
CRank: 5Score: 59730

wonder what happened to that share button.

4243d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

So in theory he does have a point, but his point could also be applied to any other single player based games.

If gears didnt have multiplayer then it too would be a 5 hour rental or something in thats nature.

4243d ago 17 agree0 disagreeView comment

yes there is.

4243d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hear you on that,

If it were up to me i turn them into buttons,like the rubber cushion type for grip as well.

I would also relocate the ps button and tge start and select buttons to the middle where the psvita logo is and have the ps button in between the start and select buttons.

This would then make it possible to move the analog sticks further away from the dpad and the face buttons which could also use more space and an increase in size...

4243d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats why ive always said Sony would be smart to promote their own franchises instead of pushing someone elses.

Sony still has quite a few characters they could bring to this game, i believe people want to see older generation based characters rather those of new multiplatform games. I know lara has been iconic since the 1st playstation, but even so with reactions like this is not even worth looking to it.

Like i said, Sony still has quite a few characters th...

4244d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should turn those grip wedges on the back into L2 and R2 buttons and make the sticks clickable L3 andR3 buttons.

Also what remanutd55 said.

4244d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo will eventually drop the price and move some units.

However i believe the other two platforms will have greater support from 3rd party companies. Also i believe that the current platforms will stick aroud for atleast a couple of years which indicates that whatever 3rd party support the wiiu gets will be shared with ps360. Like ninja gaiden razor, raymon legends ect.

4244d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

My list is simple make the ps4 a more convinient platform by simply making it a multitasking beast.

I should expect to see a new ui and with it things like...

-voice messaging while i am surfing/running the web or the ps store or just about any other app.

-Multiple id logs

-Universal party system

-cross chat while and regardless of what apps i may be running, like the ps store or browser.


4245d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am with you on this; the social aspect needs to improve. The psn should be able to feature things like auto patches, background downloads,xchat,voice messaging, multiple id logs,party chat, custom soundtrack, notifications on every level imaginable from game being played or purchased to progress reports. No more relogging loading screens when i switch or navigate different apps, should always be connected. IDs visible on any current and future platforms.
Ps4 needs to be a multitaski...

4247d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

so true, overall this is a dumb move in ubis part.

4247d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

agreed, no one should have to play the waiting game on a finish product because of some policy the competition has in place. Which is why i agreed with everything you just said.

4247d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

DOA5,TTT2 and i believe sfxtekken(not sure about this one)

4248d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, same here. I believe the touchpad will mainly serve as another input, one which can be use for the web browser. And ultimately bring that vita ressemblence and feel to a greater audience.

I also feel that the share button would be for more than just sharing videos. Maybe this will play some kind of social role like say near does with the vita, like notifications and updates on friends and the like.
But really who knows.

4250d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

guys i know some of you refuse to think that this meeting will be about the next PlayStation console; you all may hav your reasons and i can respect that.

But i will say this, the ps4 will be announced towards the end of the conference and just like the last ps meeting which took place in tokyo. Sony will show a big list of publishers signed up for ps4 development and over a 100 games will be confirmed to be in development.

I say this because to Sony Play...

4251d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i am with you on that, Sony will talk ps4 during the ps meeting. For those who dont know this is where they show new hardware and services regarding all things PlayStation.

You dont call investors and hold a meeting just to show a remodel of an already established platform and show teasers teasing the future. It just wouldnt make sense,plus i think at this point in time both ms and sony have their machines ready spec wise.

This will be interesting fore sure. ...

4255d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

well traditionally Sony hasnt put too much stock in their handhelds like Nintendo does. However when it comes to their Home consoles they are second to none in support and even get more than Nintendo. THATS THE DIFFERENCE.

So no, the vitas woes have little to nothing to do with how the ps4 might perform under similar circumstances.

I mean there are just a lot more people waiting for a home console from Sony than they are for their handheld, heck dont take my ...

4255d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This good news and exactly what the vita needs more of. God bless xseed and may their releases do well at retail and digitally.

4255d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

soul sacrifice, tearaway and killzone mercenary all looking good indeed and i hear bend is working on their next game. Still, i wonder what else Sony is working on, dont want a long dry season like last time.

Hopefully though, 3rd party studios begin to support the vita like they do other platforms. Would love to see ffx cover some empty space this year,but it is squarenix we are talking about.

I would also love to see a dedicated Socom, syphon filter,twisted...

4256d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ps+ is great, i already have few games on both my girldfriends ps3 and on my vita. Will need a bigger memory card though,but thats a small price to pay considering whats being offered here.

Ps4 is being built to mirror the next xbox, so you can bet your money that a better memory architecture will be in place. meaning xchat,party or whatever you want to label it will be feasible and most likely launch with the system on day one.

i wonder what the difference w...

4257d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This^, now we just need more info on FFX, Killzone,Warriors lair, PSO2 and more.

4257d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment