CRank: 5Score: 24600

Forza = #1 rated sim in the 360 and PS3 generation.

Not even close...

4125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And so did PS3 over 360...

Remember Blu-ray and cell were going to rule the world?

Where did that get Sony?

4125d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

When has Jonathan Blow had anything positive to say about Xbox?

Right after Braid was released and ever since he has been slagging MS every chance he gets.

4125d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They will announce the use of the power button... When the system is off, the power button will turn the system on... When the system is on, the power button will turn it off.

Sony fans will applaud this as an innovation in gaming, other gamers will scratch their heads, Sony will turn this into the biggest PR coup in the history of gaming!

4127d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

Actually MS is not only jumping out in front but they are also helping consumers as much as possible...

- Buy digitally every game on release date
- No matter what X1 I use I can play my games
- Family purchasing vs. individual
- Publishers choose the used model (same as Sony)

The only thing that can be taken as bad is that you have to be connected to the Internet at least once every 24 hours...

After seeing Bungie and...

4127d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

Its not like they rated it very bad...

You see some reviewers rate games like Killzone, Halo, Gears, etc. 2/10 and I totally agree the reviewers were idiots...

The Last of Us is a AAA game. Polygon didn't appreciate it as much as most have. They gave it a respectable 7.5/10. They are entitled to their opinion.

Personally, I love the game. But Polygon didn't throw it out by giving it 7.5/10...

4127d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The demographic of n4g is different then neogaf. neogaf is gamers.

4127d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Its easy to blame others...

But those developers and publishers had games such as Blur, Darksiders, Red Faction Guerilla, The Saboteur, The Club, Dark Sector, etc.

All decently rated games that deserved gamer support.

And if developers have one "less then stellar" game does that justify their shutting down? That leaves no margin for error. And that's why you see publishers and developers stop taking chances on new ideas.

4128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The other media industries struggle as well.

I worked at a music publisher for a year... Do you realize that only 1 in every 33 artists that get signed to a contract make the publishers money? And that 1 has to make enough for to pay the expenses of all the others plus make a profit acceptable to the return on investment requirements?

Automotive industry is centered around a refresh rate imposed through trading in used vehicles, accidents, etc.

4128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What about the right for publishers and developers to make a profit and decide how their works get distributed and licensed?

I am not saying this is alright, but no one on this site has given a suggestion as to how save developers like Volition, Bizarre, Pandemic, and many others that went bankrupt because not enough gamers bought their products even though they all made decent games last gen...

And publishers like Atari and THQ, who funded games that many ga...

4128d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

OK. How's this...

I love what I see from X1 so far and on Monday gamers will get what they've wanted to see...

The games. To me, that's all that matters...

I don't care about Kinect or the tv functions, or the apps...

Just give me the games...

4128d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't see a 24-hour check in as bad. I really like digital and retail distribution on the release date. I really like that anywhere I go, I can access my content through the cloud and don't need my disc.

There is nothing really bad about this.

It is essentially the death of piracy.

4129d ago 11 agree17 disagreeView comment


First, I didn't include third party exclusives... Also, I said first year but only talked about launch titles... My bad. MS had many other exclusives the first year as well... So well I agree that some of those titles were decent, I did not include 360 titles beyond launch so only really Motorstorm and Untold Legends fits.

Second MGS IV was June 2008... PS3 was released in November 2006...

4129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If PR decides the next generation then gamers are a bunch of fools.

Games should decide the generation!

4130d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How was the first year of the PS3?

Resistance, Resistance, and oh yeah Resistance...

Yet MS had Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, and PGR3 in its first year...

If you look at every year of the gen, MS had the best exclusives for the first three years, MS/Sony went head to head for two years, and Sony has had the best exclusives in the last two years.

The PS3 was a useless $600 dollar Blu-ray player for its first year.

4130d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Tell that to all the development studio staff and publishing staff that lost their jobs this generation...

A lot of good devts and publishers closed this generation.

I'm not claiming that used game fees are the answer to the problem, but crap people do you want publishers and devts to continue making games?

Well, if you do they need money and returns on their investments... If they don't get a viable return on investment, the people...

4130d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The impressive part of the demo is how large the world is, how many polygons are rendered, and how many polygons are moving all at once...

I doubt the demo was meant to be about color, texture, and blockiness.

Although the close ups of the people were very impressive.

4130d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Until both Sony and MS has a bill of materials for what you get and what games are available I am waiting.

Too many times both of these companies have made promises only to backtrack them...

Alan Wake, Gears of War 3, Last Guardian, Killzone 2, Last of Us, Beyond...

All games that were announced and then had their ship dates moved...

4130d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Witcher 3 probably isn't exclusive. If it is then absolutely... I was looking from an exclusives view point...

4130d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If this list is real, it is very strong. The big thing missing though is a AAA RPG.

4130d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment