
CRank: 5Score: 59730

I think GT6 on ps4 would fix a lot of issues for sure, namely all the cars would most likely be premium and load faster if at all.

So ill just wait until it gets ported, no offense.

A game like this one requires a powerful system to do it true justice and the ps4 can be its perfect match.

Regardless of my personal opinion i really hope this game sells well.

4055d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i suppose their reason for choosing this location is genuine, but really what does any of that have to do with the actual story and how does any of that play with the canon ending in infamous 2?

Well, i guess they really want to do away with the previous games after all. i love infamous, so i will still give this game a buy and a spin this fall that much is for sure, i just wish this story was more connected to the previous ones.

But who knows that probably m...

4055d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why look at the vita and not the psone, the ps2 and the ps3 which are the platforms the ps4 is following?

Sony is the opposite of Nintendo in the sense they tend to support their home consoles heavily in comparison to their handhelds, whereas Nintendo supports their Handhelds more than they do their home consoles.
Also if you have noticed Sony's home consoles do tend to get more support from 3rd party publishers than their handhelds do, so really Sony could only ...

4055d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

You dont know any of that. FIXED.

4056d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

How many here think Activision will drop support if another COD game under performs on the wiiu?

And i wonder if MGSV is even coming to the wiiu as well, i guess its still too early to tell.

But the issue with losing support from key 3rd party publishers lies in the long waiting gaps between Nintendo releases and how that affects how it performs in comparison to its other platform the 3ds.

I just wish Nintendo would give its home console as m...

4056d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I like the fact they fought to keep the game is meant to be instead of settling for something waterdown.

The game may have that uncharted pov, but judging by the menu screens and the elements involved, i say this game is going to be no joke.

strategy,survival,stealth,a deep menu system,smart ai, its going to be interesting.

4057d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well i dont doubt that we will see a few cross gen titles, GTAV, MGSV,GT6, AC4, just to name a few.

It makes business sense to end one gen in a big way, while starting a new one in the same fashion.

Like i wouldn't mind playing crysis3 on the ps4 or beyond2souls or even the last if us and GTAV for that matter. Some of these current gen games don't exactly look exclusive to the gen,like i feel some games are just being marketed for current gen while ru...

4057d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

you know what they say, where there is fire, there is smoke.

4058d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know whats worst paying for xbox live to use netflix after paying your internet provider as well?

or paying a made up tax on top of an existing one?jk

But seriously, these guys are always looking to come up off the less fortunate whenever one of them buys one of their children a g5. The money these so called PUBLIC SERVANTS have and are making is ridiculous, its no wonder why everyone with a capital wants to be in politics.

So they did...

4058d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont like the smell of this and i think the folks in Tokyo wont budge either, they are most certainly likely to shut down this idea.

4059d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats almost like asking will Japan buy into the next xbox even if it were cheaper than ps4.

Really though it all comes down to games, marketing and services.

A susidize console isn't fooling parents, but christmas is christmas and many will buy on inpulse just because of the holiday.

I honestly believe these two consoles will see an identical price point, from there it will come down to two things, games and marketing.


4059d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Divekick is one of those games i can see falling in this category, but a games primary purpose is to be fun and enjoyable above else. To think otherwise is immuture.

Sometimes i feel like some of these devs talk more like politicians and less like a "GAME" creators its just a shame. Yes, the man is talented and yes he has a right to his opinion, but jeesh what a way to downplay every other game made by someone not jonathan blow.

4059d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My guess is this game will see a ps4 version sometime down the line, something like a special edition with some touches here and there. With this is mind below is a small list of the games i believe will be cross release.

4.Crysis 3
5.Watch dogs(ofcourse)
7.Splinter cell BL
8.COD ghosts(obvious)
10.The last of us

4061d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

maybe sp is lying about cole, maybe cole is still alive and is a secret they are trying to hold onto.

what i do expect however is for the references of infamous 2 to appear i this game in some form.

heck i miss cole already :/

4061d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I know what you mean and I agree, I was sitting here thinking the samething when I read the opinion piece.

That whole "because Sony is Sony" or "because they are Sony" is ill advised and it comes across as stupid. Why? Simply because all 3 platform holders are out to make a profit and hold on to said profit for as long as they possibly can.

Nintendo for example sells cheaper hardware at a premium when you consider whats already out there ...

4062d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here is the thing whoever wrote this articles has to understand, Sony out of the 3 is the one with the most balance period.

The fact that they not only put out more exclusive ips and yet also have every single multiplatform game the other two have means they know what they are doing.

MS outsells everyone here in the U.S thanks in part to marketing, elsewhere Sony does well. Fact is Sony or any other company wouldnt be investing in ips if they werent making an...

4062d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol I know right.

This guy is clearly sufferring from a severe case of delusion.

GT5 alone sold well over 10million units in the mist of a call of duty and an aggressive kinect launch.

Sony has more well established ips than MS does, if anything the only thing MS has over Sony is marketing dollars.

How can MS having more exclusives hurt Sony when both companies have been known to have their share of flo...

4062d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Its simple really, the ps3 will be around for as long as Sony sees it as a viable platform.

The ps3 is profitable and will only get cheaper in existing markets while it migrates new ones in the process.

The ps3 will also ensure that Sony offset some of their ps4 losses early on; my guess is the ps3 will start seeing less and less tripple A(exclusive) games as the time goes on. To emerging markets, the old software will become the new with up to date Indies an...

4063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I simply believe that whatever the ps4 may make Sony bleed the ps3 profits are likely to cover for the most part. So we could be looking at Sony having a flat year during the 2014 period.

Also, some might disagree with me, but I also feel Sony will start charging for its online service, running Gaikai is going to costs alot and they will look for ways to pay for that through both ads and susbcription fees, PlayStation plus will be around but most likely at a higher premi...

4063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah i always found the whole install base excuse weak, i am willing to bet that games that arent coming to the wiiu for this sole reason will appear on the other two platforms even if they happened to have the same install base of 3.5 million as the wiiu.

We seen it with the vita and the 3ds early on, both had a real small install base but still the big 3rd parties had big name ips in the works for 3ds whereas they had no plans on making vita versions.

The i...

4064d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment