♫ Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies... ♫


CRank: 5Score: 73230

The pot calling the kettle black?

573d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Warner Bros. and their greed is going on.

At first i was thinking maybe it's like unique characters with unique gameplay options (King Shark can swim/move heavy stuff/break stuff, melee fighter; Captain Boomerang can craft/repair stuff, use boomerang, mixed melee and ranged; Deadshot plant explosives/interrogate/snipe, ranged; Harley is nimble, small, can fit into tight places, melee and traps). And you had to use your whole team to kill enemies, solve problems and figh...

573d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now it's «Zeders», before it was antivaxxers, before that what, trumpers?.. You can disagree with others without putting derogatory labels on them, you do know that, right? It's like people love to divide themselves. I believe, Lincoln said «A house divided against itself cannot stand». Felt like it was worth it to remind you.

574d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

What?! «Native-American Blackface»? There's nothing american about this, it's about native african people.

In this particular case, it's a papuan (native from Papua New Guinea) and some of them actually look like that (feathers, bright colors and even coloring their lips and around them red - google it). Episode takes place in a history museumm, that's why you see historic weapons (catapults, crossbows, javelins, shields, etc) there and papuan shoo...

575d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's a curse and a blessing, IMO.
On one hand, if you're playing with friends or really good randos (who know what they're doing), you can explore the map quickly. Speedrunners will also probably appreciate this very much.
But if you're playing with newbies or trolls, you're screwed - your partners will never be near when you need them, they'll be on the other side of the map looking at trees or something.

But, personally, i do like...

582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Demon's Souls, Killzone 2-3, Folklore, Drakengard 3, Siren: Blood Curse, Resistance 1-2-3, even MAG, The Eye of Judgment and other obscure titles. Heck, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots makes PS3 a great success in my eyes. And those are only on PS3, no «also on PC». So no Uncharted, Last of Us, Heavy Rain and other great games that started their journey on PS3. Oh, Journey too.

And it sold 87 millions - you objectively can't call...

583d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

After watching IGN preview from a few months ago, this reminds me of Firewatch way too much, just on another planet - no action, just slowly walking through desert talking with your distant partner, pressing buttons and cataloging stuff. Haven't seen any puzzles yet, but maybe they're keeping them a secret for now, who knows.

And no VR in a first person exploration game is kind of a weird choice.

583d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We're not in a Highlander universe. There can be multiple games with good action combat system. It's not a competition, exputer. Stop it. Get some help.

584d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't see any comparsion images on their website, which is a major red flag. Nor anything on techraptor. Who does that? Isn't that the first thing people would be interested to see?

I've tried searching and got a few kinda similar looking results, but they're not a carbon copy. I would say that hats, shoes, scarfs and colors are unique to FFXIV (some pictures of saami have blue and red colors, but they're very bright), not to mention exposed legs (whic...

585d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

At 4:34, you say «Stamina gauge», instead of «Spirit gauge». Which, IMO, is telling that points #6 and #7 are pretty much the same.
I would also say that #3 and #4 are kinda about the similar stuff - verticality allows for more places to be explored and filled with loot. But Nioh also had a lot of places to explore, open shortcuts and such.

Otherwise, game looks very good so far. And i even wouldn't mind if it was similar to Nioh, because i ...

588d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you want to talk semantics - what does «GOTY quality» term you're using even mean? It's factually not a term or has any agreed definition. It has nothing to do with quality or budget (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Hearthstone, Dark Souls II, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Fallout 4, Celeste, Hades, Deathloop are all VGA GOTY contenders, but differ in quality and budget).
9-10/10 score? Only a single game in their list matches this. Game, th...

590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The current title ("2023 Has Already Treated Us To Multiple GOTY Candidates On Xbox") and sentences like «Looking at Metacritic, Xbox has been absolutely inundated with top-quality titles over the past few weeks» in the article are clearly made that way so it looks like those "GOTY" games are exclusive (or currently only available) on Xbox. Otherwise, what's the point of this bragging? Games are available on other consoles*. This is fu...

590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To quote Jonah Jameson: «Hahaha, you serious?»

Here's the list:
Persona 4 Golden (90) - released on a ton of consoles
Dead Space (89) - released on every modern consoles
Hogwarts Legacy (89) - released on a ton of consoles
Hi-Fi RUSH (88) - Xbox and PC, but ok
Persona 3 Portable (87) - released on a ton of consoles
Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition (87) - released in 2019
Monster Hunter Rise (86...

592d ago 51 agree5 disagreeView comment

So you (your company) got the license for a rich world full of characters/creatures/locations /lore/etc and little details in it, so you can create a game and "prosper". But you don't want the person, who made this world and put a lot of effort into it, to "prosper". Why? Because of a tweet saying that sex is real and «People who menstruate» is an idiotic term (it is). Yikes. What kind of backwards logic is this?!

And calling oneself an ...

592d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Combat looks awful, all 8 seconds of it. That "WiFi" icon in top left, half a sec delay between action and reaction, ugh. Is this Action RPG now? Not seeing any party member icons - can you even play as them? Or will there be party members at least?
It's like, with each new version, they go as far away as possible from the original CRPG, turning it into the cinematic barebones RPG first, then MMO-lite, now always online* action RPG. Just why? It's like turning a fam...

597d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I completely agree with you, but what i was thinking - in that trailer, "Countryside", it was a kinda far away deserted place, so few zombies and even slowness made some sense. I was actually thinking that slow searching for items prompt was a choice, like in State of Decay if that makes sense - hold for slow and quiet or quickly tap for faster but noizy search. And it has few containers.

Yep, i was also thinking this is bizarre, but again, they haven't provid...

600d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a far cry from that "Countryside" trailer. Atmosphere is not right. Everything is just empty and so slooooow. It's a town - where are military checkpoints? Where are barricades? Where are the bodies (surely, at least some zombies got killed)? Environments are lacking, feels too clean, like everyone just got teleported somewhere, nothing interesting in sight.
Shooting looks ok, but exploration - meh. I would say that the only thing i've enjoyed is the main ch...

600d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This looks the same as DOSBox version available on GOG. Don't get me wrong, i like this game. But this is barely an improvement. Right now, this game costs $2.76 on GOG, i'm more than sure that it will cost a lot more once released, because it'll be «New & Improved».

Like, their HUD, for some reason, duplicate the current weapon - one is shown on the left ("Wepn"), other on the right ("Weapon") - why? HUD just cuts off on the si...

603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interesting logic, i think FTC should respond with something similar:
Microsoft has *insert their famous software/OS, like Windows, Office, Teams, etc.*, they don't need Activision.
Microsoft has big launch with Halo show, they don't need Activision.
Microsoft has very popular Game Pass, they don't need Activision.
The list can go on.

It doesn't make any sense. It wasn't directly made by SCEE, it was a separate entity ...

603d ago 22 agree3 disagreeView comment

Weird article.

So pink color for female character is enough to make an author write a 1000+ words article? Yikes.

And out of curiosity, i've googled who was responsible for P3P and it was a female, Azusa Kido. She was a producer and writer for FeMC (she even wrote some of Junpei "sexist" dialogue, if i understood correctly). You can search for «Persona 3 Portable official fanbook: Creators Interview» and read for yourself, there...

609d ago 20 agree0 disagreeView comment