CRank: 5Score: 11970

Killzone 2 being surpassed by Uncharted 2 isn't a bad thing, considering it's a Sony 1st party title to begin with. I happen to have Far Cry 2 and I think it's average for gameplay and graphics. Say whatever you want, you didn't exactly give a convincing argument seeing as your best answer was either a 1st party Sony game or a multiplatform game rather than a 360 exclusive.

Quite frankly, your an idiot if you don't realize that 3rd party multi-platform difficulties with porti...

5442d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


What Raoh said about Heavy Rain changing things for games with moral choices, is right. Apparently, you can't just reset the game or have multiple saves for Heavy Rain.

Once you make a choice in Heavy Rain, it apparently stays that way since the game automatically saves. If one of your characters dies, they stay dead and the story continues with your other characters.

To me there are moral choices in games like Infamous, Bioshock, ...

5442d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Firstly you moron, I never mentioned anything about McCarmack being a bad programmer. Read my comments to DCBronco, assuming that isn't too hard for you to do.

I could give a rat @ss if Carmack was a good programmer "last" gen, that doesn't necessarily translate to "this" gen. If you haven't realized it, the PS3 is a unique architecture of "this" gen, unless you're telling me the cell chip and the integrated chip/motherboard design of the PS3 has...

5442d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


Well, you may have been fortunate enough not to lose a disc (not that I have lost any myself, while keeping my games in mint condition), but plenty of my friends have. In fact, my friends lost FF7 disc wasn't even his fault, it was a friend he lent it too.

What are you talking about blu-rays scratching easy? They have a tough anti-coat layer that's very tough to scratch. There's videos on youtube of people using pizza cutters and steel wool on blu-ra...

5442d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Big LOL at you if you think your comments are any less impartial. The point of losing 1 disc for a multi-disc game being bad, is the fact you could only play part of the game, while losing the blu-ray, at least it would clearly mean you need another whole copy.

Have you never had the joy of losing just 1 disc for a multi-disc PS1/PS2 game? My friend lost one of his FF7 disc in the good old days. That type of partial lost sucks more than losing the...

5442d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

*Clap clap* Great fanboy comment yourself there Pootangpie. You should take an indepth look into the meaning of your username, when you screw yourself over with self-made comments like that (-_-);;.

My personal complaint about Rage, isn't about the multi-disc swap, since I've had to do that all too often for old PS1 and some PS2 games. My complaint about Rage is the self-admitted game changes made by McCormack about the playable races in the game being changed from 3 to 2, wh...

5442d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Sure GTA IV ran at subHD and without AA on PS3, but the 360 version had more pop-ins and screen tears, am I right? The PS3 version, also looked more natural in color, from the point of views of most reviewers. Either way, I think GTA4 sucks anyways (personal opinion of course).

I make you a bet, it'll be a moot point, considering the PS3 exclusive "The Agent", will probably be closer to what Rockstar wants from an open-world game. It's...

5442d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

To people on both sides of the battlefield on this multi-platform game, Rage is technically going to be gimped on all the platfroms due to the 360 versions 2 disc limit.

Straight from an old interview with McCarmack; he mentioned a 2 DVD limit due to the additional fee placed on every disc past the 2nd one on a 360 game. Secondly, Rage also had the number of playable races changes from 3 to 2, and 5 - 7 sand dunes changed to 2 larger ones due to the space limitation.

5443d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Simple, blu-ray isn't being fully utilized for multi-platform games, since companies are making them to be identical on each platform.

This may change once Rage and FFXIII, come out on the PS3/360 on multiple DVD's for the 360 version. I sure hope that's the case, because DVD's would be a serious handicap going into the next gen of HD consoles...well unless the next gen requires heavy loading of disc onto massive harddrives, if that were the case, you might as well be a PC gam...

5451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought this game last month, but haven't had a chance to play it yet. Great to hear it has a great review for it =).

5458d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, to be honest, the fact that 360 uses DVD-9's while MS would no doubt limit Rockstar to putting the game on 1 DVD, is one of the main reason why the agent is a PS3 exclusive. Blu-ray has the size capacity for Rockstar to do a game of their scope of interest.

5459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Brad Nicholson, the guy who wrote this article, should ask Michael Pachter for a job! He's way more accurate than Pachter, even if he is stating the bloody obvious.....since prototype's on 3 freaking platforms (-_-);;!

5459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5459d ago

I was hoping for at least a slight reduction in the prices of DD, but I think I'm still interested in a PSP GO regardless. I'll just end up using PSN to get classic PS1 games on the PSP GO, while getting UMD's for other games for my PSP-2000.

5479d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Actually, cooperdnizzle is probably correct. Sony would need new manufacturing machinery to make the PSP GO, since's it's design is quite different from the PSP-2000 and 3000 model, hence an increase in cost due to R&D. It's simply the cost of business, as parts become cheaper for the GO, it'll eventually drop to a more reasonable price.

5485d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good for Nintendo, my nieces have Wii Fit and it isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It's just not something I would buy myself, since I prefer my workout at the gym. People playing the Halo's sales number should see this, they might cry or go ballistic to find out that Halo 3, Halo Wars and GeOW all got pawned together (-_-);;.

5485d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not so sure about that, I have a 2000 model with homebrew etc., but it's always a hassle bringing around without my messenger bag, due to it's size (can't fit it in any of my clothes pockets). I'll probably pick up a PSP GO and purchase a few games over PSN for portabilities sake. The thought of having Castlevania: SOTN, Suikoden 1, FFVII and other PS1 classics will be just too much for me to avoid buying a PSP GO.

5485d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have to agree with you about the protective case. I love the idea of easily slipping the PSP GO in my pocket on the move, but not without a protective case though (-_-);;.

5485d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The problem is the 3000 model is like my 2000 model, it isn't exactly easy to carry around. The PSP GO is about the size of an iphone, so it's easy to fit in the pocket on the move. What I do like about the 3000 model over the GO, is the price. As with all new technology, it's expensive at the beginning.

5485d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the price has to come down for the 3G, 3GS or both; especially with Samsung and Nokia releasing new phones with similar touchscreen user interfaces, later this year at a much cheaper price. There's also competition from HTC and Blackberry to consider, the later having at least more than 3 new phones releasing this year.

It's good to see the iphone making strides with their improvements though, it'll constantly push their competition to keep up with the technology on th...

5485d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment