♫ Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies... ♫


CRank: 5Score: 73260

Hope it's not another Screwball. Unless you can kill it.

303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pinata enemies look awful, every hero have same-y traversal (also, is it just me or did the use some similar traversal techniques from Gotham Knights), uses guns, don't feel unique at all (as they should); don't expect much from the story, after seeing that powerful equipment being kept behind a regular glass with no one protecting it. In Arkham City, you had to fight the enemies and do some basic traversal as Bruce before you had access to Batman costume. And keep in mind, this trail...

315d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So i've played GTA IV for 5 hours (couldn't get into it) in total and GTA V for like 10 hours (lost interest as well). Where's the rest of my money, Strauss? Or what, it should only work in your favor? Not gonna happen. Does that mean that GTA VI will be slow and full of padding? What about microtransactions? When will your greed end, Strauss?

317d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then why they were teasing it like 2 years ago (that "Mass Effect will continue" image)? «Look at this teaser, do you want a new Mass Effect game? Do you? Yes, you do, yes you do. Well, tough luck! Wait 6+ more years!» So ridiculous. What's the point?! Why are they hyping anything that's so far away?

319d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ewww. Looks like a mix of PUBG and Ghost Recon Breakpoint. And that's not a compliment. Even the video cover art looks like Breakpoint promo screenshots.

And is it just me or does looting look identical to Tarkov? Medkit on the right looks like Salewa first aid, stimulants are identical looking.

It's like the game doesn't have an original bone in its body, everything is taken. Like it's a mix of PUBG + Tarkov + Breakpoint + CoD + Battlefie...

320d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

6. Play with japanese dub
It's my personal opinion, but english Kiryu just sounds awful. In japanese, he sounds badass, as he should be.

320d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a tool - it's great and helps a lot sometimes, saves time and money; other times, though, it takes more time to fix everything than to do it manually. Especially in coding.

But replacing, as someone've said on n4g recently, 85% of the writers/voice actors/artists/modellers/etc, that's:
not good
should not be celebrated or painted as inevitable
should never happen

And, in my opinion, "AI" will not take ga...

322d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think Cliff Bleszinski have any understanding of what made the God Of War reboot great (judging by his previous games, after leaving Epic). And making a carbon copy of God Of War wouldn't work with Gears of War because focus is completely different.

I wish they would expand on Gears 1 and 2, more choices that lead to completely different maps, better controls, 4 players coop (1 team going map A route, 2nd team - route B) and such. Turn Judgement style challe...

325d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would be scared to death if some old decaying mummy was holding my hand while i was playing

326d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

No Solitaire? Bad list /s

326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is not only top management and senior developers, you know that, right?

What about customer support stuff, junior devs, QA, engineers, hell, even security and people who clean their offices? Not everyone at Microsoft is a millionaire living in a nice house, you know.

328d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Deep Dark Fantasy? [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅3ο̲̅̅ο̲̅̅)̲̅$̲̅]

P. S.: Hope it'll happen and will be complex RPG, not some basic one. At the very least, Remedy will make an interesting story.

331d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If i saw «It's a Good Day to Play» somewhere (without Xbox logo), i would've thought it has something to do with Playstation. Only, why just one day? Why not «time»? "Good day" (at least to a foreigner) sounds like saying goodbye.

I might be wrong, but something like "Its a Good Time to Game(pass)" might sound a little bit better.

335d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That Github repo was actually created after a previous ToS blunder they had (here's the announcement - https://blog.unity.com/comm... and they were updating it ever since. They themselves made a commitment. And then they removed this sneakily repo without saying a word to anyone, right before announcing runtime fees for the first time. Not ...

368d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

First, they've removed Terms of Service from github, just 'cuz, so no more transparency (is there a new version? What changed? Read ToS every week with a lawyer to be safe), the trust is broken.
Then, they also started requiring 3 day online check ups. And they also increased the price of the subscriptions, 'cause why not?!
After that, they introduce those ridiculous runtime fees. And after developers started to revolt, what they do? They didn't back down, in...

369d ago 19 agree0 disagreeView comment

This looks bad. Not the idea itself, but the fact that there's no additional separator between currently viewing submission and related ones. They're cramped so close to each other.
And the fact that it loads and shows comments automatically, it gets kinda confusing when you're scrolling and seeing 5 or more comments sections. I bet it will lead to a lot of wrong responses or out-of-context responses.

Visual separation would've helped. Or even loadi...

374d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Feels really weird to see this ad pinned on the main page of n4g. I get that Christopher is probably being forced to do so, that it wasn't his idea. But still, it rubs me the wrong way.
Not to mention, this article is just a way to give you a referral link to amazon, so they can get even more money from you, feels dirty. And it's posted in "News", even though they have a "Deals" category.

397d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

IMO, The Walking Dead needs something like Aliens: Dark Descent. It had stakes, working as a team, feeling of being haunted and a plot. This looks like The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct in third person so far. Which is not a good thing.

405d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

> My man, split screen has been around, I called it a dinosaur...
Come on, dude, everyone knows that when you're calling something "a dinosaur", it means it's outdated, out-of-fashion, extinct, dead and buried, no longer exists (or should no longer exist).
I even tried searching for slang meaning and it's mostly (like 95%) in the context i've described.

And even if you your original message, you're ...

410d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Split screen was here for decades - at least from Sega Genesis. It wasn't taxing on previous games (including Forza), but now it's suddenly a problem? On a next-gen console? That's BS and you know it.

Personally, i love it, i can play with my friends and family. And it's cheaper and more convenient too (don't need to buy and bring another console ($400+), buy another copy of a game ($60+) and bring it; instead of just buying anot...

410d ago 20 agree1 disagreeView comment