CRank: 5Score: 11970

You do realize that FFXIII was sub HD for the 360 version while the PS3 version was HD right? If you hadn't noticed, recent games like Castlevania: Lord of Shadows and Rage are both going on 2 disc for the 360 version while the PS3 version is on 1 blu-ray, same goes for ME2 when it's released on the PS3 next year.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that the above mentioned multi-platform games are going on multiple disc so the 360 can maintain par with the P...

5036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did the guy who wrote this article note that some recent multi-platform games like FFXIII, ME2, Castlevania: Lord of Shadows and Rage will be or are already on multiple disc for the 360 version while the PS3 versions are on 1 blu-ray disc? As time goes by, the guy who wrote this article will be regret the day he wrote this article...waste of time (-__-);;.

5036d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


You're talking about battery life and iphone in the same sentence, are you serious? Iphones need daily charging and don't have significant longer battery time than the average android smartphone. A lot of my friends and family have iphones and youtube does not run well despite being playable. My best friend mentioned it a few weeks ago when he saw my friends google nexus phone and saw how well youtube videos played.

Having a better visu...

5042d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


For one thing, iOS can't use adobe flash. A lot of my friends/family have 3G/3GS iphones and not one can play youtube properly. On the other hand, my one friend who has a google nexus phone can play youtube videos with no issues since android allows adobe flash to work properly.

You're telling me the iphone can do more than a PSP/DS just because of a faster processor? Seriously, do you realize how many DS/psp games you can't do on t...

5042d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think people are focusing way too much on the muti-disc aspect for the 360 version. I may hate it when games come out on multiple disc, but it has to be done to maintain overall quality. I'd be more disappointed if LoS came on 1 dvd for the 360 version, b/c it'd mean Konami had to cut corners/content in order to fit it on 6.8gb of space, meaning the PS3 version has suffered loss of content and visual prowress.

I don't mind if LoS is compared to one of my fav...

5050d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let me get this straight, you agree that LoS needs to match or exceed GOW, right? It doesn't matter that Lament of Innocence etc. has already done what GOW has, the point is that GOW did it "better", hence the need for games like Too Human, Dante's Inferno needing to match/exceed GOW.

If you hadn't noticed, LoS is being compared to GOW, not the vice versa, hence ending your pointless focus on which came first. The main discussion is whether or not Lo...

5050d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you notice that I mentioned GOW "refined" the genre? I never said GOW was 1st otherwise I would have mentioned DMC. My point stands though, GOW is more fluid and streamlined for what it does, hence the reason other games try to mimic it for gameplay. I haven't played Castlevania:LoS yet, but the footage I've seen looks really similar to GOW (or did Castlevania always have rolling, upgradeable weapons and attack combos? /Sarcasm).

5051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I've played the original NES Rygar as well as the PS2 game. By the same token I've played Castlevania since the 1st game on the NES. I have to disagree with you implying GOW is the same.

Certainly the weapons are similar across each game, but considering all the upgrades for Kratos weapons (Lance, sword etc.) and his magic (lighting bolt, Medusa head etc.), they're not exactly the same IMO. I remember the combo system for Rygar on ...

5051d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Two Face

Crysis probably is the best looking game to date, but you should consider six things:

1. Not many people have PC's that can properly run Crysis at maximum specifications.

2. Many multi-platform games have claimed to be the best visual game this gen, so far all have failed. Rage and Crysis 2 have already had poor visual comparisons for the 360 vs. PC versions. It's best to take a wait and see approach if you ask me. ...

5051d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did Molyneux hint at 3D for the 360 as well or mention Milo being anything more than a Kinect demo by chance? If we all had a dollar for every promise Molyneux made, we'd all be rich LOL.

5054d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Considering Peter Molyneux has habitually overpromised from Fables 1 to Fables 2, I wouldn't hold my breath on Fables 3 being true game of the year material if I was you.

5054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't agree with paying for a service which should be free to begin with. I'm willing to bet a lot of people would see things differently if they had to pay for online play for games like Modern Warfare, MOH etc. When the PS3 gets crossgame chat/invites, the one last bastion for what makes LIVE better will be gone.

360 gamers used to harp about titles like ME and Portal, yet the list of 3rd party exclusives for the 360 is dwindling. MS has lost Valve 3rd party ...

5054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If a game has fundamental flaws, I don't think a game should be 10/10. I love games like GOW3, uncharted 2 etc., but even those masterpieces have minor flaws, yet they're some of the best games this gen. I get quite jaded with online game reviews these days whenever I see a perfect score. IMO the perfect 100% game doesn't exist to me, since every game will have their minor grievances/issues, which is fine nonetheless.

GeOW2 does not deserve a perfect score,...

5080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I prefer my media disc format, but I'm not adverse to having digital downloads as an option. There needs to be several changes before digital downloads go mainstream for games though, b/c if downloads for huge HD games takes too much time through downloads, I imagine most gamers like me would rather just go to the store to pick up a physical copy.

5080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If kinect is for everyone as MS states, then the proof will be in the pudding. This article was certainly filled with optimism, but the titles the author tried were anything but core games. Mind as well wait and see how kinect is implemented for core titles before being to overly optimistic though, that's just setting up for disappointment if it doesn't work well.


What games are you getting for kinect? You make it sound like the kinect ...

5080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's be honest, Bioware is a great company but they were definitely trying to cash in on one of their well known IP's, with a weak attempt on a portable platform. It's great that they admitted they didn't put out a good portable game and hopefully they'll put more effort in next time if they choose to make another portable game.

5080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Look at the text at the beginning of the video. It states "In this video, I will show how to use kinect for shooters together with a traditional contoller. You will be able to switch between montion controls and normal dual stick mode without even pausing the game."

Seeing as it mentions "how to use kinect for shooters together with a traditional controller.", how does this have nothing to do with kinect? That's cont...

5080d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If core gamers need a a controller to play games with kinect, it already defeats the purpose of kinect to begin with, which is "You are the controller". All I see with kinect now is games aimed at the casual market, I'm not sure how they'll implement kinect usage for core gamers, but it's not looking very appealing right now, to be honest.

5080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Grave Robbers + iFLOWLIKEWATER

The PS2 lost quite a bit of money before the slim came out during last gen as well. A point both of you seem to be missing is the fact that Sony's home consoles have helped pushed the media disc they used into the forefront for other areas of entertainment like movies and music.

PS1 pushed the CD format, PS2 pushed the DVD format and now the PS3 is pushing the blu-ray format. I think most people would agree that they ...

5086d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for deadspace 2, I really loved the 1st game. If it's like the 1st game, with or without any minor/major adjustments, it should be a great game =).

5101d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment