
CRank: 6Score: 34210

Except that in their twitter feed they said that anyone who messes with Nintendo or Sega messes with them.

Also stated that they'd be happy to hack FOR Nintendo or Sega.

That doesn't sound very MS fanboy to me. Sounds more like retro gamers.

4759d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hi Adrian, I read the article so here's my comment:

Your article seems to lack focus and a cohesive arguement. For example:

"What games have you shown me since the Kinect launched that I should buy this thing? Dance Central. Kay. You didn’t support this peripheral and now you want to convince me that this camera is worth something all of a sudden?"

You have just complained that there wasn't enough Kinect support when it was...

4764d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes. How dare MS makes games for more than 1 segment of the market.

First people complain that Microsoft should have more variety than just shooters, and then complain that they should stick to shooters when they show different games.

I really dislike the attitude of many gamers this generation. It used to be all about supporting developers and celebrating great games. Now it's about complaining about every little thing, from the number of polygons in a ...

4768d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just so you know, the 'incompetant dev' is actually made up of ex-Bungie employees (including one of the leads on Halo since the beginning, as well as devs from other studios that have worked on Metal Gear Solid 4, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter and more.

Seems like a bit of a dream-team to me! And clearly with Waypoint and the Reach map pack they've spent time familiarising themselves with the universe.

I'm optimistic that it won't pull...

4768d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Are you seriously saying that GTA IV, DMC4 and FFXIII are worse because they went multiplatform?

You do realise DESIGN isn't affected by platform? The developers don't sit around going "well, we had better take some fun out of the game because the Xbox 360's fun processor is only 7638gHz".

Gameplay comes from the game DESIGN, not from the hardware itself. If you take a game from the 360 and stick it on PS3 it doesn't instantly become...

4769d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I played half of The Witcher 2 with a controller on PC (and other half with keyboard and mouse).

The controls do indeed match perfectly, reminiscent of Fable's controls.


A for interact
X for fast attack
Y for strong attack
B for magic
Left-trigger for quick-menu (change magic shortcut, etc)
Right-trigger for block / dodge, if I remember correctly

Works great! I was wonder...

4772d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

I loved the open world of Red Faction Guerilla...why the switch from open and expansive to linear and enclosed?..

Makes no sense at all to me. There are enough linear first and third-person shooters, having a good open world to mess around with the destruction in was one of the best things about the previous one.

Probably won't be picking this one up with Infamous 2 launching the same day here.

4773d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least we have choice now!

My dad loves his iPad to bits. I'd go with Honeycomb if a few more tablet games and apps were available for it.

Probably give it a year to mature and take the plunge.

4775d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd treat this as simply an overly loyal employee of Bioware, rather than the entire studio's opinion.

There are assholes who work in every company.

4787d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this article actually reported facts instead of turning something mostly unrelated to gaming into an Xbox-bashing fest, it would have reported that Microsoft has stated that they WILL continue to support Skype on non-Microsoft products.

See: Microsoft Office for Mac OS X.

4794d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Portal 2 was due to be release April 21st (Thursday) in Australia, so we're getting it early.

EB Games, the largest game retailer here is also monitoring its Steam release date and changing their retail release in response (at the moment it's been pulled ahead to Wednesday instead).

4817d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When playing Pokemon Black, I kept noticing all the effects like leaves blowing across the screen and 3D-rendered environments on the DS.

Makes me wonder if they're planning to make the usual Platinum / Emerald / Diamond / etc compilation version for the 3DS?...That would seriously boost 3DS sales (although apparently they're selling out in Australia).

The only question is, what could they call it? Pokemon Grey sounds boring, but Pokemon Chrome could ...

4827d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"FURIOUS gamers made ill by Nintendo's new 3DS console have been REFUSED full refunds."

I get FURIOUS when I see people RANDOMLY using CAPS-LOCK for no apparent REASON other than to make the reading voice in your head SHOUT.

4830d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now I'm going to be picturing him whenever I play Halo online...

What we need is a battle between Halo and Unreal Tournament's announcers.

4837d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hate to interrupt, but in Australia we DO pay > $100 US for our games.

Average PS3 and 360 game price is $109.95 AUD (which converts to almost the exact same in US dollars).

Don't complain about prices until you've had to pay through the nose here. A quick guide to our prices, in US dollars:

Nintendo 3DS: $349 US
Nintendo 3DS game: $69-89 US
New release PC game: $89 US
New release console game: $109 US

4841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm hoping by "dramatic innovations" they mean it won't be a direct sequel in terms of gameplay.

While 343 does have several ex-Bungie devs, I'd prefer them to try something a bit different to advance the series and prevent comparisons to Bungie's games.

Otherwise it can end up a bit like the Harry Potter movies where despite the same ingredients and cast the changes in director / crew can make the series a bit schizophrenic and inv...

4843d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment


For 90% of games, you aren't even aware that DRM is there! It's not difficult just typing a serial code in when you install the game or keeping the disc in the drive.

It's only bad system's like Ubisoft's that actually affects your experience. Others you probably don't even know is there unless you specifically look for it.

It's not like we complain about our cars having security systems that inconvenience us ...

4845d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well, did you know that most perpetrators of school shootings travelled there by car or bus?! These terrible modes of transport are murder-enablers! Henry Ford should be ashamed of himself for inventing such things!

See, I can make leaps of logic too! I can haz law degree now?

4849d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, considering this is a patch and not DLC, what are you expecting for offline gamers? Have you really come across all that many bugs in Botzone that are ruining your experience?

Plus, I think they figure if you have your PS3 connected to the internet to be able to get patches, then you probably also use that internet to play online. ;)

4862d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I noticed I was usually the only medic on my team.

Still, I kept with it. While my Kill/Death ratio looks terrible, I'm a team player and reviving teammates is just as important in my mind.

This should help make me more efficient though, and hopefully persuade some people to take the plunge and be a medic. All Killzone's multiplayer modes are for TEAMS, so it's about time people stopped worrying about their own numbers and helped the others fighti...

4862d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment