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@Man of the year

Yeah, I was referring to you specifically.

"What are you talking about? Games GOING multiplat is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than 3rd party developers not supporting games for the PS3. Do you understand this. Bioshock and Lost Planet are on both consoles therefore the library expands for both - in this case a game was canceled for the PS3 - thus the library doesn't get any larger where the 360's does."

I was just pointing out it...

5626d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@1.40 Man of the Year

PS3 is losing exclusives the same way 360 is, are you forgetting Bioshock and Deadrising (the later also going to the Wii no less).

MS isn't going to have much exclusive JRPG's at the end of this year either. When FFXIII and Versus drop exclusively to PS3 in Japan, it'll literally destroy the sales of all of the 360's RPG exclusives to date, in less than a month. SO4 for the 360 is only going to be a blip on the map for a month max.

5626d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@1.8 Mint Royale

Nintendo lost Final Fantasy (VII in particular) b/c they refused to use a CD based media for the N64. That's the main reason Squaresoft went to the PS1.

I have a really old magazine (Game fan) that has preliminary designs for FFVII on the N64 before Squaresoft jumped ship to sony. That being the case, it wasn't Sony's fault that squaresoft decided to do everything past FFVI on sony platforms.

5638d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have you not seen cooking mama, nintendogs, petz, learning japanese/chinese etc., the cooking instructor, Bratz, etc.? The DS is definitely casual 1st, core 2nd.

The DS is more casual than the psp, and it pretty much set the precedent for the Wii to do the same thing. The only differences is that the DS has more core games than the Wii at the moment (kind of sad if you ask me).

5644d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Multi-platforms are made to look the same, so it's not a particularly good indicator. You'd have to look at exclusives games on each system to find out.

5654d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


For someone who isn't a fan of Star Ocean as a whole, why do you keep bringing up SO4? You mention SO3 being so great as being justification for SO4 being a great future game. How do you know how good it is, if you haven't played it yet?

Do you actually think the support for 360 rpg's as a whole will supercede a FF game for sales support? You mention FF8 being the last good FF game to you, yet you hate FF-X? If that's the case what exactly are you ...

5654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ GIJeff, said:

"higher res games do not need more disk space. higher res textures, models, and sounds do though."


What you just said there was a paradox. If you want true HD with lossless uncompressed audio and video, you absolutely need more space b/c 8.5 GB dvd's aren't enough.


You complain that you'd rather have a console rather than an HDTV, yet you take the time to use your monit...

5654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


What are you talking about, MS didn't have HDMI outputs on every 360 unit on release day. That means the max output was 480p max just b/c it didn't have the HDMI output to begin with.

For your information, and to those other uninformed people on this site, you need at least 10-11 GB before a source material can even be considered to meet minimal HD requirements. A dual-layered dvd can only do 8.5 GB, so do the math!

I don't want any crap...

5654d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


I'd like an explanation of how a dvd can do 1080p natively? Please enlighten us all since you seem to know this to be fact. Why not ask those developers you speak of, who are they again?

Last I remember, Carmack from ID said that the PS3 version of Rage will look better even though he's about as anti-PS3 as any 360 fanboy.

@360 fan

I wouldn't talk about a game until it's actually out, it's pointless and a relatively weak argum...

5654d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Kigmal who wrote:

"It's not the consoles, it's the people that make the games. They choose to output the game in whatever resolution they want, has nothing to do with the consoles because we all know they can both output in HD. I just laugh at the fact that people make a big deal out of this like if they have two TV's next to each other observing every little thing."


You do realize that the initial core unit for the 360 ...

5654d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@1.9 Nainainai

Have you played SO1 or SO2? It's the common consensus that SO3 was the worst one (I know b/c I've played and own all 3).

I won't go so far as to say SO4 won't be good, b/c I actually want to play it, but it's pretty much assured it's no FF game, play wise or sales wise.

Don't expect S04 to be the savior of the 360 in Japan either, b/c when the FF games come out exclusive to the PS3 there, SO4 will look like a drop in a water buc...

5654d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


How about you say that after FFXII and Versus drops exclusively on the PS3 in Japan? Quite frankly, those 2 titles will probably wipe the floor of all the exclusive 360 rpg's combined.

The fact that it'll probably take at least 3-6 month's to port that over to the 360, means the race for overall sales numbers for opposing platforms, will be quite uneven start to finish.

If your truly disappointed with the numbers for WKC, then hopefully FF...

5656d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with you, but I think SO4 will do okay, just not as well as any Final Fantasy title.

5656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've always been a fan of Star Ocean (have all 3), but it's never been a big seller. FFXIII will probably wipe the floor with SO4 on it's first hour alone. It's not going to be a nice day for MS when FFXIII or Versus drops as a PS3 exclusive on it's 1st day in Japan.

5656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the 360 isn't hurting now with the WKC sales, I bet they will be when FFXIII and Versus finally drops down in Japan.

5656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with you, I have absolutely no clue how Famitsu scored Last Remnant so high. I don't think the 6 month delay of the PS3 version will help Square-Enix fixes the issues inherent with the use of the epic engine.

Every new game that Level-5 has released has impressed me, giving me the impression they're the new squaresoft. Square-Enix better hope Star Ocean 4, FFXII and Versus are good, or they may find their competition (Level-5) overtaking them in the future.

5659d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


New RPG IP's don't generally do too well, I don't think there were any new IP's from the 360 that did 100k. Assuming a title will just do well just b/c it's an rpg in Japan is utterly ridiculous.

That's like saying every fps and tps will do phenomenal sales on day 1 in the US just b/c they're popular genres in N.A. If that were the case, we wouldn't have games like Haze or Soldiers of Fortune that disprove this in every way possible.

Take WKC s...

5659d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

By your reasoning, a well established title like Tales of Vesperia should have sold more than 100K on launch day for the 360, as I remember it did about 70k.

I don't remember if any of the new rpg IP's for 360 (Lost odyssey, Blue Dragon, Last Remnant etc.) did 100k, since new rpg IP's don't generally do well, so 100k for a new game on Christmas with low supplies is very good IMO.

5659d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo and MS have both been paying to use someone elses format for the last gen to recent. Have you forgotten that their using dvd's you numbskull?

Exactly what other format is viable without the support of the movie and computer industry? Flash drives won't work, they'll cost more than a blu-ray, while digital download is a long ways off unless download speeds jump another hundred fold.

HD is long gone, and any company planning to use it later will have hig...

5666d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Game companies like Rockstar and Id are some developers who say dvd is holding back gaming. It'd be ridiculous to assume future games will work on anything less than blu-ray since HD games will need more space.

HD was already in trouble IMO, even though they came out. They only had the support of 3 of 8 major movie studios at the beginning of the HD wars, while Sony had the support of 6 of 8 (Warner Bros used both formats). Secondly, blu-ray would have eventually been cheape...

5666d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment