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To me, it is bad when gamers talk more about DRM than about games.

4119d ago 31 agree65 disagreeView comment

I buy every game I play, I keep it forever, because I have over 1,800 xbox 360 games I never lend them out (too hard to track), and I always have my 360 online even when I travel to friends or long trips. How is it anti-consumer when I do not have to change my pattern to use the system?

4121d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

MS says when you buy a disc game you own the disc and a cloud version.

I don't have to buy the digital one because the disc one gives me those rights.

Sony will force you to buy both the disc and cloud version. Charging you twice.

4121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a future all publishers will go to.

Just like Sony said online multiplayer was never going to require the gamer to pay for it...

Now what is happening with PS4?

Sony has flip flopped and lied to gamers a lot last gen...

What about dual boot?
What about the PS3 gen being HD in all games?
What about their 10 year console cycle for PS3?
What about free online gaming?
Where is Last Guardian...

4121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see anything that is contrary on X1... If you buy it, you own it...

The restriction is on reselling what you own...

And on the 24 hr check in... No one else can check in with your copy, so you still own it. X1 just requires verification. That is not a sin, or anti-consumer.

That is anti-piracy and anti-renting...

4121d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I don't completely disagree with Lucas and Spielberg.

I just played through a few games over the past few weeks, and was thinking, "Gaming needs to be more than this mindless shooting through levels"...

But I do disagree with engagement on core games. Lost Odyssey was an amazing game that had a very emotional story and it made me more interested in the cut scenes and memories than the RPG elements of the game. There are only a few games like t...

4121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doom is highly overrated...

It is best for the industry that there be X1 and PS4, and both sell well.

4121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its not bad, its just disappointing because they always talked about great visions of new games and new directions...

To come out with a Halo clone is kind of anti-climatic for me...

4121d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Value isn't always measured in money vs what you get.

I am both a PSN Plus and Live Gold member. My experience to date is that the Live network is more consistently stable than PSN, it saves time on patching, it is simpler to use, and more logically organized. PSN gives me free games which is nice too. I know the Live things don't mean anything to a lot of people, but to me they save me hassle, time, and effort all of which are important to me. For example, I had t...

4121d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great... This means MGSV will be 5 more years out...

4122d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


But not a buy until September when I predict they drop the price.

4122d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know why Bungie went solo.

The destiny mechanics seemed to be exactly the same as Halo...

Watching the walk of the character was exactly like halo, the way the gamer through grenades seemed exactly like halo, zooming was halo-like, this game just felt halo-ish while I watched it.

I expected more from Bungie.

I was much more impressed with Titanfall. While it was obviously CoD MW game mechanics, the addition of me...

4123d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

No this is not over.

To begin with everyone seems to forget that Sony both Sony and MS allow used games. Both Sony and MS allow publishers to choose whether they get a cut in used games... Once people buy EA games and realize the used games policy is the same on both systems, this will disappear.

Second, MS has a limited supply of X1's this year. So, they will still probably sell out.

Third, if they find sales are slow as compared to P...

4123d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

The benefit is clear...

Buy a game, put it in the drive, it gets attached to your gamertag. Now, you can play it on any x1 in the world you sign into with or without the disc...

That is big for me as I have an xbox 360 on every tv in my houses (8 TVs, two houses). Now, I don't have to lug games around and worry about how to switch consoles...

I also travel a lot. Now, I only need the console, I don't need to lug the games..

4123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wii always does...

75% exclusive shovelware...

25% Nintendo quality exclusives...

4123d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

As usual. PS4 makes a ton of noise but when it comes to games X1 wins...

Yeah, yeah PS fanboys I hear you...

"Sony has a million studios" but they are supporting PS3 (1 year younger then xbox 360 and they promised 10 years for PS3), PSVita, and PS4...

"Sony makes better exclusives" yet the average of 360 exclusives and PS3 exclusives are within only a few points on metacritic...

"Sony will have more&...

4123d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

What makes you think I don't?

4123d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

In 5 years this will be the standard policy (or some variation of it) for all games.

Disagree away...

Quote me as crazy five years from now...

4123d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

Interesting because he no longer works for Microsoft.

4123d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

Do the math people... $100,000,000 to make a AAA game.

You need to sell 1.67 million games at $60 just to break even. Also that $100,000,000 doesn't give you marketing, or retail discs, or promotions... It only makes the game...

In reality the average selling price for a game through its life is probably more like $40 on average... ($60 for the first few months, then it starts to reduce in price to about the $20 mark). That means you would have to sell ...

4123d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment