
CRank: 5Score: 59730

6.1 - 360 has more good games than that.
You only list Halo 3 and Bioshock.

Here are a few more that I can think of.

Oblivion also on ps3
Gears- this one is nice
Mass Effect- nice
GH2&3 also on ps3
Forza- its okay but pgr has better graphics and GT5 will overtake this game sorry no pun intended.

those are some nice games yeah but so are these

resistance: fall of man


5948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

while i like the sound of this as a customer and a gamer, i just have to say there are only a few problems, one its the arcade unit, and we all know it lacks a hard drive which can cost any where from 50 to 100 bucks depending where you buy em, not to mention is the least to sell out of all the other skus.

the second would be that like the elite model this model isn't so reliable, i mean heck i was scrolling through yahoo last night and found an article regarding the 360 and its fam...

5950d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

while i do agreed with most of you guys here, i think what this price drop does is, that its going to give MS the lead again for the month of march and on bringing sony to 3rd place again. if HAZe doesn't help the ps3 regain or keep their momentum in may than they wont regain it until MGS4 arrives because lets face it ninja gaiden 2 wont stand a chance against such a game. the hype and anxiety isn't there for this repetitive game, that it is for a new improve game in every aspect.

5950d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

MLB the show 08, why not this game so far is getting better reviews than 2k8.

Afrika- 12/31/08
Hot shots golf 3- 3/18/08
littlebigplanet- 9/2/08
Resistance 2- 11/4/08
Disgaea 3-fall 08
Valkyria chronicles -9/16/08
wipeout HD
Motorstorm 2-fall 08
TEKKEN 6-11/25/08
white knight chronicles-from the makers of rogue ...

5950d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

16 -
Why do I have to keep seeing BS fanboy posted PS3 news in the XBOX 360 area? Is the average age around here about 14 or what? and whats with the sickening over-flo of 360 hate? every single dam time I come here, if im not seeing positive BS PS3 news im seeing negative BS 360 crap! In the 2 yrs ive been coming here ive noticed that this site has slid right into the SH*TTER and all because of immature FAN-KIDDIES! where are all you rejects coming from anyway GAMESPO...

5951d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

1.3 - "A huge number of playstation's big franchises"
when did 3 become a huge number?

when they became most wanted games thats when. i know youre thinking MGS4, littlebigplanet and resistance 2.

but i love games so as a ps3 owner, im also looking forward to other games as well.

let me give you a hint.

MLB the show 08, why not this game so far is getting better reviews than 2k8.

wipeout HD

5951d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

sony should also bring back these titles while they at it as well,

the legend of dragoon, rogue galaxy, wild arms, jet moto, dark cloud, kinetica, atv off road fury, tourist trophy, jak n daxter, syphon filter,blasto, twisted metal, and many more.

also i would love to see a sega make a sequel to shinobi, you know to go against ninja gaiden.

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

now onto NHL and NBA games, sony now needs to make improvements on these and just wait until the EA NFL deal expires and take care of that realm as well.

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

man for those of you who don't know the same exact team who made the shenmue games made these so in a sense thats like the ps3's shenmue, and we all know how much japan love that game.

now if sony were to buy segaSammy it will defetnaly boost sony's numbers sega games sell pretty big in japan.

and another metroid prime would never really sell like its supposed to because its a 1st person shooter. now if nintendo were any smarter they would keep the game the way it wa...

5953d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

14 -
PS3 owners don't care about achievements or accomplishments.
Thats what they've been saying for the past few months and mocking them on the 360.
Why care now?

lol are you serious? Microsoft doesn't need blu ray why would they bother with an add-on? same goes kid. they didn't need an HDMI why build 360's with them? again same goes kid.

to make it short and sweet, why don't we just say that we are quite a spoil bunch and we love to ...

5953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

12 -
Well, I'd still rather see a point total than look at trophies. Plus, don't you have to view them inside someone's Home space? Are you able to select a user in a current game and compare games like on XBL? Or do you have to log out of a game, click on Home, go to the user's home and view the trophies? I'm curious.

look HOMe is there for your pleasure pretty much, if you like to see your trophies in 3d than homE is there for that, now as soon as you leav...

5953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony should just do it like this,

trophies=achievements you know get them when you do certain things withing a game.

say you get a certain amount of trophies/achievements in a title, now that amount becomes an accomplishment.

than rewards is what you would get for getting a certain amounts of accomplishments.

than this simply means i don't know money for use on the ps store or use for items in home, such as tv's posters, shirts and such and ...

5953d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

4.1 -
Atari is a distributor, not a developer studio ... *rolleyes*
So what is this off-topic list supposed to tell us?

simple, if you read between the lines all these companies are losing a lot of money, some of these so call developers and publishers are believe or not on the same boat there both losing money,

epic,midway,segaSammy and take2rockstar, aren't all exactly making enough money to afford to stick around with ought being bought, ...

5953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

4 -
I have no faith in this game

Last two were so buggy it wrecked the experiance

i guess, but what you got to realize is, that even though that shouldn't give most people faith on the next game or two that doesn't mean you shouldn't have any in it, i mean look at how good have all the unreal tournaments been, until unreal 2003 came out? it was one of the worst in the series. meanwhile look at MLB the show 08 all of the previous ones have b...

5953d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@permutated 9.1 -
The Getaway has never been considered a first-run game, it's always been behind GTA and other open-world series.

I don't understand why PS3 owners jump on every game like it's the second coming of Christ.

Some of the games I understand: LBP, MGS4, GT5...but some of the games are pure crap: HAZE, Getaway, etc.

I don't know, maybe I'm just not blinded by a single console.

this is like saying why buy a console and not ap...

5953d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

midway- asides from spyhunter and the MK series not much

epic- gears of war, unreal tournament and unreal engine.

ahh now comes the fun part

segaSammy- sonic, guilty gears,shenmue,jet set radio, toe jam n earl, virtua cop, virtua tennis, virtua fighter,streets of rage, shinobi, otagi, yakuza, house of the dead, dragoon, nights, golden axe, 5th phantom, sega GT, daytonna500, ultra beast, vector man, skies of Arcadia, phantasy online, out run, crazy taxi, ...

5953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

here are the next companies to go on sale next and solely due to financial troubles of course.potential buyers and suiters are next to the companies, don't take shots at me im just guessing now.

midway-check > MS THQ, or sony.

epic-check > M$ or ubisoft.

segaSammy-check > Capcom, nintendo sony, or even MS

hottest sale on the street right now?

take2 rockstar-check > EA, MS or sony

5953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

there's no doubt about it, c'mon guys think about it for a sec here. wii fit isn't really a game smash bros is a game, brain age isn't really a game either zelda is. heck wii fit is like saying lets sell this fitness programs to all these lazy kids and make a revenue at it, wii fit isnt artistic, i bet it doesn't require 35 people to work on a program like this one.

what is a game? a video game is something that has to have story and art style, fantasy versus reality kind of deal...

5954d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah i do agree here with many of you, the 360 version will outsell those of the ps3, its a no brainer, i mean a price cut coming on the 14th? DLC? and all the marketing push like if it were a race between obama and hilary?

lol seriously i love GTA but i could care less really, the only thing that really matters is really the story element and the sub-missions which is about it. by the time that content comes it will too have arrive on the pc, bank on it. because there will be a ...

5954d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


retarded, god of war was out even before mark and cliff b decided to try and take names from both metal GEAR and Guild WARs lol seriously god of war was there way before gears ever emerge into the seen so you do us a favor and pay David jeffey some respect.

besides gears of wars looks no different than any of their other designs unreal 3 anyone? yeah sure killer graphics but no depth of whatsover, one maybe two or enemies on screen if you get luckily enou...

5954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment