
CRank: 6Score: 34210

A solid state drive would be awesome if it could really let you resume a game in a few seconds even after quitting. Sounds sort of like the 'Hibernate' mode on Windows laptops, or how on the 3DS and Vita you can go back to the main menu and do some things or put it to sleep without the game closing.

4647d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is a PSP-2000 (speaker holes higher, but sides not rounded off like the 3000).

But either way, an OLED screen will ALWAYS look far better than LCD in contrast, black levels and response time.

4665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you talking about graphics or screen quality?

Because graphics: honestly no, not even close (see: BF3, Crysis 2). But it looks amazing for a handheld.

And screen: actually yes, I can't wait until OLED monitors are available for a decent price. So far there have only been a few at about 17-inches costing $20,000-40,000.

Luckily Samsung's huge usage of OLED screen for portables is bringing prices way down.

4665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

AMOLED does not signify the use of a PenTile matrix (ie: RGBG pixel configuration as opposed to RGB). It's actually just a note of where the pixel controller is.

Samsung have just gotten in the habit of using name differentiations to indicate PenTile (Super AMOLED) vs standard (Super AMOLED Plus) configurations for their Super AMOLED line.

So I spo...

4665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whether it was made by Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Apple or freaking McDonalds I don't see any issue with reporting issues a new product may be experiencing, whether on a small or large scale.

I fail to see how reporting an issue is bad journalism on Kotaku's part.

4665d ago 19 agree13 disagreeView comment

I'm really glad Sony went with an AMOLED screen for the Vita.

Since owning a Samsung Galaxy S (and now S II) I can't go back to LCD.

4666d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

@r21 - What about the Vita recognising the case covers / spines so when you browse through a game store, all the game info, screenshots and trailer will pop-out around it if you focus on one game.

Then, when moving around browsing the shelves you just see the name, genre, developer and maybe metacritic score sticking out in front of each game hologram-style.

4668d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like it too...but they're so TINY!

I would sort of prefer the same width but the height scaled up to the same as a Blu-Ray case so it can fit better with movies and PS3 games on shelves or stacked.

4668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a staggered update around the world, so each region will be receiving it at different times over the next 2-3 days or so to prevent server congestion.

The first regions have received it now.

4678d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@NoWayOut: Wanting a PS4 does not make you ignorant, but dismissing others without even knowing anything about them is.

4679d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

It seems a bit blind to already declare allegiance to a product that doesn't even exist yet.

So, no matter if somehow the PS4 was garbage and the Xbox 720 turned out to be made of unicorn dust and rainbows, you'd still reject MS's product 'just because'?

Don't you think that's a tad ignorant?

4680d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment


Not sure how it works for console, but on PC in the battlelog if you click on the lower-right list of friends, as well as a speech bubble to start a chat there should be a 'play' button (triangle) to jump into their game if any server spots are available.

Seems weird this would be missing from console version.

4715d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it would be more controversial is multiplayer was NOT the focus, since Battlefield has always been a multiplayer title.

From the early reviews, it looks like Battlefield 3 might have the best multiplayer (jeeps and tanks and planes, oh my!) and Modern Warfare 3 might have a better singleplayer, short as it inevitably will be.

Wish I could go to one of the midnight launched for BF3 tonight. Apparently some EB Games stores are doing nerf gun battles wi...

4720d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, Heavy Rain was good with Move, but playing Resistance 3 and Killzone 3 was very awkward.

In particular, the crosshair seemed like it needed some movement smoothing as it was quite jittery and always seemed to be moving at a lower framerate than the game itself. Twisting the controller to reload also threw my aim off each time.

I'm in the camp where I prefer motion-controlled games to be built entirely for motion controllers, as opposed to modifying ...

4722d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Good point, but I only included games that were not available in the launch window.

4722d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Why is Dance Central a bad choice? Just because many gamers are too self-conscious to have a good time. ;)

Metacritic for Dance Central 2: 86

When did that become bad?

4722d ago 11 agree17 disagreeView comment

All those games had optional move support, and in all honesty were much better with a standard controller.

4722d ago 12 agree21 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I hate Fruit Ninja Kinect, Child of Eden and Dance Central 2.


4722d ago 11 agree25 disagreeView comment

I've noticed at the end of all the battlefield trailers it does that thumping noise. First time I watched a trailer for it was on my phone and I thought my phone speaker was dying. O_O

Even though MW3 and Battlefield 3 supposedly have the same marketing budgets, I've seen and heard a lot more stuff around bf3. Generally seems to have more positive buzz too. Step up Activision and start convincing us why we need mw3!

4727d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Unfortunately I had a horrible start with Dead Island, and as such have only played 1 hour total according to my Steam account.

I had upgraded to 2 x GTX 580 SLi and bought Dead Island on Steam about a week or so after release. After letting it update and start, my GPUs seemed to be rendering frames so fast that the screen was tearing every few centimetres! Not only that, but it was constantly stuttering as I looked around.

After applying fixes and forcing Vs...

4734d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment