
Think the Wii U is a Piece of S&%$? Well Nintendo is Calling in the Plumber to Save the Day!

VG Republic Writes: Should you have an opinion about the Wii U as many gamers and media outlets seem to, then you more than likely share the sentiment that the Wii U is, for lack of a better term, a piece of S&%$. Nintendo has been dogged for their next-generation console not only for minimal upgrades over what the current offerings for Sony and Microsoft can already do and have been doing for going on 7 years, and with what is presumably on the horizon from the other competition. It has been a troublesome time with more time being spent on a Public Relations team attempting to clean up the crap storm that has flowed their way since the Wii U announcement rather than on what the system can offer; one had to wonder if the console would be able to make it in the competitive market. Then Nintendo announced today that they were relieving the duties of all personal from the clean up attempts and calling in the plumber to unclog the nightmarish mess. Yup, that’s right a new 3D Mario is on its way to the home console that Nintendo decided to announce before next months E3.

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MariaHelFutura4026d ago

Best title of 2013. Brilliance.

3-4-54026d ago

Please be:

* Mario 64 2

* 200 Stars

* 20 Worlds @ 10 stars each

* 2 Stars in each world you use either Luigi or Yoshi.

* Music like Mario 64....as in...brand new never been heard in the series before type of stuff. The music fit the atmosphere of platforming and exploring that open world. It was nearly perfect.

* No cheap gimicks

Jihaad_cpt4025d ago

Firstly the game may be shit (I said maybe) and second it's not even announced officially to arrive this year. Why not be patient before shouting from the rooftop?

Axonometri4026d ago

Just make 3D Mario for the PS4 so I don't have to spend $400 bucks on your console just to play a couple games.

PopRocks3594026d ago

Hey, I didn't whine that I had to pay $300+ to play Metal Gear Solid 4 on the PS3. Either suck it up or don't pay. It's as simple as that.

Brucis4026d ago

Then wait a few years for a price drop like I did for the PS3. That or just don't get it. I paid about ~$300 for Demon's Souls, Disgaea 3+4, Ico+SotC collection and a couple others. Don't see me going "Why won't Sony give me their exclusives on a MS/Nintendo console so I don't have to buy their's." That's so silly, asking a company to give you their exclusives so you don't have to buy their system. Exclusives are the main point to getting a console, the "what games does this one have that doesn't" thing. Why would they ever do that?

Dread4025d ago

I only played killzone 3, demosn soul, and valkary chronicles on my playstation
I guess i will start hoping that they go multi plat so that i can just have the new xbox
At least demons soul did

AKR4025d ago (Edited 4025d ago )

Obnoxious statement is obnoxious. Why don't they make a game like Gran Turismo, Uncharted, or InFamous on the Wii U, so I don't have to pay $500+ dollars to play those games on a PS4?

Oh, yeah, that's right. There's something called "First-Party Exclusives". I'm sure you'd keel over if you found out any of the former mentioned games were coming to XBOX 360/NextXBOX or Wii U.

Axonometri4025d ago

That's all Super Duper! I was being obnoxious on purpose, you don't have to tell me I was. I was trying to imply that maybe Nintendo should think about selling their games on other platforms if they continue to be unable to move the Wii U.

I didn't know Obama had also taken our freedom of speech and opinion.

AKR4025d ago

REPLY TO "Axonometri" #2:

- SONY wasn't moving the PS3 as well as they would have hoped for either? Now look at it? Nintendo wasn't moving the 3DS as well as they hoped to either - NOW look at it?

Your argument is invalid, my friend.

~ "ExtremeAzure"
Official Blog: http://exazwiiu.blogspot.co...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4025d ago
GuruStarr784026d ago

No... but it's really great for Netflix!

C'mon Nintendo... I need something to play on this thing!

Axonometri4025d ago

See, here is a innocent bystander proving my thoughts on the situation. He wants games for his Wii U real bad also!

Benjaminkno4025d ago

Omg dude, give it up. I don't see what everyone is bitching about, there's plenty of games right now. There's some awesome Wii games I still have yet to play.

The average Wii U gamer isn't going to be waiting for games, they're just going to enjoy it.

stuna14026d ago

A nice play on the title! Because we all know plumbers are good for unclogging sh#t.

CouldHaveYelledUiiW4026d ago (Edited 4026d ago )

So, Mario is going to flush the WiiU down into the sewers?

Wait- do people still say, "Straight from the Sewers" as a compliment?

Anyway I agree "Mario is a life saver".

I hope he does it again- in a New WiiUist-Way.

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Why Don't You Own a Wii U?

Admittedly the title is presumptious, so if you do own a Wii U already, then that’s great to hear; this article will probably just reinforce what you already know.

If you don’t because of financial reasons, then obviously that’s a perfectly good reason.

But if you don’t just… because, or if you’re sitting on the fence, then GamersFTW give you a few reasons why the Wii U should sit alongside your PS4 or Xbox One as your treasured second console

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MNGamer-N3416d ago

If you don't own one yet, and you don;t buy one in 2015, then you will never buy one. 2015 Zelda. X.

Yukes3416d ago

Yep I'd agree with that. Getting a Wii U now means you can enjoy the wealth of Big N first-party titles out now, and look forward to future giants like Zelda Wii U later in the year!

Yi-Long3416d ago

My MAIN reason for not owning a WiiU right now, is very simple. Pricing.

Nintendo rarely drops the price on their best games, so even after 2 years orso, games like Pikmin 3 and The Wonderful 101 are still around 45-50 euro here in Holland.

I'm not saying those games aren't worth 50 euro. I'm sure they are. However, for 50 euro I can also choose to pick up 3-5 must-have games from the bargain-bin for the consoles I do already have.

So that's an easy choice for now.

There are also other reasons why I don't own a WiiU (yet), like the region-locked software and hardware, the very small HDD, the extra expenses you will need for the peripherals, the online experience/environment, the outdated hardware, the lack of proper 3rd party support and mainstream-games, etc etc, but main reason for now is simply the price for the games.

Nintendo has simply priced itself out of my comfort-zone.

I'm am REALLY excited about some of the games already out for the WiiU, and even more excited about some of the upcoming games, and I'm sure I'll play them all SOME day, but if those prices don't go down in the near future, then I won't be playing them anytime soon.

TomShoe3416d ago

I just got a PS4, my wallet needs a break.

Even with the 3DS having a sparse lineup this year, buying games for 4 different platforms gets expensive.

LOL_WUT3416d ago

See thats the problem if it isn't the price its either because people are waiting on a certain game to come out (Zelda, X, Star Fox) had Nintendo priced the console right and had some of their big franchises from the get go we would've had a whole different scenario. ;)

kreate3416d ago (Edited 3416d ago )

I dont like big N first party titles except Mario kart.

When Wii-u $300 model drops to $200. Whenever that is. I'll buy one.

games I'm interested in is the N version of dynasty warrior game and bayo 2 for now

CloudRap3416d ago

I'll buy one when it drops to 200$

Concertoine3416d ago


Unfortunately i doubt that'll change... New Super Mario Bros on DS (a 10 year old game) still sells for nearly full price.

It doesnt apply to me since i buy anything i want at launch, but thats definitely a barrier that negates the cheapness of the system.

JimmyDM903416d ago


My only concern is that since Nintendo is being so slow with the price drops that by the time it hits 200$ their next console will almost be out and if it's backwards compatible then there'll be little reason to buy the Wii U.

pompombrum3416d ago

The sad problem is that being a fan of Japanese games, there is probably a longer list of games I want to enjoy playing that I will never get the chance to than ones actually available to buy in the UK. Region locked software plus no plans to localize games like the latest Fatal Frame have almost made me want to avoid the Wii U on principle.

ShinMaster3416d ago

"Why don't you own a Wii U?"

Some people already owned PS3 and 360s and did not grow up with either Mario or Zelda and it's just not enough.

These people gotta stop assuming that everyone grew up playing these games and share the same nostalgia.

Concertoine3416d ago


Who says you have to be nostalgic? Good games are good games.

kreate3416d ago


that's a good point.
I blame Nintendo on that though.

if im gonna buy $300 wii-u, I rather pick up a xbone for $329 plus whatever its bundled with on a black Friday.

the pricing is not competitive enough.
im a cheap gamer.

we'll see what happens though.

Army_of_Darkness3416d ago

A wiiU is mainly ideal for those who enjoy Mario and Nintendo's first party games and if that is not enough to keep you satisfied for hours on end, then don't buy it. Get a ps4 or xbone. Especially if you also enjoy your 3rd party games.

XisThatKid3416d ago

I'm not cool enough yet.

N4g_null3415d ago

Ok here is a price you may like!


Check it out, see ya on the miiverse!

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3415d ago
Magicite3416d ago

Because I don't like platformers or games without proper story (racing/fighting). Only thing I'm looking forward is Xenoblade X, but 1 game isn't enough to justify purchase.

gokuking3416d ago (Edited 3416d ago )

I don't own one because I see little reason to own one. I've gotten my fill of Nintendo platformers on 3DS and couldn't care less about Zelda, Fatal Frame and Platinum's games. Xenoblade looks great, but one game isn't worth $200+.

randomass1713416d ago

Game appeal I'd reckon. I own a PS4 and a Wii U and as of right now I can't really understand why anyone would say no to either. They both have some awesome games that compliment each other really well.

Eonjay3416d ago

Waiting for XCX and Zelda. For me those two games will make it more than worth it and I am banking on a sweet bundle.

Majin-vegeta3416d ago

Waiting for either X or Pokken tournamet.

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Lightning Mr Bubbles3626d ago

Always like to see girls taking interest in video games, but Nintendo Wii U sucks.

crusf3626d ago

I bet that 666% increase in the UK of Wii U sales and Mario Kart 8's Universal success made you almost break your screen in anger.

Geekman3626d ago (Edited 3626d ago )

2013 is over. People like the Wii U. Shut the hell up.

Starbucks_Fan3626d ago

If stupidity was an illness you would be dead

BuddyAcker3625d ago

You're entitled to your opinion about the Wii U, but the really stupid half of this comment is the part about "girls taking interest in video games." Do you a) have friends, b) ever get out in public, or c) know how to use the internet other than N4G?

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mydyingparadiselost3626d ago

I want to see footage and a localization for the new Fatal Frame game. Otherwise I completely agree with this chick, ESPECIALLY about Earthbound.

isarai3626d ago

"Im a girl, and i play games, and you just gotta deal with it" really hate this obnoxious behaviour some "gamer girls" have, then they bitch that they are being treated differently. How about if you don't want to be treated differently then don't act like you're some special case

TheSaint3626d ago

Agreed, can't they just be gamers?

hazelamy3626d ago

you want obnoxious behaviour, look in the mirror.

you see "game girl" and go off on one about "girl gamers" without even watching the video.
apart from the title of her channel, being Game Girl, she never once mentioned her gender.

people like you who attack female gamers without any provocation, just because they're female are the reason for this "obnoxious behaviour" as you call it.

"they bitch that they are being treated differently"
and then you attack her for being female.

you do know what the word hypocrite means, right?

BuddyAcker3625d ago

She doesn't even try to use her sex to promote her content other than in the name, which is the same thing as someone using "SurferDude" for their Xbox Live gamertag. Your comment shows me you didn't even watch the video and are just attacking her for being a girl. You sir are a fool.

RPGrinder3625d ago

Nintendo should ACE E3. Love the video