CRank: 5Score: 11970

I don't get why people are getting hyped about systems that haven't been officially announced by either company. Even if the scorpio is more powerful than the neo, I doubt that will erase the 20+ million lead the PS4 has built over the xbox one. The 360 wasn't exactly a powerhouse of a system and it took a huge chunk of the market last gen. People seem to also forget that everyone in the industry was assuming the xbox one would be the more powerful system upon release, yet Sony...

2940d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Apologies, I sold 2-3 year warranty on game systems when I worked at future shop. Just noticed the typo, there prob more typos lol

3703d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I worked at future shop (Canadian equivalent of Best buy that got bought out by best buy) during and after the launch of the 360 and let me tell you, you are quite wrong with regards to RROD.

Some people without firsthand experience will believe anything MS says. I took back a 1/3 of every 360 I sold, all due to RROD. In these cases we take back that unit and give the customer a new 360. Those RROD units end up sitting in our stockroom as unsellable units until we send them ...

3703d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm in Vancouver, Canada and the minimum wage here is $10.25. I make about $31 per hr but the cost of living here is pretty high =(.

Australia is a nice place, I have good memories of my trip there but I found things pretty pricey there.

4294d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Sony did not make online passes, that's EA games invention. I have practically every PS3 exclusive (GOW3, UC1, UC2, WKC, Heavy Rain, Infamous, LBP, LBP2, Heavenly Sword etc.) and not a single one of them uses online passes. Where the hell are you getting info? I have no clue where you got the idea Sony uses online passes.

There's no way this single incident makes Sony worst than MS; RROD, DVD based format with less space than prede...

4814d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Playing games on my android phone is fine and all for about 30mins, but it will never be as good as a dedicated portable game unit with physical controls IMO. There may be more iOS and android users, but I think a lot of analyst and internet writers are overlooking the fact that there's still a lot of people like me who prefer dedicated portable game systems with games that are more challenging than the simple ones found iOS and android.

4827d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FFXIII succeeded in sales but failed elsewhere. The story and the lack of airships to go back to previous areas was disappointing to say the least.

4827d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it would have been best if it was mentioned that Angry Birds is a exception as well, considering most apps are not anywhere close to it in sales or profitability. Sure HD tablets may be hooked up to TV's in the near future, but without a physical controller to use what's the point of playing most touch screen games on a TV? Now if there was a wireless Bluetooth controller involved, that would make a huge difference to me.

4843d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, the ipad2 could have more graphical power compared to other portable devices for all I care, but the NGP or even the 3DS will stand out above for gaming just for the control pad/buttons. Seeing as the NGP and 3DS have touch screens, I really can't see very many unique games that could only be done on the ipad2. Hopefully no one will lambastes me for my opinion, since I have a Google nexus S and access to my girlfriends ipad. Frankly speaking, angry birds , plants vs zombies and...

4846d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a great idea, why not wait until Crysis 2 comes out "before" we all critique it's visual merits? everything said now is pure heresy considering that all we're seeing is what the studio making Crysis 2 feeds us. IMHO so far though, I don't see anything worth writing home about since it's sub-HD on both home consoles. As the PC goes, it no doubt will be the most visually stunning game across all consoles.

I honestly don't expect this to l...

4858d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I remember the naysayers mentioning this game would come out flat for sales and not outsell halo reach, where are those people now? Halo reach took over 6 months to sell 7 million units and GT5 will no doubt surpass that in less time. GT5 and GT5 prologue has sold over 12 million units combined and every forza iteration this Gen (including the one coming later this year) have already been outsold by just one GT game. I hope this finally puts to rest the fallacy that PS games don't sell. ...

4865d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

None of those games are confirmed for 2011 Veksink. Even though kinect sold well that did not help the 360 from being outsold by the PS3. You'd best hope some of those kinect games come out this year b/c the core exclusive lineup for the 360 looks really slim atm.

4871d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

C+ translate to 6.5 to 6.9 out of 10 maximum, a 7.6 to 7.9 would be a B+ making it a average or good game. That's a low score that I personally wouldn't give DS2 b/c I'm a big dead space fan.

4879d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree with you Darkfiber, I'd rather play on a huge screen TV, although there are some games I'd love the chance to play on TV or on the go; like dead space, uncharted, resistance etc.

I will mention, however, that portable systems are outselling all home gaming consoles combined this gen. The NDS and PSP this gen have probably sold almost 200 million units combined this gen, which is a huge number =O!

4880d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think a lot of people will be surprised at the price of the 3DS, b/c I think it'll be at least $300 for 2 reasons:

1. The 3D screen won't be cheap, in addition to the other upgrades from the NDS like the graphics processor, D-pad etc.

2. I already know the Game Stop/EB games pre-order price is $300 b/c I have friends working at those stores.

The NDS was $200 when it first released, so a 3DS at $300 doesn't sound far-fetche...

4899d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have not had any interest in a Nintendo console since the Super NES, but I have always supported their handheld systems. I think Nintendo will come out on top again next gen (I have equal preference for my PSP to my DS for peoples general reference) for handhelds but I think Sony will continue to chip away at Nintendo's handheld dominance. Sony already did what no company has done before this gen, by taking over 25% of the handheld market from Nintendo.

In my opinio...

4900d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Blu-ray hasn't made a difference for sales, but you have games like exclusives like F3, Lost Odyssey, Blue dragon, ME on multiple disc. Castlevania:LoS, FFXIII, ME2 (all DLC on a single PS3 disc), Burnout paradise (w/o needing track DLC like the 360 copy), and future games like Rage, ME3 needing multiple disc for the 360 versions.

Honestly, with HD gaming this gen do you actually think the next xbox can use DVD again? We're not ...

4922d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Evildead360, miDnIghtEr20C

Ratings aren't everything. Forza 3 may have a better rating then GT5, but it also didn't have reviewers nitpick about every aspect of the game, since GT5 took so long to come out, while making a ton of promises on the gameplay. GT5 is more realistic than F3, unless you think real life driving has a rewind function.

I really liked the horror aspect from DS1. There were plenty of times I felt vulnerable in DS1 when I felt my ammo was low overall for all weapons and when I didn't have enough energy packs or on hard mode where there's more enemies attacking. I agree that survival horror is more action orientated these days, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. If the article is talking about survival games more based on atmosphere than action, I may agree though.

4925d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope that's just a glitch, being able to keep the gun aimed while moving was something that set it apart from other survival horror games like Resident Evil.

4925d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment