
CRank: 5Score: 59730

Sony knew it needed a monster hunter type game, and instead of paying royalties to a 3rd party company, it invested in an exclusive ip in Soul sacrifice, and who better to make the game than of Capcoms legend dveloper.

If this game goes on to have a similar success to monster hunter, then this would save Sony from having to issue a deal with capcom. And as a result may force capcom to reconsider their business strategy thus bringing monster hunter to the vita.

4215d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now, final fanasy x needs to step in soon. And help keep this momentum going.

Ive always argued with people and often theorize that if both handhelds were to have the same price, things would be different. And this just about proves my theory, heck the vita isnt even 180 its about 213.00 still.

Sony would have dropped the price sooner, but didnt want to against their plan for profitable quarters coming in the coming year. Thats why i took the vita this long f...

4215d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

But i think its more than just about games that are exclusive to one platform over the other.

I believe from a personal perspective that i as a consumer would look & ask what the differences between the platforms in question are before i ask what the differences are between the two versions of said games.

If i am told that not only will the ps4 displayed a better looking game, but also host a slew of network features that not only are convinient to have, ...

4223d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if people actually play these types of games on the commute.

4224d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't know this, but apperantly the dualshock 4 can be charged while the ps4 is in sleep mode. Off topic i guess, but this is pretty cool.

4224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now, sony has to do 2 things.

Kill off the psp entirely in Japan so that all that energy and focus can put towards the vita.

Try and get some deals made with several key 3rd party publishers so that games like dragon quest and monster hunter can help boost sales further.

For now phantasy star online 2, soul sacrifice, and final fantasy x which i hear comes in june should do with the trick. But ofcourse the vita is also getting a few more jrpg...

4226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

cross game chat is one thing, voice messaging is another if you will. All i am saying is i hope this is something thats included in the final build; you already have a headset being bundle with every unit.

Voice chat isnt supposed to be limited to gaming sessions and i know they understand that.

As for my other ideas concerning ranking system, is pretty cool when you consider how and why this would motivate more users to earn trophies. Again, its just a sugge...

4227d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Off topic i hope the psn includes voice messaging, video messaging. Dont mind if there are lengh caps in place, so long as these features make it in the final build. Tabs under your profile picture for voice, text, and video messaging would be great additions and add to the overall social experience.

Another thing i would love to see would be like a universal rank system associated and determined by trophy levels. For example every 10 levels users earn a rank name and medal o...

4227d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope voice msgs are in, they should add video msgs as well. For example, under your profile picture there should be icons/tabs for voicemails,text messages, and yes even video messages. They could place a cap on the lengh of the voice and video messages to save precious space.

Also, They should expand on the trophy system. Make it more competitive...

Like add a ranking system to the level system. Example for every 5 or 10 levels you earn a universal gaming ...

4228d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All this sounds promising, but the question now is...will they execute on these things. Will Sony execute.

I believe the ram and kaz and his vision to bring in gaikai will certainly help make things happen.

Now, lets see what ms has up its sleeve.

4228d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

and i think thats the point, to make it sleek and accessible on other devices like smartphones and tablets. This along with a universal remote play will put the Ps4 in a different space.

But ofcourse i assume MS will have something similar in the wings, as for Nintendo? I dont really know what to say, but hope those ips of theirs release back to back and not take years to come out or else things will get ugly for sure.

4228d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol first of all the ps4 is designed to be profitable at a quicker timeframe than the ps3 is.

The ps4 is using base line AMD chipsets found in most pcs, which also makes development times and costs less than they could be with an alien architecture.

- things like bluray were new and expensive when the ps3 first surfaced, but we are now talking about 7 years later when the tech behind such format is no longer considered an expense.

-cell is al...

4228d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

still wish the sticks on the vita were clickable and the grip wedges on the back were R2 and L2 buttons. That would just make this feature that much viable

4229d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well what about Yakuza, or Tutsunoko vs Capcom, Sonic colors, Diablo 3, Dust 514,Steel battallion, Lost oddassy,blue dragon, Valkarie chronicles, and those 3 exclusive rpgs coming to ps3 this year.?

4229d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

its MS turn to show us a peak on what they are working on. After that we can then all come back here and make a proper assessment of where things are going.

Honestly i dont see much of a difference this upcoming gen from the current one, except this time both are launching in the same year. Which is good for gamers all around, i wonder if MS plans on delivering a worldwide launch or maybe they'll have similar supply issues like Sony and only release in two regions. I gues...

4229d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

What a waste, i mean i know a new god of war game is inbound. But theres no need for sues in this game when you already have kratos.

I would have been more receptive towards someone like...

Gabe logan
Dart felt
Jennifer tate
Nathan hale
Leonard-white knight chronicles
Rudy-wild arms

Heck even Iota or Lil and laarg but please dont double dip, it makes it seem like there...

4229d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I dont know but i feel This will eventually end up happening, not just with this games but a whole bunch of them.

Sony is already stating that the ps4 will have the best launch line up in history and publishers i am sure will want more sales.

Then you have publishers like ubisoft stating that watch dog is pretty much finalize for next gen platforms and that the current gen versions havent begun production.

Followed by naughty dog saying that...

4230d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well ofcourse they have have an operating system,however they arent build to run something like windows which many can tell you is a memory hog.

My point is, theres no need for this misplaced hate. Its nonesense to say the least.

When you build a pc, you are not just upgrading a 200 or 300 dollar graphics card. You also have to consider a motherboard, cpu, ram and all those other variables.

Then they all have to be compatible and you have to ...

4231d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because consoles get more attention and are the reasons why pc gaming is oversahadow.

In china however its a different story.

Most pc gamers are better at understanding specs and all that, but most of them overlook at exactly makes a console viable in other words...special.

The ps4 may be using offshelf pc parts and thats okay to pick at, but even so there are parts that are custom. In addition, consoles arent pcs and therefore dont require a...

4231d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

HDMI, built in wifi and bluray and a lower fail rate welcome to 2006 lol.

4231d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment