♫ Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies... ♫


CRank: 5Score: 70710

TL;DR It had good ideas, but execution was lacking.

First of all, bugs, tons of them - falling through floor, crashes, physics issues, enemy AI not reacting, stealth not working (being seen through walls), etc.

When i first saw it and their gameplay demos, i though it would be like MGS 5, but nope, it was more like less cool team-based 3rd person Far Cry 3 with worse story.

I hated how they cut the game into chunks. Just a few types of ...

676d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Disagree. For some games - maybe, if it's enough to tell the story and fully enjoy the gameplay. But for most of them - nah.

Shorter games will lead to dumbed down stories. Like, would you want a 3 hour Mass Effect story ("those are rippers, they're bad, go kill them" - sounds like a compelling story, right)? I mean, 3 hours in huge RPGs is just a tutorial usually. What i'm trying to say, good stories take time to develop, explain the characters, their...

682d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah-yeah. And Battlefield 2042 was (and still is) an amazing success story and still have buttload of active players with sales through the roof! What you mean, losing FIFA license? You probably meant to say «smart optimization and research into stronger player engagement, EA brand recognition and redirecting non-crucial licensing fee spendings into internal teams» or some other corporate BS speak.

What a slimy person Wilson is.

P. S.: Quote: &...

682d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's weird, this is supposed to be next-gen only, but doesn't look any better that Batman Arkham Knight visually (i would even say that lighting was much better in Arkham Knight). I do like new puzzle, but it felt too easy, almost automatic? I guess it's the first puzzle, but still, you didn't even have to input anything.

Also, animation feels weird, like sometimes it's slower than it should be, other times it felt too fast. And dodge icon and attack ani...

684d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

- Spidey, use your web swing!
- Nah, dude, i don't have that card yet.

694d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I feel like they'll spread themselves too thin. They can't release quality content for Warframe without breaking a bunch of stuff. If they'll start supporting another live-service, either Warframe updates will be released at snails pace or they'll be very small and super buggy (or both). Especially after release of the overhyped New War expansion and how disappointing it was (lore-wise, how «war» was pretty much in the title alone, how after beating it you only got a...

697d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You said «No real solution to stop people from complaining.». I gave you the solution. You're welcome.

711d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they have to add a disk they have to make 2 versions though, not 3. Digital-only owners can buy either version. If the code is still included, a lot less people would be pissed. And to please everybody, they can print 2 discs. Of course, if you want «to stop people from complaining» and not trying to give less. If people care so much about a particular version, they can always preorder. That's what i did for Death Stranding Collectors Edition and Metal Gear Solid V Collectors...

711d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, i understand that. But that doesn't mean that i have to wish them to be successful and such.

I'm actually more afraid that their greed will lead to government interference, which might also lead to worse situation for everybody. Because government usually don't stop at just one thing, they'll have to keep pushing. At least that's how things are where i live.

711d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know it might sound harsh, but i wish all those who try to bring NFT into games will face massive loses and have to shut down. NFTs have no place in games.

711d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I did enjoy the hosts. Wish this had more secrets (rather than just 1 secret compartment and that's it).

But no game disc and no soundtrack disc is just awful. Especially if you live in «cancelled» countries (where they don't have a PSN active). Yet they have included an empty steelcase. Like what is going through their heads?

I heard an excuse that it's not right to add a disc to the owners of digital-only PS5. But that's unbeli...

711d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Then fix your freaking game, fast! It's being 7 months already, for G-d sake! Stop with your stupid marketing and PR bullshit, you need competent developers right now, ASAP.

725d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

1) 2
2) 3, 1
3) Judgement
4) 5
5) 4

Based only on the campaign. 2 was almost perfect; 1 (as a start for the franchise) was amazing too. 3 had some issues, but mostly very enjoyable. Judgement tried to move some stuff around but mostly stayed with the same crew and very basic story. 5 and 4 (campaign-vise) were pretty bad, didn't feel like they were important for the Sera as a whole (maybe that's how it felt to me).

725d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

> It's not a new game, should reviewers play through the entirety of every re-release of Skyrim too in order to check for bugs?
Well, yes, then why don't you just keep copy-pasting one review for every available platform, right? /s
That's not how it's supposed to work. Each platform have their own quirks and issues, reviewer must point that out (at least what they encounter) - graphical bugs, FPS drops, controls and audio issues, netwo...

726d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you don't bother to finish a game you're reviewing, then don't call it a «review», call it something else, «first impressions», for instance and don't rate it. Finishing a game is a must for a review, period. You can try coming up with any excuses you want, but that's what they are - excuses.

If you're reading a review of a book or a movie, you expect reviewer to finish it, not look/read for 15 minutes and th...

726d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

If Bubsy worth remastering, then F-Zero worth resurrecting for sure.

726d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't agree, i think both developers/QA/publishers should find and fix that. But if they released the game in a broken state, then reviewers MUST point that out and lower the score. It's their job. Not able to finish the game (especially a big long RPG) is beyond disappointing.

726d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is not acceptable, no matter how you slice it.

Yet, someone already rated it 7.5/10 https://n4g.com/news/248525...
No wonder why it keeps happening.

726d ago 21 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think we need another E3, did people forgot about plans for E3 2020? Big focus on influencers, celebrities and data collection (whatever that means). Who needs that, seriously? Influencers, celebrities, investors and advertisers is my guess.

Not to mention, with each passing year, i noticed bigger and bigger focus on presentations and interviews (with management and CEOs, not development teams), rather that showing trailers and discussing them. Remember that And...

727d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah, so this is that infamous «Easy mode» /s

730d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment