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I would love nothing more than for MS to make the dashboard/OS, and then have MS Studios, Sony, Nintendo, and all the other third party devts working on one console spec that is integrated into every TV sold.

A standards body should be setup for the hardware like Blu-ray where sony owns the patents but invites the industry to help evolve it.

4146d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are just targeting xbox because they are scared. If they had nothing to fear then they would focus on their product.

4146d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

It is about consolidation of electronics. Its easier to manage one device over multiple. Although I don't think everyone should have to pay for BC if they don't require it or want it, the people that do (Like me) should be able to pay for it and have it.

It is like an article I saw with PS4/Vita remote play today. I will never use that, but that doesn't mean the feature should not be there... It just means it is not for me.

4150d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Square-Enix has buried itself. They have quality franchises but they milked them with many sub-par releases within those franchises. Then, when they finally released quality games like Sleeping Dogs, Deus Ex Revolution, Hitman Absolution, and the Tomb Raider they didn't get great sales because of the reputation they have.

By going to the mobile, tablet, and PC market Square-Enix will just fall further.

4152d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Split Second was one of the best arcade racers this gen. Too bad sales didn't give it a sequel...

4154d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Microsoft will focus May 21st on third party publishers... EA, Activision, Ubisoft, and 2K will all show up...

Sony fanboys will say MS is light on first party exclusives as a result...

At E3 MS will drop megaton after megaton of both third party and first party exclusives. Alan Wake 2, a Perfect Dark Sequel, Killer Instinct sequel, and Project Gotham 5. Plus Respawn exclusive and a Japanese developer exclusive.

Sony will announce a Square...

4165d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'll get both, but the next xbox will probably be my primary console as it was this gen. I buy all exclusive games on both consoles and then buy multi platform games on the primary console.

I have too many achievements to ignore the next xbox. I'm sure a lot of gamers with lots of PS3 trophies will be in the same boat.

Sony has more exclusives but this usually amounts to about 3-5 games per year. and to date, none of the "extra" exclusive...

4169d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not very much of a surprise. Rare did not ship a title in 2012. And only shipped Kinect Sports 1 and 2 in 2010 and 2011.

Also, Rare opened the 360 with two launch titles. So, the big question is it one or two launch titles?

4169d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


I was just stating that MS "MIGHT" outshine Sony's conference by those items. Sony left an opening there. But, that definitely won't sway gamers. It will only help cash-strapped, gamers that need the console to do more to justify its cost.


Kinect is something that MS has been more successful at on the casual side than sony. Personally, outside of a few titles, Kinect isn't great. And those t...

4170d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

What did Sony really bring to the announcement? A bunch of graphical models, stupid social features, commitments that developers are doing stuff, and the announcement of a bunch of games. Only a few of which will be available for the holidays, and even fewer will be exclusives.

Don't get me wrong, I expect much the same from MS. Nice graphic models, more stupid social features, commitments from developers, and a bunch of games. Only a few of which for the holidays and...

4170d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

I laugh at the first question in the article...

"Is Microsoft serious about games or is it turning the next Xbox into a fully-fledged entertainment machine?"

Many of the same attributes that make a good gaming machine are the same attributes that make a great entertainment device. There is no reason that the next xbox cannot be both.

4170d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't see much from Sony and I don't expect much from Microsoft.

The real event will be E3.

MS has already cautioned their announcement. Stating that there will be more blockbuster games at E3. I am sure Sony is planning the same.

At the press event, I expect Microsoft to be globally focused on all the console capabilities whereas Sony was only focused on gaming.

4170d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

And for the next few weeks the debates and rumors will be rampant!

4172d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rare did not release a new title this year, Lionhead released a lame Fable effort, and Turn 10 did not release a Forza last year. Ryse is currently in the hopper for this year. Also, Ruffian and Remedy have gone silent the past year or so on what they are doing. Both contracted to release MS exclusives.

If MS is not releasing a new Xbox this year I will be surprised. Ryse, a new Alan Wake, a new Forza, and two games from Rare (true Perfect Dark and Killer Instinct sequel)...

4173d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

People do not realize that the games industry is different from books and other media.

Books are cheap to make. Someone gets an idea, they write it, and then they ship it to get published. Total cost to create is usually less than $300,000 of someone's time. And they have a market of everyone who reads which are billions.

CDs are much the same, cheap labour for the creative content, and most ever 1st and 2nd world person has a way to play them again cre...

4176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 and PS3 is different for backwards compatibility because of achievements and trophies.

I like the idea of revisiting old games to get achievements/trophies.

And typically in the first year of a new console cycle games that truly take advantage of the consoles are few and far between.

4179d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

All of this talk seems to indicate that the next Xbox will start to blur the lines not only between TV set top boxes and consoles, but also between, tablets, phones, PCs, and consoles.

4181d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt article. MS has not announced that the next Xbox is an always on device.

When the next Xbox is announced and it is not an always on device, these same writers will say that Microsoft caved.

Reality is that things like this move together in this industry. Always on and blocking of used games won't happen until all console vendors agree to it. Otherwise, the console vendor that does it first is committing commercial suicide. ...

4181d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

People just don't understand.

First, the gaming market isn't enough to make consoles viable. For consoles to survive they must do more than just games. And appeal to non-gamers by being more than just gaming devices.

Second, the current rumored specifications of the next Xbox do not make it any less of a gaming device than the PS4 or Wii U. It is not only raw specs, it is also about the whole architecture of how the device processes everything in ...

4182d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

I have not bought a game on the PS3 since PS Plus was released. I used to buy every exclusive game the day it was released, but now I see no reason when it will eventually make its way to plus.

So, from me, Sony is losing money overall because all pay for is my once per year plus subscription.

4183d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment