CRank: 5Score: 24600

One game missing is Lost Odyssey. Probably the best story and most emotional ending I have ever seen in a video game.

4462d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really hate these comparisons because they don't include everything and they don't take into account that people value different things...

For example, I like Live more...


- I can buy games from my PC rather then using the console stores. No matter which UI you like more it is way quicker and faster to buy on the web with Live then either PSN or Live on the specific consoles.
- Sure you get good free games with PSN+ but...

4462d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

"When the “Slim” PS3 model (CECH-2000A) was announced announced at GamesCom 2009, Sony has made significant improvements in the hardware.

Yep, they scrapped backwards compatibility, got rid of several ports, made it more difficult to change the hard drive, and used cheap buttons over the touch power button in the first version...

Outside of making the device smaller there were no improvements I liked other then the cost became reasonable.

4464d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kind of a biased article...

1) PSN is free. PSN has a subscription service too. and Live has a free service. Yes PSN is free to play online, but there is no party chat so it really depends what is important to you.
2) Blu-Ray. If gaming is your only thing you buy a console for then this doesn't matter.
3) Exclusives. If you take all 360 exclusives and all ps3 exclusives and average them on metacritic they are within two percentage points of each other. ...

4467d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree this gen is almost over... Doesn't matter anymore.

4467d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Who cares how games sell?

I only care about games I enjoy playing.

These types of "news" articles are fanboy bait.

4472d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate this talk about new ips being automatically good and old ips being fatigued...

To me, it is all about gameplay and new game engines. I applaud Capcom for Dragons Dogma because this was a new engine for them...

Halo 4 is a revamp of the halo engine, last of us is a revamp of the uncharted engine, medal of honor is another setting for the frostbite engine, etc... There are not many new game engines out there at this stage of the generation...

4474d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

343 is shaping halo 4 up nicely. gameplay at e3 was surprisingly fresh, music is top notch. keep it up 343!

Although this is a old ip, it looks like 343 has really improved the game engine!

4475d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm sure Last of Us will be a great game...

I will buy it and I am sure I will enjoy it...

But, the reality is that it is the Unchartered engine in a different story. Is that bad? No... Will it have some different gameplay mechanics? Yes... Will that make it innovative compared to Uncharted? No...

I'm sure I will like it, but like Halo 4 I don't think it will be much more than we have already seen this generation.

4479d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment



Assassin's Creed III
Epic Mickey 2
Medal of Honor
James Bond Legends
Marvel Avengers

All in October

And in September...

Borderlands 2
Zone of Enders HD
Far Cry 3
Tekken Tag Tournament

From September through November there are a whack of great games even with the release of GTA V.

4479d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Security is always an issue, but to say Microsoft and Sony have equal records on console security is like comparing the Comptoms part of LA to Beverly Hills...

They both get break ins, but in one area you are in constant fear whereas in the other it is an exception.

That said, Sony has taken steps to improve. But, that does not immediately erase their failure to keep everyone's information secure.

4479d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

The security thing is BS...

There is a difference between a hack where every single user id, personal and credit card information are taken (aka Sony last year), and a situation where hackers don't actually hack the accounts but instead trick live support or 3rd parties to get your password and log in... That is not a hack is fraud and trickery...

No self professing hacker would ever call the xbox situation a hack... Hackers get through the computer sys...

4479d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Do you realize how many patents are licensed into Windows from other companies? If they did this for each patent Windows would be a $15,000 product...

4479d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I disagree that we have not seen the best this generation has to offer. From a video game perspective.

The real issue:

Is there enough technology advancement out there to make a next generation?

I am not sure there is... Sure there could be graphical improvements which would off modest gains. There certainly won't be much sound improvement, so we are left with gameplay and AI improvements. Is there enough new technology horse power to...

4479d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS+ has some nice free monthly games and such, but I immediately cancelled when the PSN was hacked. I re- instated two months ago as I bought a Vita and they seem to have secured the network much better.

But, in the end I still am more confident with Live as I personally have only had one outage incident and they re-imbursed me by providing me two games.

Sony probably wins in features for cost, but Live wins in stability and reliability from my personal expe...

4485d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Nes_Daze... I'm not spinning. It is fact that the engines are being reused (This is natural givin there financial investments into them, and there is nothing wrong with that). The issue I have is that people seem to think just because they introduced new IPs that translates to a win... So, if MS would have called Halo 4, "The Hero" and Forza Horizon, "Open Road" they would've had new IPs that would've equaled Sony.

I am simply pointing out t...

4487d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is well documented in many articles that developers have continued to have challenges through the entire generation porting their games to PS3.

At the start of the gen devts thought 360 would be the lame duck between PS3 and 360 so they were devting on 360 and porting to PS3. But they found it more difficult to port to PS3 so now most devts build on PS3 and port to 360.

It is not about machine capabilities. It is about development tools, and the overall a...

4488d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So Sony Santa Monica showed a new iteration of the God of War engine, Naughty Dog showed a new iteration of the Uncharted engine (Implemented in Last of Us), and Quantic Dream showed the next iteration of the Heavy Rain engine (Implemented in Beyond).

While 343 showed a new iteration of the Halo engine, Epic revealed the next iteration of the Gears of War engine, and Turn 10 revealed a new iteration of the Forza engine implemented in Forza Horizon.

The only r...

4488d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

The problem is the length of this console gen. Consoles for this gen had max'd out last year (if not earlier).

So, when you talk new IPs what can they really bring to the table?

Looking at Last of Us I was thinking, "Gee they could've called this Uncharted 4 and I wouldn't have known the difference". Same with Beyond... It is simply the Heavy Rain engine in a new setting with paranormal activity. There was no gameplay in either game th...

4494d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know why people get so disappointed at the MS conference.

Sony's conference didn't exactly light up the world... Sure they had 2 new IPs... But, in reality they have taken the Uncharted engine and revamped it for the last of us... And taken the heavy rain engine and revamped it for beyond. They could have called the games Uncharted 4 and Heavy Rain 2 and nobody would've known the difference.

At least MS was honest and called their f...

4495d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment