
CRank: 5Score: 59730

Its call dev kits and there were i believe different variations of them in the wild with the difference in memory. Sony just let them believe it was always going to be 4gb, but a rumour suggested that Kaz the ceo of Sony, was pushing for 8.

And since he was in charge of PlayStation before taking over the parent company, i would think getting what he wants would be a lot easier.

And thus 8gb of memory it is. But yeah devs had dev kits with 8gb beforehand, they...

4095d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well according to this rep, the first thing you got to do is ask yourself; why would you live there?lol i know its mess up, but its a funny disaster in the making.

Times are changing, but there are stll parts of the world which are still behind. They need to see and acknowledge this, because if they dont they wont survive the backlash.

Heck imagine someone talking to a sales cleark asking em questions regarding the upcoming next gen systems and then hearing ...

4098d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

But i dont need or want another cable box, what i am paying those guys at comcast is like gangrape. Sorry for the language.

4098d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

idk man all these rumors and then there's the second part answer to this guys first question which... you guys can decide what to make of it.

4099d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

All in favor of PlayStation 4, bubble me up. jk.

But if this is true then it must mean they will leave several markets open for the taking. Brasil, Latin america and even other places in the world were internet connection is limited to some capacity and consider a luxury.

I don't know why these companies want to have a stranglehold on things, just sell your products as is and live with it. you will still make your money the conventional way, just sprinkl...

4099d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Dont mean to sound like some fanboy but Japan is crucial and is one of the reasons why the ps3 is breathing down MS's console despite launching a year later at a higher price point.

I believe Sony realizes this and is why they are trying to release their platform as soon as possible this year. Imagine, the ps4 launching at 400 or even 450 this, same as the competitors but offering a vast array of improvements were originally needed in the past?

This is wh...

4099d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Cant hardly wait, ill be buying two. I think ill pre order one from gamestop and the other of amazon or something along those lines.

I simply want two just in case one of them breaks down on me; yes i know its Sony and they make great products. But launch models usually present a higher risk of failure rate than later shipments, ofcourse i could always get a replacement but i am sure the limited stock at the time will create a waiting game which i honesly dont feel like playi...

4099d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Godz Kastro-Have any of the Sony franchises even reached that many sales?

Godz Kastro-Sonby exclusives dont sell. The few exclusives MS have might have outsold them combined this gen.

is that so? then what does this

And this? 4100d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Question to you guys, how many units do you think the vita will sell during the FFX release date?

And do you think Monster hunter and Resident evil will ever come to the vita?

4100d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sounds to me more and more like Sony is getting rid off that red tape cliff b was talking about. That freedom with the indie stuff is one of the things that will set them apart going forward.

4100d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think games like GTAV and Beyond two souls need to releases for this platform, even if they only have time to make upscale ports i will be fine with that it as they will still make great looking launch titles.

From a business standpoint it would make sense to say delay GTAV to release in October like ACIV to launch with this new PlayStation. I am sure most of us wouldnt mind dual releases.

I will take a dual release over some port which releases months aft...

4100d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But Sony didn't follow Nintendo into the biz, they simply found themselves forced to because of a deal gone wrong.

Had they planned to follow them initially, they would have gone through with PlayStation whether or not Nintendo agreed to work with them. Meaning Sony themselves would have been the ones to bail out on the deal and ran with their idea without a hesitations notice, as oppose to what actually happened. This alone (to me) renders the article irrelevant as every...

4102d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Please, everyone but Nintendo has lost money on hardware. Everyone knows these companies make up the losses through game sales and eventually through both hardware and software as ofcourse the hardware gets older.

Sony's financial situation has more to do with tvs than anything else; heck i bet if Nintendo were making tvs they too would be losing money.

Ms can afford a lot of things and whats your point exactly? i mean so can apple and google; if those tw...

4107d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man i wonder what is going to happen when GTAV comes out. By then thats when their former exclusive rayman game will finally hit, only on two other platforms as well.

People's perception of Nintendo has been you buy their machines for their exclusives. The only problem with this is, that each exclusive tend to come out 6 or so months apart from each other.

Super Nintendo besides the handhelds the only platform to have a balance between 1st and 3rd par...

4107d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

poor excuse on why the vita version are sold seperate.

The 2 games can be packaged together in a special two game holder box.

As for download i am sure there's nothing a 32gb card couldn't handle, i hate when they use these shady practices.

I forgot what the excuse for MGS peace walker HD skipping the vita was; sigh still very much interested in this game though.

4108d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

What i would like to see is Sony somehow come out with a subscription based model that cover Free MMO gaming.

Imagine Ncsofts stuff or Blizzards

SoE is a very asset they(sony)has.

A game like Planetside 2 would make a great launch ip.

Imagine wow or starcraft on ps4? That would be huge, specially if they are able to launch in China with this approach? Nothing could stop them at that point.

The ps4's onlin...

4108d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

A taste of Nintendo medicine i see, however i feel they should simply make every HD collection available to the vita.

These older games tend to look better on a smaller screen, specially on a gorgeous one like the vita's.

With that said; they should add these to the list while they are at it.

God of war HD collection
Sly cooper HD collection
Hitman HD collection
Devil may cry HD collection
Prince of persia ...

4111d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know this whole debate has been going on now for quite some time: and after some hard thinking, i've come to the realization that perhaps the best way to resolve this issue would be by the companies who make and publish these games to charge retail for every used copy sold.

I mean instead of placing DRM on us the consumers; they should place a similar law or something around those lines to retailers. Where they are sold licenses of use and sale and not ownership of th...

4112d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And this, is what messes everything up for vita. First it was peace walker HD, now, is this game.

Heck, ill go even further to say that remasters like these shouldnt even be available on the ps3 to begin with. These remasters(Persona 4 golden, FFX, and Kingdom hearts remix HD) should only be available on the vita, you know to give more people and incentive to buy into the platform.

4115d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment


Sony should have build the vita to replicate the dualshock controller. What i mean by this is L2,R2 buttons and clickable analog sticks with greater depth.

If i not only designed but was also in charge of managing its(the vita) direction.

The needed to be tuture proof in many areas, not just on what we usually notice or request.

The vita should have internal memory, on a variety. Picture something like an 8gb, 16g...

4120d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment