CRank: 5Score: 11970

You're right about there being better graphical games than UC2, however, that's PC gaming which will always reign over console gaming when it comes to graphics. Comparing PC to consoles for gaming is like comparing apples to oranges and is far from a fair comparison.

The future comparison to be made here, will be how Crysis 2 looks on a home console compared to the best looking console games currently out like UC2 on the PS3, GeOW2 on the 360 etc.

Assuming Cr...

5341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


By your comparison/reasoning, GT5P has done much better than F3. After all GT5P released when there was significantly less PS3's when it came out, whereas F3 was released to a 40 million 360 userbase, right?

5341d ago 18 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think everyone should wait until this game is out before stating it as the the best graphics on console. Until we all see a demo with actual game play running on console, I think it's a moot point making any graphical comparisons. Seeing is believing after all and until then, UC2 is the best looking game currently out.

I think UC3, GOW3 or GT5 are probably one of the next games to raise the bar for graphics on the PS3, assuming Heavy Rain hasn't already done that. Alan W...

5341d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


I don't comment very often, but what you've said sound's so pro-360 with regards to graphics that it was too much to let it pass. Multi-platforms have never been the games to set the standard for graphics, they're made for the lowest common denominator. A lot of multi-platform titles have looked better than the PS3 version, but that's what happens when you make a 360 to PS3 port. FFXIII itself, does not bode well for your argument, since it's been spread over multip...

5351d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


Have you ever watched a foreign movie in English? That's the same reason some of us prefer games in their native language. As someone who speaks Chinese, I cringe every time I hear an English dub for a movie from Hong Kong.

I'm not sure about you, but the last time I had to watch an English only DVD of an Asian movie (Jet Li's Fist of Legend) it was terrible, they even dubbed over the British actors (Thankfully, Alliance films fixed that problem under their Dr...

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I agree with you on the fact that Nintendo standing up on it's own very well, after all I grew up playing the NES, however, I'd note that the best selling games you've listed are all Nintendo 1st party games. If you're looking at 3rd party software sales the last 2 gens, neither the N64 nor the Gamecube fared well.

There's a reason why Sony won the last 2 gen's and it wasn't just 1st party titles like Socom, GT, GOW, etc.; it was 3rd party games like FF7-&g...

5354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're still missing the bigger picture. I'm trying to point out that blu-ray media is pushing into households via the PS3 which is the real winning situation for Sony games and Sony as a whole. The further blu-ray entrenches itself this gen; not only with games but movies, the less likely DVD will make it to the next gen, especially with HD gaming taking hold.

Assuming blu-ray is the defacto media format next gen (b/c I don't think a medialess game console is the best option...

5361d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure, just like Bing is the best search engine, Internet explorer 8 is the best browser and Zunes is the leading mp3 player. Every company takes losses at one point in time, the better ones will weather the financial storm and bring themselves back to viability eventually. Are you forgetting the billions of dollars lost to RROD, will never be made back this gen for MS game divisions and LIVE fees? I'm not one to forget that MS slyly swept that RROD debt under the fiscal rug in 2007.

5361d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think people are missing the bigger picture. The PS2 pushed the DVD format to success, just like PS3 is pushing blu-ray into households every time a PS3 is sold. Blu-ray is increasing it's sharehold ever year. With 3D movies like Avatar pushing to the forefront with an imminent future release of 3D TV's, PS3 and blu-ray could be on the cusp of success they've been looking for. Even if 3D TV's fail, I highly doubt anything less than blu-ray will be acceptable for next gen gaming consoles...

5361d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't really see how GT5 is going to fail when GT5P did so well in sales and the recent trial run was downloaded over a million times in Europe alone. I think F3 is actually fine and all, but I find a lot of reps and even turn 10 producers putting their own foot in their mouths every time they smacktalk the competition.

If MS and turn 10 reps had a bit more sensibility and common sense, I think they'd let their products speak for themselves. I'm sure I'm not the only one wh...

5361d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whether GT5 is delayed or not, it's guaranteed to outsell F3. F3 couldn't even sell half the amount GT5P has sold (roughly 4.5 million). If I was a MS rep, I'd wait until GT5 comes out before calling F3 the definitive racer of this gen b/c it looks like GT5 will offer a lot to fans of sim-racers. I have no doubts in my mind that someones is going to eat crow for their comments, after GT5 is released and I doubt it'll be Sony (-__-);;.

5362d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

First of all, VGChartz is unreliable data. You should also take into consideration, that most people consider GT5P a large demo. GT5 will no doubt outsell GT5P by at least double, by the end of this gen, meaning it'll outsell F2 and F3 combined. Times pretty much irrelevant to good games that continue selling well over time.

Polyphony own sales data can have us all assume that GT5 will continue the sales trends of it's predecessors, hence about 10 million units sold which won't...

5422d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing is that Halo ODST, L4D and Forza 3 are all technically failures by Halo and 360 fanboy sale standards by comparison. If you're calling Forza 3 a success, than that means a lot of 360 fanboys are wrong when they call LBP, UC2, R2, etc. a failure with regards to sales.

That's decent sales for Forza 3, but it's got a long way to go to reach GT5P sales. If it's truly the definitive racer sim of this gen, it'll still sell when GT5 comes out, but I highly doubt that. Turn...

5422d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Forza 2 has been out for just as long as GT5P and has sold about 2 million units, compared to nearly 4 million for the later, even though many consider it an extended demo. Secondly as some have already pointed out, GT5P did better than F3 during it's initial release. I'm doubtful, F3 will even outsell GT5P within a year, since GT5 will be out by then.

I was trying to point out how 360 fanboys have been calling the kettle black with regards to sales of ...

5441d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your not the only one butterfinger, I'm looking forward to Zelda: spirit tracks. It'll give my DS some much needed game time, rather then sit on the shelf gathering dust.

5441d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


If you have to run for cover by saying Yoshitaka Amano>Tetsuya Nomura, I better hide myself =). Amano's art is recognizable to any FF fan, for FF games before FF7.

5441d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment better pick up it's sales soon. Last I checked, GT5P sold 3.67 million units worldwide, mind you that was 5 months ago.

If a 360 fanboy is going to go by sales (Halo, GeOW etc.) or argue quality >>> quantity right now, then enjoy your "humble pie", otherwise you have yourself a double standard. Now everyone is on the same page, sales =/=...

5441d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The article itself mentions that the PSP and NDS sales are roughly 160 million, which is more than every iphone, 360, PS3 and Wii combined. Yet this article asks whether a new handheld is necessary for the next gen?

Could this article be any more irrelevant/stupid? It's not hard to see that we're in fact moving to an age of entertainment on the go, or has the guy who wrote this article missed the fact that computers are getting smaller/more portable, while phones are progres...

5448d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


The next Ace Combat is exclusive to the PS3 as is the next Katamari game.

5454d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I hope you realize how weak your argument is; Rage isn't even out yet and it's going on 2 dvd's for the 360 version ---> hence, space is obviously an issue.

It's been mentioned several times before, but Carmack already mentioned the changes in the game (multiple smaller sand dunes ---> 2 large sand dunes, 3 playable races ---> 2 playable races), so if space wasn't an issue, than obviously those games changes wouldn't have been necessary, right? ...

5456d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment