CRank: 5Score: 24600

I wasn't interested in a browser on my tv. having it controlled from a tablet is a good thing. but I am still not sure how much I would use it.

What I really want is to play xbox games on my tablet. judging from the latest win 8 previous it looks like that will be possible. then I will be happy.

4402d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

New IPs such as Bayonetta, Vanquish, Lost Odyssey, Binary Domain, Eat Lead (Max Hazzard sin off), Pure, Nail'd, Enslaved, Majin and the Forsaken, Bulletstorm, Blur, Split Second, Brutal Legend, Catherine, Rage, Flatout Ultimate Carnage, Mirror's Edge, Stranglehold, Shadows of the Damned, Singularity and El Shaddai all got 75% or more on meta critic this generation, and most if not all will never see a sequel.

Most of these games didn't sell that great compared to ...

4402d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are a few keys to this being successful...

1) Either it needs a controller built in or be able to sync one to it...
2) It needs to be able to download and run games locally (Latency is too much in remoting)
3) Needs to expose the full functionality of the Xbox
4) Needs a browser

Essentially, it becomes a gaming branded tablet.

4404d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the Tomb Raider we should've saw instead of Underworld... Not that Underworld was bad, its just Unchartered raised the bar and Tomb Raid failed to respond appropriately.

This looks like it will send the bar up again! Great news for gamers!

4405d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a disappointment. Microsoft, please announce a tablet 360 with controls built in...

I don't care about listening to music, videos, and crap like that...

I want to pickup a tablet/slate device and have the full glory of 360 gaming.

4405d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't think it matters much what the impact at the end of the day is.

What does matter is that the people who make the games (studios and publishers) copyright the game and do not give permission for it to be pirated as copyright holders and that is their right.

Individuals do not have a right to circumvent laws. The energy should be spent making laws better, not ignoring them blatently.

4410d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Piracy is the digital version of shoplifting.

If the companies were getting as rich as pirates think they are getting, we wouldn't see so many studio closures.

Fact is... Publishers make money through sales. By pirating you are not contributing anything to those sales. I know publishers shoot themselves in the foot but as long as there are pirates they must continue to take actions like multi-player codes, excessive DLC, etc to try and make back their...

4411d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This falls in the category of "EVERYTHING GETS MONETIZED"...

Eventually, somehow, someway companies will find a way to make money off their investments... Otherwise, why would they make the investments? Shareholders don't like to hear that their money was spent without any chance of return.

Get used to it people, companies will continue to monetize their networks. They had to buy expensive networking equipment, servers, and bandwidth. They d...

4412d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm certainly not going to walk around my entire life with an tablet. In a pinch a phone suffices (But you are right, not desirable). Ex. your in a store and are wondering if a sale item is a good price so you got to competitor web sites and check the price.

4426d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know why people want a web browser on a TV. To me browsing is a personal experience best suited to mobile devices such as tablets, Notebook computers, and phones. I like implementing media apps on the consoles because the user interface is customized to the experience.

But, if I am pure browsing, give me a tablet or I'll take out my phone when I am out to quickly check a price/product, or sports scores.

I do a lot of technical research onlin...

4426d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Who said MS is re-directing money from exclusives to do this deal? When I do the math it looks like MS makes more money by selling a 360 for $99 and $15 / month Live subscription over 2 years...

MS has three console exclusives above 85% on Metacritic this year... Witcher 2, Trials Evolution, and Fez. Sony has only two. MLB12 and Journey. So 360 owners don't have much reason to complain.

4434d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Funny article...

I guess being a gaming console precludes you from being able to go after streaming markets as well? Its not like MS is dropping buying 360 for $199, $299, and $399 with various configurations with and without kinect.

They simply providing another way to buy their system that competes in a different market segment.

4435d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I expect MS to bring a bunch of announcements around Windows 8 and Xbox 360 integration.

Maybe Xbox 360 emulation in Windows 8, so you can run all 360 games on Windows 8?

4436d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony definitely has some good games coming out. But that's the extent of their stuff so far. (Not a bad thing, just limited).

I think the big announcements this year will be platform announcements. Nintendo already has Wii U queued up and I expect Microsoft will come to E3 with Windows 8 announcements.

4436d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think there are any technical limitations to doing this on either PSN or Live Networks. It probably has more to do with the console vendor's relationship with traditional retailers.

Sure you can provide day 1 or 2 downloads of games, but will traditional retailer stores give you much shelf space in that scenario as they no longer are getting the cut on game sales?

It was funny, I bought a Vita about a month ago and was wondering why the space...

4441d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me so far...

RE Raccoon City - OMG this is crap for an RE5 game, might have been acceptable as a new IP, but as an established IP this didn't cut it.

Ninja Gaiden 3 - No weapon selection, no purchasing of items, ultra repetitive gameplay, and absolutely no exploration incentives/ability.

Asura's Wrath - Too simple of combat, ultra repetitive, and I hate the number of QTEs.

Street x Tekken - Is it really any that d...

4450d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this is real, this guy is an idiot. If Rockstar see this as accurate, then they will never get another intern again.

Thanks buddy, for screwing the future of many university students that would have gave a limb off their body to do the same thing (And keep it under raps).

4462d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Consoles will continue to live but evolve in purpose and application. Mobile devices are great for personal entertainment but what happens when a bunch of friends come over or you want to have a family night?

Is everyone just going to take out their personal mobile devices and sit in the living room alone playing with them?

No. In these group settings you people prefer social interactivity. Whether it is drinking a beverage and having a conversation, doing ...

4462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To me:

Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust
Destroy All Humans Path of the Furon
Hot Wheels Beat That!
Truth or Lies
Hannah Montana

Runner Ups:
Rogue Warrior
Shellshock 2
Vampire Rain

4469d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Glad to see the investment is paying off. This further broadens the use of consoles and makes it more financially feasible for them to continue.

Personally, I use mine for only games, but getting casuals (with Kinect) and entertainment buffs into the space can only help promote publishers to continue to release games on the console.

A console on its own can no longer dominate and survive. Say whatever you want about Microsoft following Apple, Sony, Nintendo...

4471d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment