CRank: 5Score: 11970

I have a PS3 phat, not a slim. The 360 slim looks nice, but it's still got the same issues I didn't like about the 360, the battery, the load tray, dvd-9, the proprietary hard drive and the online fees. About the only new features of interest is the video chat and the wi-fi which 360 fanboys say is unnecessary, yet guess what? MS has finally added wi-fi, which I doubt new owners won't complain about it seeing as it's an option. The PS3 already has video conferencing and I d...

5217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A new PS3 would be fine and all, but I'm much more interested when Sony will release a new portable system.

5218d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it's a piece of hardware I always get from Nintendo, it's their handheld systems. I'm looking forward to Golden Sun, maybe it'll be a 3DS title considering the perspective in the game, 3D would be great for the game =).

5221d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Getting one after the big E3 conference is prob the best option. By then we'll all know what Sony has in store for us gamers, while possibly announcing a price drop to encourage sales for the PS Move.

5221d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't have a problem with Sony announcing prior to the E3 conference, the sequels to games we already knew were coming out. It helps build interest for when Sony actually shows us some game footage at E3, while announcing new games will just be added bonuses =).

5221d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think FFIV would go multi-platform before Versus, since FFXI went to the 360 after the PS2 version.

5222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If any FF game is going to be announced on the 360 platform, it'll probably be FFXIV rather then Versus. I'm not to interested in FFIV, but it looks alright.

5222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game looks decent, might be worth a look onces it's out.

5222d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


I've been playing videogames since the Atari and NES days and I completely disagree with you. The NES had so many great games (Bubble Bobble, Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Double Dragon, Duck Tales, Megaman, Battletoads, etc.) that the Wii now lacks.

Even the SNES had fantastic games like Killer Instinct, SF2, Secret of Mana, Earthbound, FF3, Secret of Mana, Ogre Battle, Donkey Kong etc., while the Wii so far IMO, has had miserable 3rd party support...

5230d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If movie studios don't support HVD, the format is unlikely to survive (e.g. laser disc, beta-max etc.). The reason HD lost to blu-ray wasn't just b/c of format size, but the fact that more studios supported blu-ray, even though HD dvd's were first to the market.

5234d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony would rather spend money on 1st party game developments then spend it on timed 3rd party exclusives. It's a better investment that's reaping rewards when you consider games like LBP, Motorstorm, GOWIII, Heavy Rain, KZ2 etc. I have yet to see a 3rd party game compete with Sony's 1st party games, at least in the visual sense. Being multi-platform didn't stop the PS3 from outselling the 360 version, even though MS rep's would have us believe otherwise (-__-);;.

5242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure if Versus is going multi-platform, but I think FFXIV will go multi-platform like FFXI.

5242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pachter seems like a nice guy, but when is he ever 100% correct? I wish I could get paid to analyze games like him ---> "Insert random prediction here".

5242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Mr Exclusive

I'm not a fan of the noise regarding most HD multi-platform games either. As long as they look relatively similar while playing the same, I'll buy it for the system I own. I think the 360 gets a lot of slack b/c MS has been calling their system the premier HD console since the Wii overtook them.

360 fanboys are calling the 360 version superior, even though the difference is really just game resolution and nothing to do with the actual ...

5242d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Your point is a moot one at best, considering that the same argument could be used with FFXIII, where the format was a factor (PS3: 1080p/720p or 360: 576p). We were told that both versions would be similar, yet in that regard the PS3 version was superior in all regards (load times, visuals etc.). If RDR wasn't limited to 1 disc, I make you a bet that you'd be singing a different song.

It comes down to the game and generally which is le...

5243d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

This just reminds me of a joke:

"What did Schwarzenegger say when Windows 7 came out?"

"Asta la Vista baby!"

Obviously, the governator wants the same response to violent games with State self-regulation LOL.

5243d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I understand your reasoning, but the same should have been said for FFXIII on the 360. The 360 version of FFXIII actually scored higher or equal to the PS3 version of FFXIII (even at metacritics) despite the PS3 version being the superior version in all regards (visuals, load times etc.).

Mind you, the difference for Red Dead Redemption seems relatively minor in comparison to the FFXIII fiasco (PS3: 1080p for cut scenes, 720p in game --- 360: 576p for ...

5243d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


I think that GTA4 being on the 360 was more of a trade than a steal by MS, since Sony is getting Agent as a exclusive from Rockstar studios.


I have friends working at gamestop/EB games, and from what I've been told, the PS3 version of FFXIII is leading the 360 version by a ratio of 2.5:1 or higher. I'm willing to bet money that the PS3 version will outsell the 360 version in North America.

5322d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Sony doesn't own SE, but they do own 8.25% of SE shares. After FF The Spirits Within movie failed, Sony bought up a portion of SE debt in exchange for shares in the company. It's no surprise that FF Advent Children is under Sony films when you think about it.

5336d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Sony released any later, they'd be further behind the 360 and Wii in sales. Despite it being the most expensive system released this gen, the PS3 has been able to maintain rough parity or outsell the 360 every years it's been out. If you hadn't noticed, the PS3 outsold the 360 by a total of 2-3 million units last year despite only having a price drop in the last half of the year.

Your reasoning on RPG's selling well on the 360, is misguided in a way. The RPG's that have sol...

5336d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment