CRank: 5Score: 24600

PS4's focus on PC type hardware is a reality for the evolution of consoles.

Sony and MS are just trying to make it easier to port between platforms. Write once, deploy on many will reduce development costs and complexity for all.

Without this approach gaming costs will start to skyrocket.

4124d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The problem is that Wii U is geared towards existing Wii casuals and gamers...

Most casuals don't care when they upgrade their consoles...

And there hasn't been enough (arguably none) exclusive AAA games for Wii U yet.

Finally, Wii U optical drive and storage are an issue... The optical drive is incompatible with Blu-ray movies, and the console storage isn't enough for the depth and complexity of modern AAA games.

4124d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is it Worth it?

Based on what I have seen, I am still on the fence...

First, Sony hasn't announced what games will actually be in the launch window. There were demos, but which ones will actually ship this year haven't been finalized.

Second, the price of the console is still not officially announced. Anything more than $500 for the premium console and I am out.

Third, Backwards Compatibility must be more detailed. ...

4124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is rumored that games may be 50 GB and larger this next gen.

Until consoles can prove they can stream/download them and physically store hundreds of games at this size digital distribution will take second seat to physical discs.

A large portion of the planet does not have the network infrastructure in their home to properly download these sizes in anything less than hours...

And it is annoying to constantly be managing hard drive space...

4124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He wasn't being negative... He was hitting people with a dose of reality...

- Great games usually cost a crap load of money to build
- The people that build games need money to feed their families
- All publicly traded companies have to make crap loads of money or they lose stock price and eventually go bankrupt (Ex. THQ)
- Micro transactions and dlc are ways to make money in a game and are making additional money for companies

4125d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

There are principles that should be abided by:

- No more game pirating (If you can't afford a car, you are not allowed to go to a dealer and jack one without potential consequences, pirating games is the same thing)
- Micro transactions are fine in any game as long as they are optional
- Every gamer should have the right to "pay upfront" for all of the game's content (Past, present or future). I hate buying a game for $60, then paying for DL...

4125d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Graphical leaps will no longer come from resolutions, textures, and number of colors...

Graphical leaps will come from detailed environments that have many more objects within them.

4126d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great job Sony... Way to support my 60 Gb launch console! Oh well, at least I can still play my PS2 games...

4127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS would only go it alone if they got exclusive AAA games from publishers. If Sony is not stopping the used market, MS would have no reason to unless publishers promised them a bunch of AAA exclusive games.

4127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Digital games take HDD space. Next gen the average decent AA and AAA game will probably be around 15-20 GB. Even with TB drives this will leave gamers who have a decent sized collection managing HD space which really stinks.

I buy a lot of games. I buy them all physically so I don't have to manage HD space.

Also, most of Gamestop, Game, Play Asia, and EB Games profits come from the used market. This will not change because the same people who sell the...

4131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1) Show as many IPs as Sony did but have more as new IPs
2) Make sure Kinect has a solid showing for casuals
3) Make sure Xbox is partnered with cable companies in North America and Europe as "The set top device"
4) Must have Blu-ray
5) Full software backwards compatibility with 360 including online gaming on 360 network
6) Strong 3rd party support
7) Improved cloud features
8) Solid 3D support
9) More integration with ...

4133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox 360 was supposed to be dead in 2006 when PS3 came on the scene, then 2008 they were going to take over, then 2010, then 2012...

Sony may still pull ahead of 360 in consoles sold last gen... But, Xbox is far from DOA.. There was not anything MS can't match or exceed in this presentation...

4134d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony came out with the 1st party game guns blazing. The social features are a waste on every console. Gaika stuff was good. Overall I liked what I saw.

But, I am not sure it yelled at me this is a day one buy... Especially if the rumour is true that the premium console will be $529. $499 is the absolute max I will pay for a console.

4134d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Outside of the first party stuff there was no mention about exclusives other than Destiny's "Exclusive content"...

Given that MS still owns 20% of Bungie, and that in their contracts for putting games on their consoles explicitly state the shipping version of the game must be the same as other consoles that is not too big a deal.

4134d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yep, because you've seen all the unannounced features of the next xbox and it doesn't compare to PS4...

This site needs more rocket scientists like you.

4134d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gaming needs PS4 and 720 so that competition remains. Competition creates innovation.

4137d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The gameplay was able to be good because they didn't have to spend their time optimizing the graphics.

Top tier devts give great graphics with great gameplay.

4139d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gearbox is a B Devt... The only reason Borderlands is good is because Gearbox opt'd to simplify development by using cell shading.

Their Half-Life work was probably supervised by Valve, Brothers in Arms HH was a sub par game this gen, and Duke Nukem Forever stunk... And now Aliens CM...

I think Gearbox are ambitious and I applaud that... But, they also, have to be smart and focus on quality vs. quantity of projects. They made enough on Borderlands (sinc...

4140d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not much info in this lot. Already covered by most previous stories...

About the anti-used games stuff...

What if publishers like EA, Ubisoft, Square Enix, and Activision are demanding this technology be put in place in order to put their games on a console?

I don't think this is console maker driven. It is more likely publisher driven.

And for those that blame the publishers... The publishers that take the risk in fun...

4145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The console sales would probably suffer in the short term. But, that is irrelevant. Consoles are typically sold with very little profit or even a loss for the first couple of years. So this might make consoles more profitable even though sales are depressed.

Also, since consoles are more than just games now, people will probably still buy them for the apps and other entertainment functions.

In the long term sales would increase back to normal levels as peo...

4146d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment