♫ Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies... ♫


CRank: 5Score: 73230

You bring up a good point (about digital-only PS5 owners), but still, why would they need a steelbook?

I also agree with you that they're just saving a few bucks. It reminds me when some publishers started putting a piece of paper instead of actual instruction books. And now they're not putting anything (at least my PS5 Demon's Souls copy just had the disc and nothing else). Gotta save every penny, i guess.

464d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Collector's edition without a game, but with a steelbook. Statue looks cool and all, but what's the point of steelbook, troll the unaware customers? «Here's a steelbook. What, you can't find a physical disc? Guess you gotta buy another copy, that'll be $70 :trollface:»

464d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Too bad some spineless fanboys will buy this and Blizzard will keep doing this. Because even after all the outcry and bad PR they got, they still have the audacity to charge players $15 for 3 lousy missions. I've bought Lord of Destruction and The Frozen Throne for less. Disgusting.

468d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Phantom Liberty isn't released yet, so it didn't deliver on anything yet. Don't repeat the overhyping and overpromises approach. Don't you remember what've happened with Cyberpunk 2077 release?
Once this expansion will be available to the general populace, then we'll talk.

470d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

TL; DR: IMO, if the game is good, i can overlook 30 FPS locked; But gamers have every right to complain, they're paying money for product with a missing or not correctly working feature (60 FPS performance mode).


While i agree with you in theory (if the game is great, i will look past the 30 FPS only, although i would enjoy it a lot more if it was 60 FPS; example - Link: Faces of Evil, it play so much better with 60 FPS remas...

470d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jeez, just don't answer the question, instead of giving us this childing PR spin. "Creative decision" is beyong dumb. Like yeah, Todd and the team are sitting on a meeting at Bethesda headquaters and Todd's saying: «I only see Starfield with 30 FPS. This is my vision. I wouldn't have it any other way. 60 FPS will sabotage the game success. Staff, remove every optimization, stat!».

There's a saying, «Better to remain silent and be tho...

471d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not a fan of this changed art style. And melee looks kind of clunky. That ice spell at 1:37 looks off, like it just paused all the animations after axe hit and some shards are floating in midair. Lip sync is off too.

Not trying to be too critical, but that first trailer was looking much better (i know it was CGI and i'm not talking about the graphics here, they're servicable), this feels like a downgrade. Really hoping that Obsidian will not disappoint.

472d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Blizzard themselves, who else? More than sure they have all sorts of telemetry and logs, 24/7 support teams, emergency alerts in case of ANY problems. Especially if this is a special case, quote, "first level 100 hardcore player" (and this can be used as a positive PR for their newely released game).

475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the gear and all the time spent are now wasted. Online-only and hardcore characters are a match made in hell, that's for sure. Few hiccups with your internet connection or something happening on Blizzard servers and you might say «Bye-bye» to all your work.

Weird that Blizzard doesn't have an autosave/backup in case of a confirmed server error (this was a confirmed server error, right?). But maybe that's done on purpose, who knows.

475d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Knowing Neil Druckmann, you'll have to subvert your expectations. Keep thinking you'll never get it and Niel might actually surprise you. Though, he might have another twist up his sleeve - masseuse might have a "surprise", if you catch my drift. You never know with that guy.

477d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

What a shitshow... Over a year of silence, mind you. What if i already own every game on the list (bought Star Wars Heritage Pack, for instance)? No answer to that, for some weird reason. And they're giving you only [one] old SW game.

Thank G-d this company have nothing to do with KotOR Remake anymore. And they've actually released this version broken as well. So tired of this overpromise and underdeliver approach.

479d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

One would even ask why Sony have purchased Bungie in the first place. If every Bungie game's gonna be multiplatform GAAS anyway.

484d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

There's no behavior for this "Jin" NPC, just a standing talking emotionless head. Not even saying "Hi" to the potential customer. Guess AI doesn't know what "manners" are, huh?
"What? Powerful crime boss is wreaking havoc in a city? I'll go talk to him." Who're you playing as, a freaking superman? Sounds kinda dumb.

I wonder, does this "dialog" always leads to the same results, just with different ph...

485d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So now Marathon is a PVP extraction shooter? Just... why? What's next, Oni? But instead of 3rd person brawler/platformer, it'll be something like PVP roguelike dungeon crawler, huh?

489d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Personally, i would take OG Xbox and Xbox 360 generations over Xbox One and Xbox Series SX gens combined. So many great games and franchises. And actual exclusives.

492d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally, i think in the next 3 years at least nothing like that will happen. If ever.

Current AI (actually just a neural network) are amazing but very limited and only good at one thing pretty much. NN forgets what you were talking about if the dialog is long enough. They can start repeating themselves or changing characters/dialog.
You can't feed them too much information all at once (hence, they can't keep the whole plot in mind yet). You'll need e...

493d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

This whole response reads like «You'll get scraps and you'll love them!!1»
'member the attitude "Release when it's done"? Those were the good times.

> "We were trying to do too many things at once and we lost focus"
So mismanagement. Why nobody was fired though? Like producers and project managers? It's their responsibility to keep the project within a certain scope.

> "Our pla...

494d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Minecraft, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Highfleet, Besiege, Gamecraft, From The Depths and a ton of other games. Your point?

499d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you're criticizing one games' performance (aka, it's affecting your score) and do not criticize the other or acting like, quote, "majority of people who play this game are not expecting 30fps" (it's from an article) - it is hypocritical. This is not about 30 fps only, this is about not hitting 30 fps 100% of the time (aka, performance issues) and sweeping that under the rug for the game you like. Both games have a problem here (not hitting ...

500d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

No, it is hypocritical, stop with the mental gymnastics. Yes, one is an old hardware and other is brand new SSD machine. But:
a) It's Nintendo problem that their hardware can't handle the game and they don't release the next console/revision yet;
b) Both games are exclusives and should show the best the console can perform.

I can kinda agree that Redfall should be criticized more (because of how much extra power they can use). But Zelda must be...

500d ago 33 agree25 disagreeView comment