How to Get Premium Warbond for Free in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 screenshot of the Tien Kwan planet's surface

If you want to know how to unlock a Premium Warbond without spending any money, this article is for you. Read on to learn how to get Premium Warbond for free in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 is a massively popular sci-fi multiplayer shooter, developed by Arrowhead Game Studios and published by Sony. For unlocking new gear and cosmetics, it has a Warbond system. It is similar to a Battle Pass, where you earn points (Medals, in this case) for playing the game, and spend them to unlock new stuff. Each Warbond has its own selection of gear, cosmetics, and other unlockables. There is a free Warbond that every Helldiver has access to, and a couple of Premium ones, that require Super Credits to unlock. Now, this article will explain how to get Helldivers 2 Premium Warbonds for free, ie, without purchasing Super Credits with cash.

Helldivers 2: How to Get Premium Warbond for Free

To unlock a Premium Warbond, you need Super Credits. Of course, you can get Super Credits by paying with real money, but that is not why you are here. There are two ways that you can get Super Credits in Helldivers 2 for free, to gather enough to get a Premium Warbond.

Farm Super Credits

As the title suggests, you can farm SC in-game. They are exclusively at Minor Places of Interest, specifically either in the downed supply pod (the one with the yellow blinking beam of light) or behind the “two-man door”. Each time you find Super Credits in the wild, you’ll get 10 SC added to your account.

Helldivers 2 screenshot of Super Credits found in a bunker
Image via N4G Unlocked

This way, you have to find 100 Super Credit stashes to unlock a Premium Warbond for free.  But, since you’ll find POIs while playing the game anyway, this is not as hard as it sounds.

Unlock Super Credits with Medals

Each Warbond (free and Premium) has the option to unlock some Super Credits on every page. As with everything else in there, they are unlocked with Medals. Naturally, the higher the page number, to more Medals you’ll need. But, since you’ll be getting Medals by playing the game and completing Orders, you’ll get these Super Credits in no time. The total number of Super Credits in each Warbond is as follows:

How to Unlock a Premium Warbond in Helldivers 2

If you have gathered a sufficient amount of Super Credits, you can finally unlock a Premium Warbond. From your Acquisition menu, under the Warbond tab, scroll down to the Warbond that you’d like to purchase. You will see the Buy Premium Warbond button, and the price of 1000 SC next to it. Press and hold the button and that will unlock the new Warbond.

Helldivers 2 screenshot of locked and unlocked Premkum Warbonds
Image via N4G Unlocked

For more Helldivers 2 articles, check out Best Armor Perks Tier List, How to Find and Kill Shriekers, and What Is the Sample Cap.


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