CRank: 5Score: 24600

There are many games that disagree... Fallout 3, Orange Box, Skyrim, Mass Effect 2/3, etc.

The PS3 wins from a pure numbers perspective. But, consoles are about a complete architecture from front to back. Throughput of buses, GPUs, CPUs, network, etc.

From an architecture perspective, the PS3 has many fatal flaws that keep it from reaching its potential.

4439d ago 21 agree12 disagreeView comment

There should be bets...

FF13VS vs. Last Guardian vs. Agent

Which will ship first?

4440d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The inevitable end:

1) There will be one console hardware spec.
2) Consoles will be integrated into every TV and sold separately, but MS, Nintendo, and Sony get an equal share of revenues from hardware
3) MS will develop the operating system and online platform for consoles
4) Sony will become a premiere core games publisher
5) Nintendo will be a casual and core games publisher
6) MS 1st party studios will be sold to Sony and Nintendo. ...

4440d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is like a clearance sale before the next gen starts. Whether games targeted for this gen are bad or good they must be "cleared" or "released" by June in order to make the money spent on them back.

Otherwise, they would have to re-target the games to next gen consoles which would raise devt costs substantially.

I expect some to rate very well, but there will probably be a large portion of disappointments in the releases with games feelin...

4440d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

We are in the last full year of this console gen...

I think it will sell well, but how many of those sales will matter?

Wii lovers will buy the Wii U, there will be some 360 owners that think "there are some good games on PS3 like Uncharted" so they will buy a PS3 console, and then there will be the people who already have the PS3 and want a super slim. I doubt there will be many totally new customers.

4446d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, a gamer buys elder scrolls 4 with a mandatory install of 5 gb, then gt5 with a manadatory install of over 5gb, and mgs4 with a manadatory install of 5 gb. Next game they buy they are told they don't have enough drive space to play the game.

A small drive is ok on 360 as games do not have mandatory installs. Imagine being a casual, buying three games, and on your fourth being told you cant play because your drive is full with p3 previous mandatory installs.

4447d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The WiFi on 360 is 802.11n... I don't know how you can say that is a copy of Sony's strategy when they have yet to ship an 802.11n console.

4447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Being a person that has developed, operated world class networks, and managed devt and operations, I know how expensive it is to run networks. $10 K to distribute a patch is "the price of doing business on XBLA". MS does not hide this from devts.

And being a devt you should realize that it is important to release quality software. If you screw up your build and distribute it, you should burden the cost of shipping a new build fixing the crap you shipped. Not the n...

4448d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I disagree... Have you ever run a data center? MS has a very high availability data center for XBLA title hosting. They pay people to take action on the monitoring, they protect the network from hacking, they post the patches, the patches take storage on many servers, they pay for electricity and backup electricity to run their data center, they pay network experts to make sure the throughput matches the load that XBLA put on it, etc.

It is not cheap to run any network... ...

4448d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't like 1st party games shutting down servers. This sets a bad example for 3rd party publishers.

I don't buy the cost issue. It is a non-issue for game servers because you are not constantly administering and changing their config. Once it is up and stable, nothing changes. This is just another way publishers penny pinch everyone to death.

Publishers that shutdown servers should have to specify the game's lifetime online clearly on the cove...

4449d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Maybe he should Indie then. If you want to play in the XBLA club then you should make sure you have what it takes to be there.

Although I feel for them, the person made their own bed that they ended up sleeping in. I paid my hard earned money for the game, now I get ripped off because the devt didn't test the game fully and is screwed for patching.

4449d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nothing to argue with on that list...

BioShock ported 2 years later to PS3... Not shocking it would be better...

Mortal Kombat... Yep Kratos is good...

Brink... Yep

Portal 2... After the Orange Box fiasco payback is nice...

LA Noire... Yep...

It would be interesting to see the 360 better games... Look someone has...

4450d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Developers should ship quality, well tested software the first time.

XBLA should not be blamed for a lack of quality from a developer. If they would've tested their game fully the first time, it wouldn't be an issue.

Stop relying on gamers to buy and test software... Gamers should buy and enjoy...

4450d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

exactly... There are too many studios going dark for there not to be a new console next year.

4452d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I disagree with "money" being the reason the next gen has not started. It is a factor... But not the main one.

The main issue is about having a change large enough to justify a new generation. Sure high end PCs have better graphics now but are they so much better that you would spend $400 on a new consoles? What sound changes would justify spending $400 on a new console? etc.

The most successful generations to date have had innovative changes th...

4453d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The most likely scenario would be MS buying the Blizzard part of the business because it is a PC and MMO unit. Then, Time warner buy the Activision piece to expand its multi-platform portfolio.

4454d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

People fail to realize that this event is E3 (Entertainment, Electronic Exposition). It is not called CGE (Core Gamer's Exposition).

MS, Sony, and Nintendo therefore are catering to more then just the core gamer.

I'm not saying that it justifies 20 minutes of interactive lame demos, Move Shovelware, Kinect Shovelware, or Wii Shovelware. But, people seem to think that it is only gamers there, when there is press from all major news outlets looking for...

4455d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

From an Activision stand point this would give MS/Time Warner tons of IPs from Activision (Guitar Hero, River Raid, Pitfall, Crash Bandicoot, Tony Hawk, etc.)...

In reality this amounts to WoW, StarCraft, Diablo and CoD that are making practical money today.

$10B is a big price tag, but this would definitely shake gaming foundations. It is not really about what the partnership would gain, it is more about what might disappear on other consoles...

4459d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So what hardware innovations have happened that have obsoleted the current PS3 and 360 consoles?

The problem with introducing a new round is:

How are you going to convince consumers they need to shell out $300-$500 for a new console?

The answer is clear. There are graphical and processing innovations, but will that get consumers to buy? Sure there will be the early adopters (me included), but most people look and will see little to no differ...

4460d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Or they could join Microsoft or EA Vancouver.

4460d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment