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Link to MS's official quote stating this?

4140d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed... Gamers are being very inconsistent...

"Its all about the games", but when MS says E3 will be all about the games the tune changes...

Then, Always On... X1 is perceived as a pure always on device... But gamers are stoked by Destiny which is an Always On game.

Then, I hear that bundling Kinect is bad... What do we care if Kinect is bundled? I don't use it to play any of the games I like. Yet, the PS4 ships with the P...

4140d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

This article is about glorifying the cloud stuff on PS4. To take advantage of the cloud you have to be always on.

By the way MS has stated their console does not require always on connectivity so it is a red herring argument anyhow...

Major Nelson clearly states X1 is not an always on device in his chat after the X1 conference...

Link to Chat: h...

I agree. Like every gen this is the pattern we will see...

Year 1 - Games for the most part are just graphically better then the last gen.
Years 2-4 - Games innovate and show what the gen really has to offer
Years 5 and Up - Games are just reinventing on what we have already seen... Ex. Halo 4 was a juiced up Halo 3 engine, Forza 3-4 were juiced up Forza 2 engines, Last of Us is a juiced up Unchartered engine, GT6 is a juiced up GT5, etc... Everybody like th...

4140d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I laugh at this stuff. Not because it is inaccurate or because it is bad...

But for it to work doesn't the client require an "always on" connection?

LOL. Isn't that the same thing gamers are knocking about X1? Aren't gamers completely revolting over it? Shows how marketing is really hooking people... You can't have always on to check DRM rights, but always on is great if you want to play games...

4140d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yet another article starts with speculation vs. fact. MS has not announced what memory they are using yet, they only announced how much the system would have.

So, cue in the PS fanboys who will automatically conclude that the PS4 is better and cue in Xbox fanboys who will argue its better without knowing the specs for certain.

What I can say is that MS has been developing operating systems and software for decades. They are well aware of where there are bot...

4140d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

I think the gaming press is out to get Microsoft now...

No where in the article did they say they were unhappy with the reports. They simply stated that they were inaccurate and incomplete.

This kind of stuff is completely over the top.

Now I know, why I don't trust gaming industry reviews... The gaming press is biased and amateur.

4141d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is news? I am sure that both Sony and Nintendo outsold 360 in Japan every week since they were released.

And it has been common knowledge that xbox does not share its north American and uk popularity in Japan...

Really people, this kind of news is desperate gutter material...

4141d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All I have to say is MS better keep their promise on games for E3... And keep the games focus mostly on core games vs. Kinect games.

Although I have Kinect, I really don't find it much of a core gamer's device.

4142d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yes, Microsoft is target these people, but how does gaming suffer because of it?

Nothing shown at the conference shows that the games will suffer.

To me, they just showed off a bunch of features that I won't use... But, my wife and kids might use it which will make it easier for me to sell my wife that I should buy the device.

4143d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Raw power helped. But like MS, Sony puts a lot of resources in developing first party software because they wanted it to look great.

Third parties can't dedicate as many resources to each console because they can't afford to lose money on a specific game.

The biggest issue with the PS3 was labor required to get the power out of the PS3 and into the game was expensive. That has to do with architecture. Architecture of the development tools, architec...

4143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was at the start of the gen. Half way through the gen, the PS3 became lead platform for most games.

4143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The components of the architecture are similar but the implementation of the architecture are much different.

Two Examples...

PS3 is probably better example... Sony only has a gaming OS on the device and it is a much smaller OS than MS'. When the OS is booted to memory it leaves sony devts more space in memory for games...

MS is probably better example... MS has integrated the memory right with the processors. This makes it much quicke...

4143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Raw power does not translate to better games. The PS3 cell is more powerful than 360's processor...

How many third party games performed better on 360 over PS3 this gen?

It is all about the overall architecture of the entire box that makes the gaming console great. You would think people would've learned that by now...

4144d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

MS said they would reveal the next generation of entertainment on May 21st. And they did.

If you look at their posts and info they hinted before May 21st that it was not going to be heavy on gaming, then during the conference they talked only about entertainment holistically... And after the conference many of the execs have stated E3 is where the games will be at...

Their message has been clear. Gamers just assumed May 21st was all about them.

4144d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS will announce a new design for 360 and will announce Blizzard is going to ship Diablo III and other IPs onto 360.

4144d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is too early to tell.

Sony was heavy on games but light on its overall entertainment capability discussion.

MS was heavy on overall entertainment capabilities but light on games.

We need the E3 tie-breaker. Initially Sony obviously won from a gamer point-of-view.

Architecturally, Sony made a PC for the living room. MS made a whole new architecture tuned to the living room. Raw speed wise, Sony probably wins, but spe...

4145d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

The only way that MS forces gamers to pay for used games is in two scenarios...

1) Publishers make exclusives and exclusive must have content for MS because they want to promote this model
2) Sony and MS jointly decide to do this together because publishers want it

MS will not go this alone unless they get benefit from it. MS is not dumb.

The reason they are neither confirming or denying is because they are either in negotiations wit...

4145d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Exactly what I expected... Essentially, show off the entertainment features and a few games...

The first line at the MS conference will be something like, "E3 is all about games at that's what we will show you for the next full hour starting with ...".

MS is not dumb. this was intentionally weighted to a broad entertainment audience. E3 will be about games.

Also, MS is essentially challenging all companies that sell set-top b...

4145d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Sony dragged their conference out too long focusing on graphics. MS will focus on the console features tomorrow. At E3 they will haul out games in dramatic megaton fashion.

Tomorrow is the cake, E3 will be the icing everyone wants.

4146d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment