CRank: 5Score: 11970


Trying to explain Forza and Fables, would be like trying to explain Sony games like Rachet and Clank, Resistance, Uncharted etc. You asked for it when you used GeOW (poor choice, since it's not a 1st party game) as an example. Hopefully, you're not going to say Microsoft studios puts out more 1st party games next.

5379d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whoops, meant to respond to post#11 (^_^);;.

5379d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, Sony has 3 movie companies; Sony entertainment, Columbia Tristar, and MGM (Rocky/James Bond etc.). They make up 3 of 8 major studios, 1 of 6 if you count all 3 Sony studios as one. In addition, they have Sony and BMG music brands.

5379d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


The problem with what your saying is that you don't seem to realize that generally most electronic items, TV's, camera's etc., only have 1 year warranty like the PS3.

Even with your point about the PS1/PS2, the PS3 still falls within the guidelines for a failure rate of less than 5%. We all know the 360 is the game console with the highest failure rate in the history of consoles, so even with YLOD, the problem is quite minor.

I don't know ...

5393d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not one of those gamers ignoring the Wii for lack of games, core or otherwise, nor do I lack the finances to buy one. The reason I'm not going to get a Wii any time if ever this gen, is because of the fact I have enough games to play on my PS3, PSP and NDS lite. Secondly, I just don't have the time to play that many games these days, due to a fulltime job and being quite busy on the social scene with friends and family on my days off.

Nintendo could probably care less abo...

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jesus christ, would the 360 fanboys in this PS3 thread STFU! You guys moan about PS3 fanboys going into 360 threads, yet you're here doing the exact same thing!

I happen to be a pretty big fan of Star Ocean, so I'm not going to complain that it's coming to the PS3. It was pointed out a long time ago that SE never once claimed SO4 would be a 360 exclusive, not even the 360 manual for the game mentioned that would be the case. Seriously, who couldn't see this happening months ...

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo ODST will move some units, but I don't think it's going to be huge numbers, seeing as Halo 3 didn't move significantly more 360's.

People also have to take into consideration that FFXIII comes out exclusively on the PS3 at the end of this year in Japan. Assuming Sony comes through and releases GT5 worldwide at the end of this year, Halo ODST won't stop the PS3 for long IMO.

5410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


You do realize that the original warranty for the 360 was 90 days right? Most products don't need more than 1 years warranty, depending on which brand you buy.

The 360 only has 3 year warranty b/c it was extended due to RROD, otherwise MS was facing a lawsuit over 1 billion dollars which they were bound to lose anyways. The PS3 failure rate is within standard, like most other electronics, hence it doesn't need 3 year warranty, like the 360.

5412d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmm....seems "Captain Obvious" and his buddy "No Sh!te" have clearly visited N4G yet again (-_-);;. In other obvious news, the console war continues!

5413d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Once Upon a Fable

Uh huh....sure. You do realize the Wii is the actual market leader, right? The 360 was paced by the PS3 for 3 years at a much higher price point and you call that a win for the 360?

If I were you, I'd check back "after" Sony releases GT5. That game alone has a huge following worldwide, each GT game has sold an average of 10 million units. Plus, the 360 no longer has a price advantage for the Elite model anymore.

5417d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment


The limited time 360 bundle in question, doesn't have a HDMI cable and it's actually $330 (I know some people working at EB games), it's not a bad bundle though.

The EB games uncharted bundle for the 160GB PS3 is pretty good to though. They have the 160GB bundle with Infamous and MLB the show '09 for $399.99.

5417d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@commodore64 who wrote:

Ignore0.17 -
I find it funny that the PS3 fanboys seem to know the failure rate more accurately than an official MS spokesperson.

ha. ha.


"Ha ha" is about the only appropriate thing you said, quite relevant to your own comments. Out of fairness, the Nintendo and Sony reps I spoke to every month when I worked at Bestbuy/Futureshop, gave me the sa...

5419d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

For the people who don't agree with the 360 failure rates, I'm a former entertainment associate at Bestbuy/Futureshop who worked on the launch day of the 360 to 7 month's after it's release (before I quit to focus on university fulltime), the 360 had at least a failure rate of 33% or more.

It wasn't even a week after release, that I and my fellow entertainment associates were taking back 360's affected by RROD. I personally took back at least a 33% of the 360's from customer I...

5419d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I understand your point of view, but I'm one of the people who checks out games via reviews, friends who've played the game and played the demos. That, however doesn't always work out since I've played demos that I liked, only to purchase the full game to find out it wasn't as good as I expected.

I don't believe digital downloads is the be all, end all either, but it's a serious handicap to me, when I can't lend a game to a friend and vice versa. If anything, I think the futu...

5434d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this ever becomes the case, I'll stop gaming, period. Having to pay rent, buy food etc., is already enough for most people such as myself to worry about; never mind $200 games!

I tell you what, if Activision ever made a game where we could shoot or beat the crap out of Bobby Kotick, for his lack of class every time he opens his trap, I think it'd sell a few copies, even at $200 a pop. I know I'd be in line to buy that game!

Seriously, when was the last time ...

5435d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would have to be a significant price differences for me to buy a digital copy of a game. I prefer having a hard copy version, especially if I don't like the game much, I can still sell or trade it for something more worthwhile.

The added advantage of a physical copy is the fact I can lend or borrow games from friends and family. Until these issues are resolved, I'm going to continue sticking with hard copies for most games, while only getting digital copies of games that...

5435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Halo3 MLG Pro

Look, it's quite clear which system you support from your user name, but let's be reasonable. MS lost 1.1 billion dollars from RROD and that's before the actual cost of fixing 360 units actually affected by RROD. That doesn't include other minor issues like E74 or units prone to scratching disc.

The bottom line that people don't seem to see, is that regardless of how much Gold memberships, peripherals or software MS sells, that 1.1 billion+ do...

5435d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


I realize the Wii has hit a bit of a saturation point, but it's still outselling the competition ---> that's the point that actually matters. That 20 million+ lead the Wii has over it's competition isn't going to disappear, even with natal or the new PS3 controller coming out.

I'll point out again, 360 sales were lacklustre for the 1st half of last year. PS3 was selling slightly more than the 360, before MS forced a price cut on the 360.

5442d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I hope Heavy Rain doesn't do well with "kids", it's clearly meant for a much more mature audience. It's true, some will be upset about not being able to go back in the game to a correct a mistake, but it's meant to give each player their own unique experience. Besides, I think it'll give the game more re-play value, to see what other outcomes, each individual player can come upon.

5442d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Wii is still killing everything in sight, even after an overall sales drop in hardware, year over year. It's kind of a non-point saying that MS is winning, when the 360, like it's rival PS3, are both getting their @sses handed to them even with combined sales against the Wii!

A year over year increase for 360 sales isn't exactly great considering the 360 didn't have really great sales for the 1st half of 2008 to begin with. Any idiot with a brain could see, that 360 sales...

5442d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment