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This would be a great move by Sony for their next gen consoles. It makes perfect sense their 1st party companies have input on what they would want in Sony's next consoles, since their the ones making the games.

5195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Android has only been out a short time, yet it's taken more smartphone market share than the iphone. It's 2nd only to the Blackberry, which is no surprise considering it's used for phones by Acer, Samsung, LG, Motorola and Sony etc.

I'm not going to jump out and say the Win7 phone OS will fail, but it's competition already has a huge jump just being out on the market first. I don't see a lot of the mobile phone companies moving away from using the ...

5195d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really doubt Sony would use Windows 7 phone OS for several reasons. For one, Sony phones like their new Xperia, Xperia mini and Xperia Pro use Google android 2.1 as well as their own proprietary software. Secondly, Sony has a deal with Google for Google TV on Sony's next generation TV's. The next big thing in the N.A market will probably be TV on the move, so Sony might as well have Google TV on the go or their own proprietary software for Sony phones.

Sony may...

5195d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seems like a decent investment, since I only have 2 separate speakers for my TV. I'll consider investing in this if it's released in North America.

5196d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Wii's still doing fine, I doubt it'll stop outselling the 360/PS3 anytime soon. Regardless, I prefer my core games over most Wii games, although I still want to play Sin and Punishment, Metroid other M and Zelda Skyward sword.

5196d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Infamous 2 is looking good, I think it'll be a huge leap like Uncharted 2 was for Uncharted 1. The gameplay looks great so far =).

5196d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As I remember it, the MS rep told me that HDMI wasn't necessary when I was selling 360's at Bestbuy/Futureshop, he also told me there were hundreds of games still coming out for the original xbox. I was told that RROD was a minor issues despite the fact I was taking back 30%+ of the 360's I sold, while selling more "Product Service Plans" w/o having to explain the benefits of adding 3 yrs of warranty for a 360 with only 3 months of original warranty.


5197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with other people who have commented, I think an ICO collection will be out 3-4 months prior to the release of The Last Guardian. I'm looking forward to seeing a HD remaster, even though I already own both games =).

5200d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think people are missing the fact that Marcus is a fictional character who's fictional job is to sell PSP's to the general gaming populace. Regardless of how he talk's, he's funny while promoting the PSP and it's games. I'm from a minority and some people here need to relax since there's common stereotypes in movies, music and games too, yet no one's taking that into consideration either.

5200d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm looking forward to the 3DS, Nintendo has never failed me when it came to handheld systems. If the 3DS is more than $200 when it release though, I'll hold off buying one until there's a price drop.

5212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Hallmark Moment

The 360S pretty much only had wi-fi added, something the competition already had. It's hardly a deal breaker considering the 360S is the same price as the PS3 slim. I think the $199 360S is basically just a arcade unit.

People keep saying the kinect is going to do well, yet it has no core games that will drive the masses to buy it. Will you be playing GeOW3 or Halo Reach using kinect? No you won't, so assuming you're buyin...

5212d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

I mention before that if another FF game goes to the 360, I thought it'd be FFIV. If FFIV does indeed release on the 360, I wouldn't really be surprised since FFXI already has been released on the 360.

5212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Promoting 3D in any form, even the competition benefits Sony's 3D push. The 3DS will help push 3D as a suitable platform to the general populace, which IMO can only improve the outlook for other 3D products, including TV's by Sony, Samsung, Panasonic etc. The PSP hasn't done phenomenal, but it's still shifted over 60 million+ units and has guaranteed that there will be a successor to the PSP. I no doubt will be getting a 3DS, as Nintendo has never failed me when it came to ...

5214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Valve coming to the PS3 is significant due to Steam. I highly doubt there will be any games like L4D being exclusive to the 360 anymore. Having the crossover between PC/Mac and PS3 users is going to be a significant shift when future multi-platform games come out on consoles and to those that buy the games IMO. Being able to play against 360 users only or PC/Mac/PS3 users is going to be decision gamers are going to have to make, especially when you consider how the PS Move can even the pla...

5214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I think the 360S will help boost sales temporarily for MS, but I don't think we will see as huge a shift like the PS3 slim and it's price cut did, when it was announced. The 360S will certainly do well in the US, but as long as the price is the same, while the PS3 slim sells on par with the 360S (which I expect), it won't stop Sony from decreasing the hardware deficit every month. I don't see the 360S outselling the PS3 slim IMO, in Europe or Japan ...

5214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


What we've seen is small footage clips of MGS:Rising, not the whole game. The cut scene was visually nice, but the actual gameplay didn't look stunning IMO, nor did it show enough on screen to actually challenge the game in a visual sense.

Look at Alan Wake for example, it looked visually great prior to release, it looked great after release, nonetheless it was still sub-HD and far from contention as best visual game of the year. I think eve...

5214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The problem with this article is that the titles in question are all multi-platform games, yet the best looking games this gen have been exclusives like KZ2, GOW3, UC2, and GeOW2. I doubt we'll see much differences between either platform for these games, since they'll all be made to look the same anyways.

The best bet is to wait and see when these titles are released before hyping them up to be visual masterpieces. The same was done for Alan Wake, Splinter cell c...

5214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Having Gabe Newell, one of the biggest critics of the PS3 come out at the Sony E3 conference is a pretty big turn of events in recent gaming history. The fact that steam is going to be on the PS3 will have more of an obvious impact down the line when Valve games are released on it via the PS3. I'm not sure if people realize it, but big Valve exclusives like Left for Dead are unlikely now, with the PS3 most liking getting future Valve games as well.

5215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The same reason it took MS to get up to date with wifi, things obviously take time, money and development to come out.

5216d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does anyone know the format Nintendo is using for the 3DS? Is it basically larger capacity DS cartridges?

I've been waiting for an Icarus announcement for a while, great to see it's on the 3DS =). I'm not exactly excited over the other announcements, since they're just older games with 3D support. Icarus was definitely the selling point for me, I'm going with the aqua green 3DS =).

5216d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment