CRank: 5Score: 24600

Another stupid fanboy article or a bored journalist trying to drive up hits to their web site.

If I was a PS only owner with a 100 or so games, the last thing I would think of is buying a 360 because of one new game. Especially knowing there is only one year left in this console cycle.

4345d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is it a very generic mindless shooter? Absolutely...

Is it in the same class as Duke Nukem Forever and RE Raccoon City?

To me, the game engine mechanics are fine. The story is useless and you feel as you are going through it that it is very generic.

I think it is more deserving of 6.5 and 7.5's out of 10 rather than 5's (Metacritic's average)... Raccoon city was a fail, because I would shoot around cover and the bullets did not...

4346d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like how they are adding depth to the character and adding edge to the story.

Halo seemed triumphant, Halo 2 lacked direction, Halo 3 again was triumphant, Halo Reach added darkness to the series. Halo 4 looks like it will add some intensity.

Well done MS. I can't wait to play!

4359d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yep, publishers are going to spend $100 million to develop a AAA free-to-play game and hope they get their money back...

BS. No publisher or investor would be dumb enough to take that kind of a chance.

4362d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony is in no financial state to cut price. MS and Nintendo know it so they are going after Sony.

4362d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Wow. Lots of comments...

But really, who cares? This gen is in its twilight.

It doesn't matter what happens this year. The gen is pretty much over and next year there will be new consoles.

The world needs to move on.

4363d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wii U is going to come out, and will sell to the people craving a new console. There aren't many new exclusive games coming out to drive new console sales. And telling people who bought the original PS3 for $600, then slim for $400, to go out and buy a super slim with a year left in this gen for $300 is odd.

Each console vendor is around the 100K mark in weekly sales right now. This is half what it was last year at this time. Sony seems to be fighting for market share ...

4378d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

People don't realize one major thing. Exclusivity by third parties devts that own their IP is pretty much dead. You can count the number of quality third party exclusive games this gen on one hand.

It costs too much money to devt games and the sales of an exclusive game don't justify it.

Contractually none of the console vendors can mandate exclusivity forever if they don't own the IP. It simply would not hold up in court in the USA because the...

4379d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see why gamers are terrible fanboys because of this fiasco.

As a gamer I simply don't see why I would need to pay $400 to buy a new console to play a game that started multi-platform. Especially since that new platform has no significant technical advantage over PS3 or 360.

It was a mistake by platinum to only release this game on the Wii U... Sales figures will reinforce my view.

4392d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I am not going to buy a $400 console that is technically the same as my 360 or PS3 just to play this game. I loved the first Bayonetta game. But, sorry, Platinum. Until you ship on PS3 or 360 there will be no sale to me...

4394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't understand the hate...

Betheseda will get there, but 360 was probably the lead platform, and now they are having issues with porting. this sometimes happens on many games from the lead platform.

4400d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm getting really tired of these comparisons and ratings of:

- Top Franchises that must Die
- Top shooters that should die
- 360 vs PS3 comparisons
- Live vs PSN comparisons
- Live, is it worth it?

We are 7 freakin' years into the generation. Quit beating the dead horses... You can almost write the the articles before you read them...

Top death franchises: sonic, final fantasy, crash, but not ratchet...

4410d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

We should come up with 5 gaming sites that should be killed. We will start with any that publish another article like this one.


4413d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy misses the point. Devt times aren't long. What takes so long is when games are overly ambitious and that results in long devt times.

Examples. Last Guardian, Duke Nukem, Too Human, Alan Wake, etc.

The issue is that they thought they could deliver a top notch project through their prototypes but realized that they had to scale things back after full production started. Remember Alan Wake was going to be open world, Too Human was going to be the ...

4414d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know why people think that making a new ip is somehow, automatically better.

Sure it gives the team some creative freedom, but it certainly does not automatically create a better game.

And, just because there have been many games in a franchise does not make it boring. The games and their gameplay make it boring. There are sequels that are way better then previous games and there are new ips that should not have been created. Such as Hour of Vi...

4417d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

These are all have great quality games. This person is just anti-big shooters and anti-large sales...

These games have generally kept on setting the bar for everyone else to follow...

4417d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

5 years from now you can call me wrong, but you really have no idea how close I am to the gaming industry... And your post confirms your fail.

Fact #1, Publishers are redirecting more and more effort onto tablets and smart phones from console development. Why?
Fact #2, PC and console sales have continually dropped this year over past years. Yet tablet and smart phone purchases are increasing rapidly. Vita is less than a year old and it sales don't hold a candl...

4419d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't think cross platform games are going to change the way we play forever.

These games are like arcades of the past where you continually feed quarters to grow in the game.

Most people don't want games to become their lives. Most people prefer to use games to fill time or as a casual hobby when the weather outside stinks.

There are a set of very hard core gamer and hard core casuals that are like a hamster in a spinning wheel on...

4421d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Handheld dedicated gaming devices are a thing of the past.

At home people are using tablets as portable devices more and more; outside of the home most people use iPods or smart phones.

It is just a matter of time before dedicated gaming handheld devices go off into the sunset. Both 3DS and Vita have performed under expectations for both companies (Both have adjusted sales estimates downward).

The big issue is that, most people do not want c...

4421d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment


Cross Buy and a few downloadable exclusives?

Cross Buy. Definitely a plus and I hope that everyone gets to that point... Meaning, it doesn't matter what publisher game I buy, I should have the right to pay once and and get it on every platform it ships (Sony, Microsoft, iPhone, WinPhone, iPad, Xperia, Vita, 3DS, etc.)

As for the downloadable exclusives, I am sure MS will have a bunch before the year ends as well. MS has already r...

4424d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment