
CRank: 5Score: 59730

@Knushwood Butt

WHy dont we?

According to the same source, call of duty black ops declassified stands at 0.70m and the sad thing is that game really sucks in comparison.

4057d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know i might get some disagrees, but this guy to me looks rather feminem. Like one of the ambrecombie and fitch models i just want to punch on the face just because.

I like the more rugged approach they had with Cole, heck i even didnt mind cole in the second game either, that was okay with me.

Something about this character seems very ghost ryder, nightcrawler, mega man x, nix like.

He is a like a combination of all those characters combin...

4058d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to me its all about the feel of the analog sticks, if these are tighter and feel like those on the 360 controller then they have done their job already. Everything else will just make it that much better.

Easy to develop for console
New controller with a greater feel for fps
Improved psn
Great line up of games thus far
launching same year as the competition

I mean what else can one ask for

4058d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

So...What happens when MS starts having shortages?

People cant seriously expect, MS to ship 13 million xbox units on day one, thats where the other platforms come in.

And is this talking about U.S or the world?
This franchise seems to be big here in the states, elsewhere it does okay.

COD might not breathe with all the heavy competition coming in the holiday, GTA5, AC4, Watch dogs, Battlefield 4, among a few others.

4063d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Wait a second moment, i was told by a certain someone that Sony was supporting all these indies because they were planning on closing more studios due to financial problems.

Now, i am not going mention any names, but you know who you are.

When Kaz became ceo of Sony, he made sure Playstation was one its 3 main pillars is all i will say. But on topic, i just want to say, this is great news, i wonder what GG's new game would be like, 3rd person, 1st person,...

4063d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

My thing is like i said many times before, how many units dos MS plan on launching?

Chances are that they'll suffer from shortages like the others have in the past, and in turn that will force some to just buy the other platform and said game for that other platform as well.

And if you want to talk worldwide, you have to ask yourself if this is what MS is planning to sell the japanese market. God knows how successful american ips are out there, and before...

4063d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So why are there rumors suggesting FF versus 13 will be an exclusive to Playstation 4 in the form of FF 15?

Dont believe me, then google it, and then come back here and talk about financial woes all you want.

As far as i am concerned, this is only huge for a few weeks and then quickly dies out until the next COD game releases. We've been here before and yet both platforms are close in unit sales despite releasing a year later at a higher price tag.

4064d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nah, i am sure MS has a hand on that. But i am wlling to bet there will a watch dogs ps4 bundle, i mean with they already have exclusive content listed for the platform. This will play out like previous Sony/ubisoft partnerships, you'll wait and see.

4064d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I suspect the people who bought the previous iterations will most likely buy these new ones.

Personally, i am just looking forward to GTAV, the last of us, Beyond two souls and FFX on vita, infamous and MGS5.

Killzone does look interesting, i imagine what what the next GT game will look like. I was kinda hoping for a new motorstorm game, oh well.

Level 5, i cant wait to see what they have in store for next gen.

4064d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well i dont have an issue with the respawn deal, i mean if its true that MS is having trouble with some of their other ips at the moment then i dont see why they couldnt make such a move.

Sony still has from what i hear Final fantasy versus 12/FF15 coming out for the Playstation 4 exclusively from what rumors suggest. Besides this they also have the last guardian as well as some other games.

The respawn game to me is like bungie's new game, an unknown and...

4064d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I mean these 3rd party characters you are seeing are just there for marketing purposes even if technically they dont make sense being in this game.

I remember when this game first surfice,many wanted big daddy even though having a character like him in this game didnt make any sense.

Raiden is in this game because of mgs rizing, and the new dante because of the new dmc game coming out. Yet, they stuck with the old hehachi from the old tekken series.

4064d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man if i were in charge i would work on bringing some Sony own characters like...

Gabe logan-Syphon filter
Jennifer tate-Primal
Lil&laarg-Escape plan
Dart felt-Legend of dragoon
Minamoto Yoshitsune-Genji
Nathan hale-Resistance
Leonard-white knight chronicles

4065d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know if anyone got this but he basically said, whats the point in making new ips if the market is saturated and thus the investment is hardly justified.

He is basically expressing his reason why the company would not go out of their comfort zone to take more risks on new ips.

This, kinda thinking is short sided, heck even EA who is used to milking franchises to their grave are taking more risks these days.

Nintendo has successful ips,...

4066d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well i guess we have to wait and see what happens with Final fantasy versus 13/FF15.

Game i believe was rumored to be Playstation 4 exclusive, yet despite carrying a well known brand name it didn't spark an article like this. Must MS who is also rumored to be fallend behind in terms of games for its next gen system announce a 3rd party exclusive in order for headlines like this one surface?

Not to downplay the situation here, but...


4066d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Next shitty article announced...

4066d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4066d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It will most likely end up being another timed exclusive, if it does indeed end up being a true exclusive then thats good news for the MS camp.

I am sure Sony will have its sheer of exclusive games as well, this only makes me think that the wiiu might become a shadow to these two behemoths. I dont know, its too early to say for sure, but i am expecting an all out war between these two.

4066d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

good to hear,

4067d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

True, but here is the kicker, god of war isnt the only franchise being pushed. That is the difference between Sony and Nintendo, giving you both old and new ips versus just old ips with slightly different ways to play. Ask yourself, when was the last time Nintendo released a new ip?

Major difference.

Powerful hardware, killer software, great services, simply Playstation.

Now for those comparing this situation to the ps2 versus ps3, you all ne...

4068d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

And this is why i love Playstation, the new never seems to get old and the old isnt the only thing new.

Powerful hardware, killer software, great services, simply Playstation.

4068d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment