♫ Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies... ♫


CRank: 5Score: 70920

Do your absolute best. Like your magnus opus. This franchise deserves it. No live service, no multiplayer, no DLC. Much better plot and gameplay than your last Tomb Raider game. I know it sounds harsh, but Legacy of Kain is something very special to me. And "Soul Reaver" was amazing. Oh, and don't screw up controls and camera on PC like you did with "Defiance". Glad to hear they're considering it, especially if you remember that they're not a part of Square Eni...

628d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sad news. Really sad, considering that i love Metro universe (both books by Glukhovsky and games by 4A studios).
I wish no one would die and suffer from this senseless war, not civilians (they're completely innocent, both russian and ukranians), not regular army (they're just doing their job, not the ones that give out orders). I hope that politicians and diplomats would just stop this and start negotiating. And will be responsible in the end for the consequences. But sadly, ...

628d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But didn't Microsoft said they «haven't decided» what to do with Kotick? I can't find any news about their decision if deal will go through. As far as we're aware, they might keep him, because Nadella was praising Kotick. Kotick still will be CEO till the deal closes (so till june of 2023 at least).

And if he'll get fired due to merger, he'll receive a severance package for $15+ million dollars, i believe (maybe more). And he owns a ton of ...

629d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment
642d ago

I wish they would release a soundtrack (especially lossless or Hi-Res one), it sounds amazing! Not sure why they didn't release it simultaneously with the game, but whatever, as long as they have plans to release it.

643d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a match made in heaven, because, as far as i remember, La-Mulana was inspired by Maze of Galious. And it looks very similar to it.

But on the subject of old IPs, Konami is something else. You have a ton of amazing IPs and you're just letting them sit and rot. And then, 30+ years later, they finally remember and decide to make another game.

643d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean, i'm really happy they finally did this. But people were begging (petitions, tweets, emails, facebook and stuff) Sega for years to release Ishin and Kenzan in the west, but Sega was completely ignoring them. Really glad this is changing to the better.

I've bought every physical release of Yakuza games (3, 4, Dead Souls, both Kiwami, 6, 0, both Judgement games and even Fist of the North Star and Binary Domain). That studio is amazing, it's hit after hit. E...

646d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess it went from GaaS (Game as a service) to GAAF (Game as a failure).

I tried it out and it's beyond awful. A few ok ideas and a ton of bad ones. Graphics, lack of cutscenes and comprehensible story didn't help either.

649d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

In the past - sure. When you had games like Rayman, Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon Prince of Persia, Far Cry 2-3-4, Beyond Good & Evil, even Heroes of Might and Magic V and published games like Cold Fear, Warlords and so on. Be proud of that, your legacy is great.

But what you're doing right now? No. And the fact that you don't see any problems with that is very sad.

650d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dunno, as far as i remember, Animus can translate the speech on-the-fly (or rather, as far as i understood, it «transfers» the thoughts of your ancestor, how he/she understood). That's why everyone was speaking english. And even accents were a part of that lore, because with each update (aka, new game), Animus was getting better and better at doing that.
What i'm trying to say, it kind of goes against the Assassin's Creed original lore.

I do...

650d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is sad that they abandon this game so quickly. I remember CD Projekt RED as a company that is persistent.

If anyone had played in their original first Witcher game, before Steam and patches, you would know that is was messy. It had game breaking bugs, random freezes, huge FPS issues and such. But they kept patching it and now it's fully playable.

This is one of the main problems why i kept supporting them, because i knew that they would fix any p...

654d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Original article mentions this, the «Perfect Dark» reboot. It started with Microsoft's own AAAA studio The Initiative (yes, Microsoft called them AAAA studio, whatever that means). And, according to the news, some key staff have left The Initiative and game development was in shambles. So Microsoft have added another AAA studio, Crystal Dynamics, «partnered with» as they've called this. And now you have 2 big studios working on the same project. Not helping, but wo...

656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think people are confusing 2 different problems:
1) Studios delegate some of the things to other studios (like music production, QA, voiceover, mocap and so on) and that was happening for years and years. In the end, one studio is responsible for the project.
2) Studio can't figure out what to do with the game (or something bad happens and they lose stuff or something), so they hire/add another studio and now the game is produced by 2 different teams.

657d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

So, this Sean Baron guy is responsible for all the hiccups? Why wasn't he fired yet? Judging by his experiences, he should 1000% know what the player base wants, that was his job before, isn't it? It looks like he's doing a terrible job: constant delays and problems, even new season is delayed. And season 2 was delayed too, remember? Maybe, instead of advertising a new jacket, mr. Baron should fix the damn live service?!

And another thing - competitive is Halo D...

661d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be fair, if they would make billions on mobile games, that's where they'll continue to pour money into.

I mean, why would they spend hundreds of millions on console games if they can spend significantly less (both time and money) and get more?

You can argue that such move will net them a bad rep or something, but look at Konami, EA, Ubisoft, 2k, Activision, etc. Bad rep doesn't mean squat to them, sadly. Casuals will keep showering them wit...

664d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

And storing extra payment details in other services, even all the disk space they take (it's not that much but still adds up) and keeping in mind the privacy concerns (like Epic launcher used to scan your Steam data). No to mention, they're usually install themselves as a services in your system (for notifications, update etc), autorun on system startup (you can disable it, but by default it's on).

And what i hate the most probably (it's minor, but still) is...

667d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm baffled by people saying stuff like «get a clue». US is affected by inflation, global prices hikes, price hikes of it's own and price in the US is not increasing. So what gives? Either they're trying to use other markets as a way to prevent prices raising in the US (which is not fair to other markets in any way, shape or form) or they're just greedy. Or both.

They're also increasing the prices in Japan and China, the places they're manu...

667d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hope they wouldn't call the third installement «The Lords of the Fallen, the»

669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This was never about purple dildos though, it was about not being afraid to try something different and crazy (hence being a band leader and "evicting" homeless from your turf, becoming a movie star, a president, having an alien invasion, even living in the matrix); to be serious in one scene (trying to save Carlos, for instance) and have him available as a zombie hireling in the next one. Something that GTA can't do, for example; even with Trevor, they always strive for realism...

670d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I fully agree this title is clickbait. They even have "/half-life-2/sequel-stea m" in URL. When i saw the current title («Half-Life 2 sequel launches on Steam, but it’s not by Valve», if it will be changed later), i was expecting a game fully endorsed and/or curated by Valve themselves (like they did with CS:GO), not an independant mod not endorsed by Valve (and not an actual sequel). This is not about a quality, size or whatever else (it does look great on screenshots and...

670d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment