CRank: 5Score: 24600

There are plenty of core games on 360, and most of the best games of the year were not exclusives... Skyrim, Batman, Deus Ex, Dead Island, Call of Duty MW3, Battlefield, Dark Souls, etc.

Microsoft is creating a differentiator from the competition other than just games. They are using Kinect and Live as their differentiator and it has broader appeal then a bunch of exclusive core games. They are getting more consoles out there, which means a bigger market to sell games to, ...

4666d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

First, XNA was never in Windows. It is a Visual Studio add-on. Second, I am at the BUILD (Win8) conference and it seems that MS is building the XNA tools right into Visual Studio so why would they need a separate product?

4760d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, I agree with region free but does that mean that Sony respects gamers? Ummmm... That's taking it too far...

What about Sony dropping backward compatibility with the PS2? Then, remaking God of Wars, Sly, and other HD remakes now that backward compatibility was dropped? What about dropping the dual boot option? What about the PSN security breach and month long outage?

Region Free does not equal Gamer Respect...

And no corporation w...

4785d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Why does everyone think that the lead console is a good thing? In reality devts choose a lead console because of the difficulties in deliverying the final game on it.

The thought is "if we can deliver on the lead console, we know the other console will do it with no problems". That's why it is the lead console, to ensure delivery is possible.

I'm not saying the PS3 is less capable then 360 (I really don't think it is). But, there is a...

4884d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know how this is a low blow...

These updates would have been developed and tested for months before the PSN issue. You can't just throw features onto the dashboard in a few days. You have to consider memory implications, security, and performance. All of which require extensive testing.

It is more like an accidental hit on the chin.

I don't think most PSN fans care anyhow. If you spent $200-600 on your PS3 and invest...

4887d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Expect a lot of Sony announcements until the PSN thing dies down. They were probably saving this for E3, but what better way to make your gamers happy again then announce new (cool) games?

4898d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Public relations-wise these are both the same.

Microsoft is a software services company that made shotty hardware. Sony is a hardware company that made shotty services software.

That's where the similarity ends. There is a huge difference between the two in actual potential damage. RRoD kept you from playing games which was more anger then actual damage. The PSN hack can cause a lot of real issues in people's lives with identity theft (and maybe ...

4898d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It won't cost lenders a cent.

If it is really that bad they will sue Sony for negligence and will probably win.

Credit card lenders have way more lawyers then Sony...

I doubt it is that bad though...

4898d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're right... my bad.... thx.

4913d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought Agent got cancelled... Also, PGR5 is confirmed? By Whom?

Yet Gears 3, Kinect Star Wars, Unchartered 3, MotorStorm 3, Dance Central 2, and Resistence 3 are all not listed in rumours or confirmed? WTF?

4913d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I doubt it is blu-ray. Like many have stated it is probably just allowing developers to use more space on DVD.

MS has no significant reason to add blu-ray support. They got here without it, and it doesn't seem like this is a dominant issue with 360. Sure it would be nice to have, but it is not at the top of most 360 owners' lists...

I would rather MS work on putting a solid state drive in the 360, improve DRM so you can transfer between consoles more ...

4929d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree, no smart vendor is not thinking about their next product. Especially in the technology industry.

4969d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its good to assess the games for 2011 before anyone has officially announced their complete games lineup for 2011. Half will be delayed to future years, half haven't probably been announced yet.

Such an assessment should only be done after E3 in June and TGS in September. That is when we get some certainity about what games each company will have in its exclusive stable for the entire year.

4977d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree. Parents gloss over this stuff without trying to understand what it means the kid can do...

Its funny, everytime I buy something online in Canada it shows me the cost and credit card to be charged... I don't know how much more obvious MS can make it.

4979d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Letting kid play M-rated game and then taking to the media to publicly try and humiliate Microsoft?

Sorry, doesn't sound like the most intelligent and mature approach a mom could take... What a role model she is...

4990d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

And then Microsoft would counter-sue for demfamation as well. This story went all over the net painting Microsoft as the bad guy...

Who was damaged more?

4990d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree that they are like every other global company.

As for their products... If they were bad nobody would buy them. Over 50,000,000 360's have been sold this generation. If the product was bad everyone would be buying the PS3 and although the PS3 is doing good, the 360 still continues to hold a global lead in sales.

4991d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Crysis 2 Better on PC...

My 360 (and formerly my PS3) only costed me $299 and will run Crysis 2. A Crysis 2 capable PC is at least $800...

It may be better but I would not upgrade my PC just to play one game!

4995d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

Sony may have the best console but their online games are being hacked to hell and that could be the demise of the system long term.

I canceled my PSN premium subscription renewal today and will be taking my PS3 back to Gamestop for credit while it still has value. It is a waste of time getting trophies on a system where many people are hacking their way to get them. It is also not fun to go into a game lobby and experience the useless excercise of hacked cheats.

4998d ago 3 agree19 disagreeView comment

This is really overshadowing and few good game releases...

The focus of gamers should be on LBP2 and DC Online Umniverse...

Not the PS3 hacks.

4998d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment