CRank: 5Score: 24600

PSN+ <> XBL.

It is an apples to oranges comparison. PSN+ is free and discounted content + some network features. XBL is all about the features of the network.

Microsoft is saying pay for our network and its features. Sony is saying pay us, we'll give you some free content, discounted content, and some extra network features. This all comes down to what you personally value and what you personally would pay for.

For me,...

5138d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I found the article funny. I have been playing Lost Odyssey from my HD since the copy to HDD feature came out...

No disc-swapping required.

This isn't anything new. Forza didn't even give an option. They put disc 2 on the HDD automatically.

And I find it funny how PS3 fanboys are commenting about disc swapping. Since when are HDD installs mandatory on consoles... Right... PS3 was the first to do this, and why? Well, let...

5143d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

More games ship on DVD and are bought on DVD than any other format.

Blu-ray may have won the HD war, but it is a long way from winning the physical media war with DVD. Goto Wal-mart, Best Buy, Target, Fry's, etc... Blu-ray section small, DVD section large.

Nobody cares about blu-ray outside of Sony fanboys.

5143d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment


What has Sony really come to the table with besides graphics this generation? PS3 fanboys talk about graphics all day, but don't talk about great gameplay and the full console experience much... That's because the PS3 exclusives and console dashboard aren't doing anything new... Lair was a bomb, same with Haze, same with LBP, same with ModNation Racers, not to mention the most massive flop of them all PS Home (Remember all the great promises it h...

5143d ago 8 agree21 disagreeView comment

The problem is that realistic racing games are dying and in their place extreme racing games are rising. Hot Pursuit is more on the extreme side and therefore appeals to the broader audience direction.

People want to play games like Split Second, Blur, and Burnout now. People that want to race around 100 closed circuit tracks and drive 500 realistic vehicles doing it are a dying breed with too much time on their hands.

5150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Comparing Eye to Kinnect is like comparing Move to the WiiMote.

The comparisons should stop. They appear to be similar on the surface but they implement very different underlying technologies that are much more accurate for what type of controllers they are and are more deeply integrated into the console experience.

Wii fanboys are saying Move is just the Wiimote... Playstation fanboys are saying that Kinnect is just the PS Eye. Take the fanboy hats of...

5157d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, great... Ask Sony whether CPU usage is an issue for a controller given what they know about Kinect...

Maybe someone should ask Microsoft whether holding a controller is important to casual gaming???

Seriously, does anyone expect competitors to say anything good about the other's product as a public service? Especially when they are both in deep against each other right now? I've watched this war too long to believe what either Microsoft o...

5178d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't understand how KZ3 will be so much better with Move? Personally, I prefer sitting on my butt with a "traditional" controller in a FPS (and will when KZ3 comes out). Metroid Prime is the best motion controlled FPS. I felt it was the game and the story that made it good, not the controller.

I find motion controllers annoying for precision games. And although Move will be a precision controller people will probably not enjoy moving around their living...

5184d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really like the PS3's potential... Sony gave it gobs of removable media in blu-ray, stunning visual capabilities, hard drive space, and a super kick-ass processor.

Someone should have fired the person accountable for memory design on the PS3. This choice has made the "state-of-the-art" PS3 into something that only marginally beats the 360 in most comparisons.

Although Sony won't admit it, it is probably the sole reason for mandatory i...

5185d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony's approach: Update the graphics, add trophies and put the game out for $40 at retail to sell millions...

Microsoft's approach: Update the graphics, maybe add some features, add achievements and put the game on XBLA for $10-20...

Nintendo's approach: Just put all the games on the platform at a reduced cost as they are.

Who's milking gamers the most?

5203d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Obviously the writer has not played many 360 games...

What about Vampire Rain, Pimp my Ride, Onechanbara, Kengo Legend of 9, America's Army True Soldiers, You're in the Movies, etc.

I find it hard to put Halo ODST, Too Human, and even Two Worlds below any of these...

Sounds more like a Sony fanboy thing.

5209d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gameplay is king and although these shots are stunning what really counts is the story and gameplay. Killzone 2 was void of any real quality story, and the gameplay was pretty generic.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 have way better story and gameplay.

And finally, when is Guerilla going invent the use of color? Again, Battlefield Bad Company 2, and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 use color to make a more realistic feeling wo...

5234d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

This article is misguided in several ways...

First it talks about the HD experience and tieing that to owning a HDD and wireless network. So what if you have a wired network and a home server for media? Why do you need wireless and 250 Gb of storage on the console for music and movies? Can you not experience HD in that environment too with a 360 Arcade?

Second, the costs. Costs are relative to a circumstance. In this person's circumstance MS may seem to be...

5262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Was this really a surprise to anyone? Why would Bungie want to be independent?

One reason: Control over their own games...

But it comes at a cost. The cost is Bungie needed to go multi-platform to fund projects more by themselves.

That left them with only two choices... Activision or EA.

5263d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy sure talks a lot. Too bad he hasn't put his mouth to good use and built any great new games this generation.

5272d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think what's more important is that Sony has not won yet.

Sure the worldwide weekly sales are in its favor. But, what people seem to forget is that the PS2 was utterly dominating last generation. And remember all those fanboys who were saying "When the PS3 releases it will dominate"... We have yet to see any domination from PS3. Last time I checked Nintendo was dominating still. What happened this generation?

Nintendo stole the casual market and e...

5290d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Does this lower the credibility of trophies in the game? Essentially a cheat to go through and get more trophies?

5297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How can Heavenly Sword play in the same ballpark as GoW? GoW is a trademark franchise for the PS brand. Heavenly Sword is a generic IP that barely anyone bought. If its better then why didn't we see console sales soar on its release? Why is its lifetime sales less then GoW will do in a few weeks? Heavenly Sword should be compared with Bayonetta... Not GoW.

GoW is an elite PS franchise that drive PS sales. Heavenly Sword is barely registered on the minds of gamers.

5298d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just got all 30 games... Spent an hour putting everything in my arcade....

Shao-Lin's road is definately a diamond of the bunch.

5298d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you go to the following web site:

You will notice that Nintendo also "bought" their technology from Gyration who has done motion controllers for years previous to the Nintendo asking for it. Nintendo didn't invent squat. They paid someone to invent it for them.

5301d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment