and i will be happy!

and some different multi-player game types. gears2 should be a great sequel! the first was more than good.

5972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Why cant the Xbox 360 produce Photo-realistic graphics? Ala Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, or CGI graphics like Killzone 2?"

i would've thought the answer to that question was obvious! both games you've mentioned have both been in production for an eternity, and both run on top notch game engines! both game engines have been built and optimised effectively! and both have had shed loads of cash invested.

the game engines in question, one racing, and one fps will ...

5972d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

who you talking to idiot? go away and dream of your god ken kuturagi....moron

5973d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

yet someone below you doesn't mention xbox, and gets 3 agrees...sad people on an ever increasingly sad site.

too human, fable2 and gears2 for me! plus banjo for me and the missus. once the settee has been puchased, and after we complete our move, resistance2 and mgs will sitting with the ps3 that i buy.

i'm probably most looking forwaerd to too human. the first time ever i've really been pumped for an rpg. 2 player co-op is gonna be awesome. i'm sorry, but poeple...

5973d ago 17 agree11 disagreeView comment

the first non-fanboy and sensible thing i've heard you say! i've thought for years that microsoft should've bought sega! a huge back-catalogue of franchises that could be made anew, and definately a door into japan.

sega would be a great aquisition.

5974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

r* have already earnt 50mil, which will easily cover the studio time, and will then get a cut of the royalties from each download. and microsoft will re-coup that cash in the end.

the bottom line with this is: if you got the ps3 version, then you dont like the fact that you wont be seeing anything like this period. just look at all the comments above and below for proof of the sour grapes.

this will generate a fair amount of interest later on in the year. i'll be...

5974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i cant see this selling that many consoles! creating levels will be tedious to most! still, it's a change to all the shooters that are coming to the ps3 this year.. i think the sales of this game will surprise the sony faithful.

5974d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

but sony is on track to sell less tha half of what they sold last gen!

5975d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

it's hard to be honest on here nowadays. if you say anything remotely anti-sony, they're all over you like a rash, and your bubbles disappear quicker than lightning.

the truth is, sony have been humbled seriously this gen! after two runaway success's, the ps3 is trudging along slowly, even the ps2 sells more! they've been smashed at home by nintendo, and have been double penetrated in NA. only europe, which get's everything last, has given sony something to smile about. perhaps the...

5975d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

"its widely acknoledged that vgchartz inflates 360 sales while undermining ps3 sales"

where is the actual proof of that mate? just last week vgchartz was claiming that the ps3 sold 50k more than the 360 last month, yet when the npd figures hit, they showed the 360 sold 1k more!! hardly inflating one and deflating another is it?!

vgchartz should be banned from n4g.com...they mite do one day, if they start showing microsoft beating sony..lol

@ k...

5975d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the first gears was screaming out for it...i already know what pals i'll be playing this with aswell.

i dont think they should do any acheivements for the 2nd 3rd or 4th player. everyone should get them once the level is complete! and ofcourse make sure the difficulty level is high enough to challenge the 4 players. it's ok having lots of players, but it gets boring if there's no challenge to complete the missions.

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

only mgs is a proven franchise! the rest...well.

the 360 has some potentially decent games this year, and next year alan wake will hit, along with two mmo's in the form of huxley, and A.P.B...which if they can pull off what they plan, will be game of the year. already three potential greats for 09 alone.. i just love hearing the sony fanboys saying that there's nothing in 09 for the 360!

5975d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

now, after the wild predicitions of vgchartz, can we finally stop using their rubbish? they prove themselves month after month to full of nothing but hot air.

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm surpised this blog got approved sarcasm

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

in japan and europe as a whole, then the ps3 has been selling more (i hate the word outselling, it's like the fanboy shield!). but in america, it only managed to beat the 360 for a couple of months. and in the uk(which is not all of europe), i wouldn't like to say because the 360 is very popular here.

so, add them all up, and with the paltry figures that sony and microsoft have coming out of japan, i would say that sony is doing maginally better worldwide.

which is...

5975d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

man you're a fanboy! i know it must be painful seeing your beloved ps3 not doing what the ps2 did ie: destroying everything. but it's life and your just gonna have to accept it.

also, i think you got confused on the way in. the creche is that way----> go and join the other fanboys.

rite, after vgchartz claimed that the ps3 beat microsoft by 50k in america this month, when in fact they lost by 1k. do we now have the proof needed to not use vgchartz anymore??

5975d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

sony are lucky that europe stayed with them, and the 360 never even arrived in japan. the ps3 is getting hammered by nintendo at home! it's unbelievable how far sony have fallen this gen!....they wont be selling 120mil ps3s thats for sure!b

5975d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment