CRank: 5Score: 11970

Yeah, I'm sure Sony is just crying a river over having more million unit selling 1st party titles than 360 this gen (;_;). If your finished sulking (>_<)@#$!, be a man and take the numbers as is...if need be, take them with a grain of salt.

Besides, games like GTA4/SF4/RE5, disagree with you for attach rates. Sometimes your comments are like a spinning top that ultimately falls down to its own wobbly spin (-_-);;.

5527d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Xelai and Commodore64

The bottom line isn't units sold, it's total revenue that matters to game developers. Seeing as Rockstar, EA, Bandai-Namco have all said in the last 1-2 years that PS3 is their "Bread and Butter", it's no surprise that Ubisoft is mimicking what's been said by other companies since last year.

There's an obvious reason (above) why a company like Bandai-Namco is releasing TOV on the PS3 later this year, while giving PS3 exclusives l...

5527d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm interested in the game b/c it's got a social hierarchy to the players level, with rank being earned by what you as an individual has done for your group (similar to a badge system). There's 3 factions in the game to choose from; one is a slightly technologically advanced group, the 2nd is a normal group of soldiers (balanced mid-group) and a 3rd group that has not been announced yet.

1 squad = 8 players

1 platoon = 4 squads = 32 players

1 comp...

5527d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


How much hardware/software/live memberships, does MS have to sell to recoup the 1.1 billion RROD cost (not including fixing/refurbishing broken 360's)?

If your going by numbers, Nintendo is the only one that's been rolling in cash from day 1 release.

5528d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Yar, I be thar on the same (Patapon 2) boat as ye matey", it's a shame Sony isn't putting out a UMD version for N.A, but I can see why they're using it for testing the waters of digital download.

5529d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


I agree, gamers should play games not sales. If we're playing sales, then niche titles like Katamari, psychonauts, Shadow of the Colossus etc. aren't worth playing and we know that's just plain false.

5531d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Sony and MS as companies have both lost profit in the last fiscal year, but this is not inclusives of their game divisions which both made profit.

5531d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, do we need another another article ending with ---> ???. I read the article and understand the gist of what the author is saying, but he ends it with "Do you agree? Have you taken the Blu-ray plunge? Will you?".

I would wait until christmas '09 when there's a blu-ray player below $200 before commenting on the future of blu-ray as a format. Seeing as High Definition VOD hasn't exactly jumped out as a clear contender yet, this article may be a bit premat...

5531d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Odin Sphere and Persona 3/4/FES are more qualified to be AAA RPG's than the RPG's released on the 360 to date. You calling them niche doesn't eliminate the fact metacritics score for Persona 3 FES is 89 while Persona 4 is 91, compared to 78 for Lost Odyssey. I hate going by scores b/c they generally don't represent what I think, but a score of 91 does constitute AAA, right? If not, than all arguments based on (stupid) metacritic numbers are null and void.

5531d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, pawning off his patent for 150K seems too little for such a well known feature. The guy certainly got "rumbled" where the sun doesn't shine, possibly well deserved at that (-_-);;.

5532d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your avatar certainly shows you paying respect to the current king (^_^).

Just don't commit harikari/seppuku ( ) if PS3 falls a bit behind the Wii when DQ10 and MH3 come out. I'm sure FF XIII and Versus will even out the numbers in the end, though.

5532d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only games I want are Dragon Age Origins, Dante’s Inferno and Dead space 2 (funny how all the titles I want start with "D"). I'm interested in Dragon Age Origins, b/c it'll be Biowares 1st PS3 game, unless ME goes onto the PS3.

5532d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Actually, not every FF title has sold well. FF Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time for the Wii did terrible numbers in it's 1st week in Japan, it did just over 20K, while the DS version did about 100K.

5532d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now if SE would take a closer look at these sales, maybe they'll wake up and do some PS3 exclusives or at the very least, multi-platform games.

5532d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sweet, my brother and I have another game to play co-op (^_^)! Thx's naughty dog, you continue to impress this gen.

5532d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's images like this that make me wish I was temporarily blind at times (-_-);;. Can someone do everyone a favor and delete this article?

5532d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


For someone that cries/moans/whines so much, your avatar is quite fitting ---> cry baby much (;_;)?.

5532d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll take anything Pachter says with a grain of salt. His comments generally are filled with half-truths, regardless of what platform he talks about.

I'd like to see his comments after games like DQ10, Punchout and MH3 shows up on the Wii? How about GOW3, FFXIII and Versus for the PS3? Alan Wake, GeOW3 and ME2 for the 360? DQ9 and KH 358/2 for the DS? FF Agito, Assassins Creed and Parasite Eve 3 for the PSP?

I like many, could only wish to make money givin...

5532d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


What are you talking about? The PS2 has had great games come out even with the PS3 present. Did you not play Persona 3/4/FES, Odin Sphere, Mana Khemia, KOF anthology etc.? There's even recent games like Devil Summoner 2, Secret agent clank, Guilty gear XX accent core plus, Samurai Showdown anthology (6 games), Rock Band Track Pack: Classic Rock (May/09), Guitar Hero Greatest Hits (Jun/09), Mana Khemia 2 (Jun/09), Tigerwoods PGA 10 (Jun/09), NCAA football 10 (Jun/09) ...

5532d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


I wasn't expecting PSP2 either, maybe a PSP 1.5? Either way, I'm interested to see what the new PSP will look like, especially since I want a 2nd PSP as backup to the one I have (^_^).

5532d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment