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By the end of this gen 85% of all shipped games will require online connectivity.

Ubisoft is all in, Bungie all in, Respawn all in...

It is just a matter of time...

EA Sports games will probably be all in soon, followed by all their releases...

Within 5 years always on will be a lame argument.

4112d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yet again, Sony announces something great in their PS4 press conference creating expectations, and then slamming the expectations into the ground by putting the feature way out in 2014... And now saying the feature won't even be available in Japan and Europe... LOL...

Same with the games. Tons of games announced at the launch and e3 press conferences but only a hand full of exclusives in 2013.

And then charging for multiplayer... And also letting people...

4112d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed. That's why I stated that it was diminished (not totally useless).

I just think people are picking at straws... The reality is that Sony stated that they felt online multi-player should be free, but now they want to charge for it.

That is a flip flop no matter how you slice it, but picking at whether individual features are part of the decision or not really doesn't matter in the big scheme of things.

4112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's awesome... Cross game chat does not require PSN Plus, but playing online multiplayer does...

Cross game chat is kind of diminished (not totally useless)without online multiplayer...

4112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xerox invented the UI for MacOS and Windows. Speaking of copying, Sony copied Xbox Live and Sony had to come up with a trophy system because of achievements. Betamax was a brutal failure by Sony. Sony used to be a premium brand, but now it has to sell $100 cheaper to keep pace! LOL!

If X1 is 50% less powerful than PS4 then why have games looked just as stunning on X1 as PS4? Please cite the articles where qualified hardware engineers actually say this is true or shut up. ...

4112d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hard to believe that if you don't have an internet connection that you would be able to spend $400-500 on a console plus buying games.

That is probably less than 1% of gamers worldwide.

Also, people should be hitting companies like Ubisoft and Bungie who are building games that require online. That is a more disturbing trend than a console that has to connect to the Internet once at setup...

4113d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, I would encourage everyone to actually read the blog, and watch the associated You Tube video on used games...

People were quick to discredit MS DRM, but they don't really understand the problem that publishers and developers face.

I agree MS probably didn't sell it very well, but I don't think the Internet really thought this through.

4114d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Real big surprise Jonathan Blow says something bad about Xbox. What an unprofessional idiot.

4115d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

MS policies have been stated and made clear many times before. No one is forcing indies to go with MS.

4115d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

After they said that they believed multiplayer should always be free?

That is known as a 180...

4115d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

they did pull something.. they are charging for psn multiplayer now...

Every company will rape gamers if they get the chance.

4115d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

yeah, because sony has never 180'd...

- dual boot
- PS2 BC in PS3 hardware
- PSN plus required for multiplayer

4115d ago 11 agree15 disagreeView comment

Sony did not announce more exclusives than X1. They did announce a large indie contingent but most (if not all) are timed exclusives...

Sony promised KZ, infamous, and Knack for launch. MS promised Forza 5, Deadrising 3, Ryse, Kinect Sports Rivals, and downloadable (free-to-play) Killer Instinct for launch.

4116d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment


4116d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

Just look at sony's track record...

Dual-boot removed
BC on PS3 removed
PSN got hacked down and credit card info stolen
PSN now requires paid subscription for online MP

MS was upfront with their policies. They listened and reversed. How does that remove trust?

Meanwhile Sony broke promises made but everyone seems to trust them all of a sudden.

4116d ago 19 agree43 disagreeView comment

Honestly, after seeing what could've been for DRM I think I might just sit this generation out... I know I will be in the minority. But, I liked the MS policies.

2 X1's and 6 pre-ordered launch games to be cancelled...

4116d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I am kind of disappointed. I hope they still allow the gamer to have a cloud copy of the game as part of this.

Today, I buy the retail disc as soon as it comes out and then buy a digital copy when they drop below $20...

Therefore, each game costs me up to $80... The new system would've brought my costs down to $60 for both digital and disc.

No biggy, but I actually preferred the new way even though there were restrictions that a lot of...

4116d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can see a new N4G headline "Sony forcing gamers to update to PS4, purposely bricking PS3's"...

lol... That's how this site rolls...

4116d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Nice. N4G reporting at its best...

PlayStation fanboy gets tweet to number one news story on N4G.

4116d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

If the devt goes broke the title will no longer be able to be maintained and looked after.

With requiring a publisher, they have the backing to continue to sell and maintain the title.

That is really the only difference.

Is it important? For someone who is like me and buys a lot of titles that I don't get to play right away this is a must. For someone who buys and plays all there stuff immediately they probably wouldn't care.

4116d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment