
CRank: 5Score: 59730

Wasnt there also a rumor of Sony releasing like a usb adapter which contained the ps3 on a chip for the ps4?

I am not quite sure if something of that nature is even possible, but i am just saying there was a rumor suggesting such a solution. And ofcourse theres also the gaikai way of going about it i suppose.

4180d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

wonder if theyll be doing something similar out here in the u.s

4180d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

but couldn't the same be applied to MGS? i mean the reality is you probably wont see something you havent seen before already. Snake and a program harbouring a slew of super soldiers.

Take the whole captain america coma aspect and add it to this game if you like. My point is, franchises with one too many sequels are bound to follow certain things, settings and themes.

Bioshock has a compelling story now, but 6 games later it will most likely repetitive. S...

4180d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I dont know, was this the worst game of all time? man ive played some bad games in my life thus far...well guys whats the worst game youve played?

4180d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont like the fact the ps3 and vita are getting all these cross releases, it almost defeats the purpose of getting a vita when most already have a ps3.

But...i understand its business and money has to be made, hey atleast the vita is getting some support.

Just wish there were more exclusive content its all.

4180d ago 2 agree19 disagreeView comment

this game has to be running on next gen hardware, it just looks better and better everytime i see it.

4180d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

i can see nintendo emulate their 3ds strategy going forward, you know dropping the price of their console with one or multiple big releases in time for the holidays.

Meanwhile we have to wait and see what Sony and MS have plan, i mean they could easily introduce the whole subsidize price model thats being rumored and offset any difference Nintendo could come out with.

But again we have to wait and see though.

Now, that would be something if G...

4180d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It could be a combination of things really and you guys pointed some out.

This is since Sony started releasing big games in feb and march other publishers have now taken noticed and done the same. Part of this also has to do with timing, COD can force any release out of the holiday season.

The result is one too many games to choose from, heck reviewers arent even taking their jobs too serious because of this.

I mean you got bioshock,crysis,to...

4181d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

a cable box which you have haven't seen yet.

4182d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

I might try and get 2 one from amazon and the other from gamestop, just in case one fails on me. hate that whole waiting period for repairs.

4182d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well there you have it.

Both platforms will have their own racing games ready for launch.

PlayStation 4 will have Drive Club and the next xbox will have a new Forza.

I am sure the multiplats will be there as well.

Personally i cant wait for infamous second son and killzone shadow fall.

Sony hasnt shown everything just yet, we still havent seen what the console looks like or what the other ...

4186d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment

This sounds to me like Sony is aiming to working on the markets MS has a lead on, Like the U.S and now the UK.

So far Japan, the U.S and the UK(if this turns out true) are getting the system this year. Europe and Australia might be the only two markets that might have to wait until next year; i believe this might have to do with the fact that Sony does well in those two markets.

Ofcourse i could be wrong.

4186d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Headshot in you killed yourself with only one bubble; the one you seem to be living in. You really hate Sony dont you?

lol you are pathetic man.

But since you are hungry how about them 360 numbers?

Vita is a wanted platform and has been since its debut, but numerous factors kept it from taking off like it SHOULD in the first place. now that the price is down and ffx is around the corner among a few others, things will get even better. Stop th...

4187d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is good news for them but...what does their business outside of gaming have to do with their gaming business?

Its like when poor tv sales pop up in a Sony gaming related topic, what does one thing have to do with the other?

We all know these companies are huge and have investment in many places, no one is arguing that. But the whole always online fiasco is something thats affecting their xbox brand to some extent, not the parent company as a whole. There...

4187d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment


So are you saying that a gaming company shouldn't make so many games?lol

Look, you just proved my point. While halo is great and gets a huge marketing bliss like no other game in the industry which also help drive its sales; that doesnt mean thats all its gamers demand out of their box.

GT5 sold over 10 million even on the heels of kinects launch which was pushed by opra among other paid celeds and a new call of duty release at t...

4187d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its not about who makes the most profit; how exactly am i as a gamer suppose to just settle for clones and mediocreness because of some company making a profit? That tells me you are just thinking like a business man and not a gamer.

The article is about the companies who are contributing and largely investing in a wide range games. This industry is about the games and as this article points out, if you arent in it to make and distribute said games, then what are you in this ...

4187d ago 11 agree12 disagreeView comment


4187d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That and they should add the ability for ps3 users to see vita players online.

another thing they need to start doing is adding trophy support for ps mobile games.

Bring hulu+ and Crackle as well as Crunchyroll.

Other than these things, bigger memory cards needs to happen.

4188d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well i am hoping for full HTML5 and FLASH 9.0 support, and they should really do something about not being able to see your vita buddies online via ps3.

4188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am with you on that. After this reveal i am almost certain many places will begin to accept pre orders for the system.

My question is then; how good will pre orders look?

And @DK the article is about the ps4 yes, however if you read the article you would have noticed by now that the next xbox is mentioned.

Just because people mention a product doesnt mean they'll likely buy it, specially as you like to point out one which doesnt officia...

4188d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment