The Automatons are Back in Helldivers 2 With a Vengeful Second Wave

Helldivers 2 screenshot of the Automatons invasion

The Automaton-free Galaxy was short-lived. As expected, the Automatons are back in Helldivers 2.

The Automaton Collective is one of the main antagonists in Helldivers 2. And recently, due to the combined efforts of every Helldiver in the Galaxy, the Automatons have been pushed back and completely wiped out. Players everywhere celebrated, we got a Memorial Day, and all was quiet on the western front. It seemed that the focus would be on the Terminids for a while now.

The Return of the Automatons in Helldivers 2

As promptly stated in the official post: “Somehow, the Automatons returned.” Jokes aside, we all expected the return of the Automatons at some point. Maybe not this soon after their defeat, but there is nothing we can do about it. With the expected release of a new Warbond in just a couple of days, the re-emergence of the Automaton threat may be actually quite appropriate.

Story-wise, the Automatons we defeated were just a vanguard. Now, they are attacking in full force and Valdis Sector (and Cyberstan) is already under their full control. Lacaille and Hydra sectors are under assault and Helldivers everywhere are called to halt their advance.

Community’s Reaction to Automatons Return

The Helldivers 2 community is, as expected, ecstatic for the return of the Automatons. Although they were gone for just a couple of days they were already missed by a lot of players. This victory has raised the general morale of the players, and the whole community is gearing up to put those bots back in their place. But, some are pointing out the fact that the Automaton front has been slightly moved towards the north, leaving a lot of empty space in the south. 

What Does This Mean for Helldivers 2?

The re-emergence of the Automatons once again splits the Helldivers’s attention on two fronts. With the rumors and leaks pointing to the arrival of the Illuminate, it may be that Super Earth will fight a war on three fronts. That may stretch the numbers too thin and Helldivers may begin to lose ground. 

On the other hand, this may be a perfect time for the Xbox players to join the fray. Or at least we will get some new toys, especially with the appearance of the Catalog Expansion Upgrade. In conclusion, the Automatons are back, a new Warbond is right around the corner, allegedly a whole group of Stratagems is locked behind a Ship upgrade, and more and more leaks point toward the imminent arrival of the Illuminate. What a time to be a Helldiver.

For more on HD2, check out How to Find and Kill Automaton Gunships, Helldivers 2: Malevelon Creek, and How to Find and Kill Factory Strider.


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