CRank: 5Score: 11970


The 1st thing I'd do if Atlus did a remake of Tactics Ogre, is pee my pants. I'd offer my right hand to play it...on 2nd thought, I'll offer someone elses hand to play a remake of Tactics ogre, haha...

5524d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Technically, the PS2 is still the RPG king, even this gen so far. Everyone assumes that JRPG's do poorly in N.A, yet about every Shin Megami Tensei game for the PS2, has done well for sales. Persona 3/FES/4 have each done approximately 200K in North America with a global average total of 500K each. This is better than most JRPG's on the 360 and PS3.

5524d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure if SE did a 360 version in Japan it would sell fine, but I don't see it happening, mainly b/c I don't think SE could afford to wait another 6 months or so to port it to the 360 in Japan. I don't think the FF fans would appreciate waiting longer for a game that's already had a long wait time to it.

5524d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Like Spike47 and Gun_senshi said, graphics may help immerse you within the game, but gameplay should be the primary reason to play any game.

With regards to the graphics for Last rebellion, it's probably best to wait until it's near completion to comment. Alpha screenshots are a long way from gold status, a lot will change by then. I'm just happy that the characters aren't chibi-mini sprites.

5525d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


I'm just going to put it out there, but if you had anything relevant to say, you would have said it by now. Before you go on a huge 360 fanboy tirade, I'm guessing it'll come down to "playing" sales, am I right?

Besides, sales figures are pretty unprofessional and unnecessary to a article that's main attraction is the games on sale.

5525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


As mentioned by quite a few already, this is no different than MS doing timed exclusives like Last Remnant, which was supposed to be a day 1 multi-platform release, yet the PS3 version has gone MIA.

Having this so close to release isn't going to negate a wait period of less than 6 month's, which is still less than what PS3 users have had to wait for other timed exclusives.

Besides, whining from either side isn't going to reduce the wait for ...

5527d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm really looking forward to this game, but was the name change necessary?

"Your next challenger is piston Hondooooo!!!". Damn I gave it the benefit of the doubt by saying it out loud in my head, but "Honda" still sounds better (-_-);;.

5527d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony owns the rights to the Ghostbuster movies, I'm guessing they were able to get a timed exclusive for the game to promote the blu-ray versions of the movies coming out in June.

I can't believe the hypocrisy of this article, especially when MS is better known for timed exclusives (Eternal Sonata, TOV, LP, NG, Bioshock etc.). In fact it looks like Lost planet 2 is going to be a timed exclusive, where's the uproar over that?

MS gave everyone both middle fingers ...

5527d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why all the moaning and groaning from this article? The PS3 is doing well for it's price point running neck and neck with the 360 for yearly sales, despite a lack of advertising ---> PS3 has too many 1st party titles to just advertise certain ones.


Right, that's why 360 has more 1st party games than the PS3 (sarcasm), the 360 does have the PS3 beat for DLC though, if that counts for anything (-_-);;. If not for the 360's one year head start and i...

5528d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


Whether 256 players makes for a better experiences or not is something to be seen, however, when you add in the bonuses for the team with the "private contract" earned in the game, such as the tanks and airplanes etc., we may have a very unique gaming experience like warhawk.

MAG seems to have a really ambitious ranking system with one squad having 8 players, 1 platoon having 4 squads (32 players) and 1 company having 4 squads (128 player...

5529d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Don't gamers always ask for "more" stuff/material all the time? I don't see how 256 players in an FPS game is generic, otherwise it would be the norm already. If Sony pulls this off, it could set a new standard for what we as players could consider the norm in the future.

5529d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


I was just about to ask about expandable memory but now that you've mentioned it, I'm more interested in the new PSP coming out. I'm hyped to see the new PSP now (^_^).

5533d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed, Valkyria Chronicles is a unique SRPG. It's nice to see that sales of Valkyria Chronicles has picked up again (as my friends from EB games have told me). The new DLC will be sweet (^_^).

5533d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Hahaha...are you serious? If you think I'm the most serious fanboy out there, you obviously are new to N4G, ill-informed or both. If anything, I'm blunt yet honest with my comments. If you've seen my comments before, I've mentioned several times before that Nintendo is wiping the floor with the competition this gen. If my comments come off remotely "fanboyish", prove me wrong or STFU!

Nothing I've seen is wrong, merely facts. GTA's be...

5533d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry, RedMage, I meant to say how SE is ignoring mobile games with regards to FF, hence the portable love with FF: Echoes of time (NDS), FF Bahamut (NDS), FF dissidia (PSP) and FF agito (PSP).

I agree with you about SE being focused on the portable trend, but I'm looking for new titles rather than remakes. Not that I hate remakes since I got FFIII, FFIV, Chrono trigger, DQIV, DQV; but I'm more interested to see SE put more effort into new games. FF: Crystal Chronicles, Echoe...

5534d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with RedMage, I'd much rather see a NDS version of FFIV the after years. I'm not really sure if FF is enough of a pull for me personally to get a Wii, however, if added to the other games I'm interested in for the Wii; Sin and Punishment 2, Punchout, Fragile, Muramasa, DQ10, Arc Rise Fantasia, Fatal Frame 4 (someone please pick this up for N.A release), FFIV is helping approach the 10 game threshold for me to buy a system.

5534d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Ah, now I understand what your saying, that's right FFII on the NES in N.A is FFIV in Japan, while FFIII on the SNES was FFVI on the Famicon in Japan. It was too late at night when I posted *(@_@)*.


I think what the Wii should have done for Echoes of Times was have 2 versions of the NDS version; one with just the NDS game and a 2nd higher priced limited version with the NDS game and a redeemable coupon for a Wiiware version o...

5534d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ahh...what? This article is talking about a sequel to FFIV, not FFII.

I'm interested to see if this does as poorly as the recent FF Chronicles: echoes of time game on the Wii. SE might want to do a DS version of this game like they did with Echoes of time.

5534d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm willing to bet we will have more releases like the UMD-free Patapon 2, which will be an online code for downloading straight to the PSP.

The other option may be similar to certain blu-ray movies that come with a free digital copy, i.e. buy the UMD version of a PSP game, get a free digital copy as well ---> hence a middle ground for people with the PSP-1000/2000/3000. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, considering Sony has done the same for PS3 games; Warhawk, Burno...

5534d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

CES 2009 (day 3) - Alioscopy 3D TV

Take into consideration recent 3D movies like Journey to the center of the Earth, Coraline and Monsters Vs. Aliens, it's no surprise that blu-ray is being defined as the standard for future 3D movies. Future 3D movies are going to need media s...

5534d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment