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if true, Sony needs to up their game. I would love for these two platforms to be equal in power and overall performances. If money is the problem then Sony might have to simply follow the ms way and charge for psn across the board.

MS generates atleast 1 billion a year of live, Sony should take that into consideration.

Also, i am please these two are fighting to bring out the most powerful platform in recent years.

4176d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is the issue with Sony and partners; this along with FFX and others like them should be headed to the vita exclusively.

I may be alone when i say this, but the ps3 has enough software as is why not atleast relocated these classics to a platform in much need.

Whoever decided to port an HD version of persona4 to the vita is a genius, because a game of that calibur is what a platform like the vita needs. More is what is needed, i hope Sony understands this....

4176d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thats always been the difference between the two, Sony always seems less concen with the o.s. When this is what they really need to target this time around; games are always going to look and perform great because its something thats expected with every new generation.

They need to think about o.s performance and what can help them streamline things like psn and make their platform a multitasking beast. As we look around today,more and more devices are aiming for these kinds ...

4181d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Politics and the media getting heavily involved in this, help create this monster. Of course there were also the viral campaigns by the companies themselves and pr from both sides slamming one another.

Honestly if Sony held exclusivity rights to games like GTA and FF as well as COD like they've done in the previous gen then the ps3 would have outsold the 360 even at 500 dollars. I mean MGS4 proved that for 3 straight months, and that was just one ip.


4182d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would just buy homefront and saints row just to be on the safe side. As for everything else that could go multiplatform.

Guerrila games could make the next homefront game and suckerpunch can even take over the saints row franchise if not start a whole new sandbox franchise off that engine.

But in all seriousness i doubt Sony does any of this, they are working on next gen stuff and already have many games being developed.

its hard to say rea...

4185d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just go to Sony, they now have ways to help studios like this out. Tweet yoshida and get in contact with these people i am sure that with time youll get a response,hopefully a good one at that.

4189d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

But that's my point; everything on consoles always seem to cost more. Even if we are talking about the same content migrating multiple platforms.

I understand games are getting prettier and therefore more expensive to make. But the console market cripples itself with their pricing. I firmly believe that if the games were to retail cheaper more games will sell and thus a profit can be reach sooner than later.

Yes, i also do believe that extra sales can be ...

4189d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is exactly what Sony needs to address, the social interactivity of the psn.

xchat is something found on the vita, so you know that is coming.

What they need is to streamline the whole thing like you said.

I honestly hate having to exit an app just to open another in order to message a friend. That seriously needs to be addressed.

Enough memory should ensure the system would be able to multitask properly without much of ...

4190d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

People panic when something like this gets mentioned in the same breath as console gaming. Yet PC has adopted such system a long time ago and if i am not mistaken no one is complaining.

Heck, the 360 should had been the first console to adapt this method of encryption, maybe then this wouldnt be much of an issue. Maybe then people would actually start shopping wisely, maybe then people would actually start appreciating their game purchases and collect more.


4190d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

I agreed with you to a certain extent. And i say this because if Sony were to look and see what made the psp sell well in certain regions they would quickly address this with the vita.

Sony has its own games, but Sony isnt Nintendo in that they of the 3 are the most versitale. They could easily pay key third party for key selling ips to appear on their platform. For example, if were them i would have gone to Capcom and make a deal that would see the vita launching with a mons...

4190d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not bad, i mean the only issue is see is current gen platforms arent going to make things any easier for the wiiu with the onslaught of games slated just for the upcoming spring alone.

I believe this is one of the reasons why it has not sold better; couple this with the fact that rumors about the other next gen platforms keep taking away its thunder. I mean one doesnt have to spend time in here to know or care about this; simply put anyone who has bought a console before is p...

4190d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

They be wise to launch the 12gb here in the states and bundle it with say the last of us or god of war.

That would be the smart thing for them to do, but then looking at vita sales one would have to wonder if maybe that's why they haven't done so already.

4196d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Also games like folklore,white knight chronicles, ni na kuni wrath of the white which all deserve to be on vita.

4197d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its quite simple really.

Looking at how well received Persona 4 golden has been, Sony should look into porting this in HD with trophies to the vita.Couple that with a nice price drop and a memory card and watch these things fly off the shelves. They already done with persona 4 and they are doing it with FFX; i say keep it going until there's really nothing left worth porting from ...

4197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looking at how well received Persona 4 golden has been, Sony should look into porting this in HD with trophies to the vita.Couple that with a nice price drop and a memory card and watch these things fly off the shelves. They already done with persona 4 and they are doing it with FFX; i say keep it going until there's really nothing left worth porting from that list.

4197d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

As long as the next Playstation dont suffer a memory bottleneck i am sold. Dont want to hear these devs excuses anymore.

4203d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I cant believe some people believe that both the ps3 and 360 have the same amount of exclusives next year due to the ps4 coming down the pipeline.

sure there is the last of us and beyond 2souls coming but there is also...

Ni no kuni wrath of the white which
God of war
Yakuza 5
Until dawn

I mean its not even close. And god knows whats up with the last guardian, ag...

4204d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do have a vita, in fact i am on it as we speak. Its a very good handheld and one which i feel Sony needs to devote more time into as far support is concern.

I am not complaining, just simply stating what i would like. Now, share its nice ive tried it before, but its not like i cant express my interest here because others might object or somehow feel offended.

Now i think is nice to appreciate what we have,but i also understand that in this evolving yet chal...

4206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now all my vita needs is voice messaging, Flash 9.0&HTML5 support, Hulu+ and Crackle. And Ofcourse some exclusives outside the already few.

4206d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would make sure the ps4 runs software at lightning speeds, faster bluray drives and 8gb of ram is what i would like in the next PlayStation.

And like the article suggest subsidize the cost of the console with ps+subs.

Also would love to see Sony make like a netflix but for games via the ps store through Gaikai. This could be a new platform altogether. Though pricing could be an issue. And what this could mean for retail. But then again knowing Sony they wil...

4211d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment