♫ Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies... ♫


CRank: 5Score: 73260

«Tempest» with water and lighting, blue-green color scheme, wow, so original. I've got a new idea - «Volcano» with power of fire and earth, brown-red color scheme, ain't it great?! /s

Cinematic in the trailer is so cheapely made, for anything Blizzard-related, it's such a shame. Also, looks like they combined monk and blood knight(?) abilities, kinda makes it look like an afterthought.

How the mighty have fallen...

129d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

[REDACTED] followed by [REDACTED] airs [REDACTED] with your hosts [REDACTED], [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. More [REDACTED] has been redacted.

148d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Freaking A, man. I can't fathom why it's so hard to understand for some people. It's duffel bag from Fallout 69 all over again, they advertise one thing and you're getting the other. And it doesn't matter how small the change is. And those changes are never made in customers favor, quite the opposite. This is why we can't have nice things. And some people are defending this, pfffft.

And before people claim it's not censors...

150d ago 30 agree10 disagreeView comment

- No, hey, man, if we're gonna wear uniforms, man, you know let's have everybody wear something different.
- Yea, that's it. Yea, we want something where everybody wears something different, man, but the same, you know?

160d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really depends on how enjoyable those 9 hours will be. And we will have to wait and see, i guess.

If the game will be 9 hours of gameplay, full of interesting battles with an engaging combat system, good puzzles, atmosphere and story (with right direction and satisfying ending) - sure, 9 hours is plenty.

But if it's 9 hours of cutscenes, slow walking, awkward combat, braindead puzzles - dunno, not worth it, in my eyes.

IMO, games no...

161d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would also add awful boss battles (those werewolves - ugh) and the ending was very meh.

Other than that, i did enjoy the game, the graphics, the world, the gun play... But yeah, also very short, got platinum in 8h total without trying much or following guides.

162d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Boogerman, Binding Of Isaac, Fallout, Postal and Scorn, here i come, smell away!

162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Interesting concept"?! This is beyond idiotic.

First of all, developers have a salary and they earn a pretty decent wage.
Next, tipping culture is awful overall and should be abolished, i think. People don't see it as a token of gratitude for the job done well (as it should be), they see it as their own money that you must give them, no matter how they do the job. Look at some places, tips became mandatory and they are a fixed percent of your order, ...

164d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's weird, this "Story Kitchen" have so many projects in the works:
Disco Elysium
It Takes Two
Life is Strange
My Friend Pedro
Sleeping Dogs
Slime Rancher
Streets of Rage
Vampire Survivors

I can kind of understand how to shoot a interesting movie based on Disco Elysium or Sleeping Dogs, heck, even My Friend Pedro can be made into a stylish short action film (...

164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ignoring the weird "you don't have the money for this game" argument, look at «The Crew» from the same ol' Ubisoft - you can have all the money and internet in the world, you just can't play the game, because the servers are down, not in singleplayer, not in multiplayer.

With this Star Wars game though, you can't even install it. This is not ok, this should never be the case. You shouldn't need to download even a si...

164d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is beyond disgusting. Stealing in the daylight pretty much. Hope Yves Guillemot and his goons will get to court. So Ubisoft can heal and get back to games like original Prince of Persia, Rayman, Splinter Cell and such.

Really glad that Ross Scott is doing StopKillingGames.com, hope it will succeed. Wish more people would spread the word

166d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry, but i get this right, you basically wasn't using their subscription (don't play sports game or NFS and the games you were interesting, you were just buying outright), yet you were paying for it anyway, because it was cheap?

If yes, then how about maybe paying me $5/mo? My subscription is much cheaper than EA Play and comes with no benefits to you as well! %) Just kidding, no offence meant

168d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another Michael Pachter wild take? Come on, guys, you're too late, april 1st was like a week ago.

P. S.: Did you know that this "analyst" have a "show" on youtube? It's called "Pachter Factor", this quote is from s9e18 and yes, people do correct him in a comment section.

172d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

IMO, what @-Foxtrot means, one years doesn't mean much. It's a start, yes, but they need more, much more.

Look at your own example, No Mans Sky - they didn't just release one patch and everyone started praising them, no. They've been doing this consistently. If Microsoft will start releasing good games consistently, that'll be great, no ifs and/or buts! But hyping them up in advance (no worthy releases yet is what i mean) - dunno, i...

174d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would say, we shouldn't look at Microsoft themselves, they have a ton of revenue streams - Windows sales, hardware sales, Office sales, Azure, government contracts, certification programs, etc. We need to look at Xbox - hardware sales are in decline (Xbox 360 > Xbox One > Xbox Series S + X combined). GamePass subscribers aren't growing enough and, according to the Microsoft docs, are at plateau. Games sales are abysmal (both physical and digital, than...

177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But the person is doing a bad job and the company (including customers) are suffering because of that, how can you not blame him? The reason for high paying is the decisions you make and the responsibility you take for your actions steering the company in the right direction (if company is doing bad, it's your fault; if company is doing good, it's because of your decisions).

It reminds me of that South Park Bill Owens parody ("Follow that ...

178d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would say the word is «Mismanagement» and «Greed» (don't confuse greed and capitalism though). Top management is making terrible decisions that cost the company more money and earning less than expected. Sony's live service plans comes to mind; Epic, for some reason, bought Bandcamp and sold to Songtradr (owner of 7digital and other music stores), SuperAwesome they only bought to own Kids Web Services (and they kept them); Embracer bit o...

178d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

You know what's the worst part (aside from this abomination existing and how they massacred my boy Rocksteady)? I can't even kill this cosplayer. Instead of Brainiac and the Justice League, i would've gladly killed him.

180d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

- Hey, listen, I sold two skins last night. How's that?
- Oh, yeah? All right, Holmes. Who'd you sell 'em to?
- Me.
- Oh, man, shit. Man, we're gonna starve to death, man.
- No, not with me, man. I'm a good customer.

182d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Weird list of restrictions, especially:
> Some may have a limited availability period
> Some exclusive to region and/or platform

And Asmongold? Eww. At least, i can throw him off the cliff, i guess. Tired of seeing his face all over youtube recommendations with his "reactions".

186d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment